Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1241: 叶晨风出手

"Sorry for God!"

The spirit fish and the king of Lei Chao violently killed thousands of strokes. She relied on absolute power to block the big killings of the king wearing the show, and punched a punch at his chest.

A fist blast, space riots, terrible regrets, like a doomsday, slammed on the body of the thunder, and shocked him to a retreat, a stream of blood flowing along his mouth. Come out.

"Thunder wearing the king is hurt!"

The thundering king who looked at the bleeding of his mouth, everyone in the room was stunned, and the eyes that looked at the spirit fish changed greatly.

"Well, the king has forgotten how many years have not been injured!" Lei Wang Wang wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, glaring at the spiritual fish: "Today, let you see, the real card of the king."

Speaking, Lei Chao Wang burned a powerful blood force, and a terrible soul power awakened in his body.

With the power of the powerful blood and the soul power of this awakening, the strength of the king wearing the king instantly crossed the nirvana and the strength of the Nirvana realm in a short time.

The strength has skyrocketed, and the attacking power of the king has become extremely terrible. With an overwhelming advantage, it has suppressed the attack of the spirit fish, forcing her to retreat.

"This, how should this end!"

Seeing the spirit fish forced out the king's card, and the battle was fierce. Zhou Shanlong and others suddenly panicked, and some were overwhelmed and looked at Ye Chenfeng.

"Zhou Jiazhu, don't panic, I promise you have nothing to do with Zhou!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and looked at Zhou Shanlong and others who were flustered and said slowly.

"What is his snuggle?"

Looking at the calm and calm face of Ye Chenfeng, Zhou Xue’s uneasiness suddenly disappeared. She squinted her eyes and kept thinking in her heart. What kind of means will Ye Chenfeng use to solve Zhou’s crisis?

"Thunder three strikes!"

Relying on the absolute strength to suppress the offensive of the spirit fish, Lei Chuan suddenly exerts a big killing trick, and in a moment, launches a heavy deadly killing stroke to the spirit fish, and the rapid rotation of the map of the thunder is even more The boundless stream of water rushed to the spirit fish and wanted to kill her.

"Stars are gone!"

In the face of the big killings of the king wearing the show, the spirit fish did not dodge, but cast a heritage to meet.

She played the true blood and the rolling force to the extreme, and blasted a star-like blow that struck the three-shot thunder with the rushing thunder.


The thunderous bang rang in the sky above Zhou Jiafu, and the terrible sound was like the anger of Raytheon, which made people feel fearful.

After the loud noise, the power of a volcanic eruption blooms in midair, and the fierce bombardment in the body of the spirit fish and the thundering king destroys their body defense and damages their strength.

The strength of the spirit fish is strong, but it can beat the Nirvana people's peaks and powers. However, in the face of the use of the cards and the promotion of the king to the Nirvana, she is still invincible and was injured by the terrible destruction.

"Go to hell!"

Catch the soul fish injury, the timing of the body out of control, a long bow of the ancient Daobao level appeared in the hands of the king of Lei, he controlled the rolling soul and the Tao into the long bow of the ancient road, bowing and archery, A deadly sword was shot at the spirit fish.

"Bronze Sword Soul, Broken!"

At the crucial moment, Ye Chenfeng controlled the bronze sword spirit to fly out of the soul sea, such as a touch of cold stars, and the light arrow that Ray Chao Wang shot, crashed his fatal blow and saved the spirit fish.

"Spiritual fish, you are fine!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the pink face with a pale squid, and quickly put a avenue into her mouth, asking for concern.

"I have nothing to do with the morning wind brother, I can fight again!" The spirit fish shook his head and said nothing.

"Spirit fish, give him to me, I will give you revenge!" Ye Chenfeng did not want the spirit fish to take risks again, slowly said.

"Well, Mommy, give me a lesson to teach him!" The fisherman nodded and said with resentment.

"Do not worry, I will let him pay the price of blood!"

Just Ray King wants to shoot the spirit fish, completely touched Ye Chenfeng's counter-scale, let him kill the king.

When finished, Ye Chenfeng sacrificed the best dragon ice sword, which turned into a speedy sword light, and a sword stabbed the king.


Ye Chenfeng hits the speed quickly, and Lei Chao Wang immediately pulls the ancient road Bao long bow and wants to shoot Ye Chenfeng.


The light arrows that blocked the vanity came, and Ye Chenfeng did not dodge. He summoned the sacred sacred armor of the quasi-sacred level, and protected the whole body, and regretted the light arrows.


When dozens of light arrows hit the sputum of the sputum, they were immediately shattered by the anti-seismic force generated by the scorpion scorpion, dissipated in midair.

"What, this is the quasi-sacred warrior!"

Looking at the sacred mysterious armor that emerged from the body of Ye Chenfeng, Lei wears a wide eye of Wang Hao, revealing the color of horror.

He knows the value of the quasi-sacred warfare suit. Even if he is a Lei nationality, the quasi-sacred warfare suit is also the most precious treasure. Only their patriarch or a few outstanding elders are qualified to wear, which makes him speculate. The identity of the morning wind.


Just as he was distracted, Ye Chenfeng’s soul broke out in his mind, forming a terrible dizzy force that rushed into his soul sea, causing his soul to tremble and his reaction to appear a little slow.


Ye Chenfeng was volleyed one step at a time, and appeared on the top of Lei’s head. He stepped out and broke out. He formed a terrible big footprint, suppressed the heavens and the earth, and stepped on the head of Lei Wang.

Aware of danger, Lei Chao Wang quickly defended, relying on absolute strength to resist the hegemony that Ye Chenfeng stepped on.


The thunder of the king’s body trembled, and he was trampled on the ground with a foot full of billions of force, and pulled a large pit from the ground.

Although Lei Yongwang relied on absolute strength to resolve most of the hegemonic attacks, but the terrible Yu Wei still hurt him, and his self-esteem was greatly affected.

"Thunder three strikes!"

The head of the gray head, the thunder of the mouth and the blood of the thunder, Wang Zhen shattered the stratum, armed with a Thunderbolt gun to launch a deadly attack, want to kill Ye Chenfeng, use his blood to wash the shame.


The thundering king mobilized the power of the infinite thunder, and Ye Chenfeng read it in full force.

The eighty-one road of the best sword flew out of his body, condensed into a terrible sword figure, blocked in front of Ye Chenfeng, and the three-shot thunder struck in the air.

"Eight-one is the best sword, who is this guy!"

Feeling the level of the sword of the Eighty-one, the thunder of the king’s heart is even more troublesome.

Although he is the king of the Lei nationality, there is only one ancient Taobao, and he has a superb device.

And the five-level beasts of the beastly realm Ye Chenfeng not only has the quasi-sacred warrior, but also has 81 best swords, which makes him doubt whether Ye Chenfeng is the king of the gods.

"The combination of Qiankun swords and swords, one hit!"

Through the Qiankun sword array to resist the thunder and three strikes, Ye Chenfeng and Lei Chuan Wang were fiercely killed in midair. When the mysterious soul power in his body quickly subsided and the strength began to decline, Ye Chenfeng controlled eighty-one. The swords merged together and turned into a giant sword, and a sword smashed into the king.

The heroes who ran through the king’s continuous spurt were smashed by the smashing smashing, full of the power of destruction, enough to smash the mountains and rivers, and the giant swords smashed in the thundering guns that thundered the king’s head. A sword cut off the thunderbolt gun of the top grade, and thundered the king from the air to the ground, and then was hit hard.

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