Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1239: Zhou’s decision

"Ye, Ye Gongzi, Lingyu girl, you, how do you beat the Lei people, you know the terrible consequences of this incident, the Lei people will not give up!"

When Lei Ming and others wandered away, the whole Zhou Family House was silent, and the white face of Zhou Shanlong said with a trembling voice.

"Several little people, just hit it!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, looking calmly, not worried about the revenge of the Lei.

"Ye Gongzi, you just came to the minefield, you may not know how terrible the Lei people are, even if it is the three major kingdoms of the Central World, they are not willing to face conflict with the Lei people, and rumors that the Lei people have two great nirvana The old ancestors sit in the town, they are strong in the sky, no one can rival!" Zhou Shankun sighed softly, and the terrible horror of the Lei people.

"Do not worry, Zhou will not have something to do!" Ye Chenfeng said confidently.

Zhou family was caught in the haze because of the conflict between Ye Chenfeng and the Lei nationality. Knowing the experience of Lei Ming and others, the Lei nationality in Qinglei County was completely irritated.

The Lei people stood in the Thunderfield for a million years. No one has challenged their prestige. What's more, the Zhou family is still the last force of the minefield. This makes the Lei people feel a shameful disgrace and immediately mobilized the master to go to the Zhou family. Ming and others are fair.

"Zhou Shanlong, this time you can press the wrong treasure!"

And it was learned that the Lei nationality Wang Zheng took the master to the Zhou family, burning blood, and the wolf escaping back to Donghe's Donghe Bo revealed a hazy smile.

He feels that Zhou is finished, and there is no possibility of a comeback. He began to mobilize the manpower and prepare to seize the power of Zhou’s family and occupy the Jinleishi mine that made them jealous.

"It’s not good for the owner. According to the news from the eyeliner, Lei Chaowang led the Lei masters to come back to Zhoucheng!" After learning about the Lei people’s movements, Zhou’s eyeliner passed the news for the first time. Zhou Shanlong’s ear.


Under the news, Zhou Shanlong was like a deflated ball, sitting on a chair with a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

Not only Zhou Shanlong was frightened by this news, Zhou Shankun and others also fell into panic, and they have already felt that Zhou Jia is not far from the door.

"What should I do, what should we do?"

The face of the pale white Zhou Shanlong lost his soul and screamed in his mouth. The overall strength of Zhou’s family is similar to that of the Lei family. The difference is like the heavens and the earth. If the Lei family wants to destroy his Zhou family, his family will be in danger.

"Homeowners, maybe we still have a glimmer of life!" A week old parents bit their lips.

"What is the life!"

The projections of Zhou Shanlong and others’ eyes have been directed to the parents of this week.

"The culprit Ye Chenfeng will be handed over, and then the Jin Leishi mine may be given a chance to live!" Zhou’s parents took a deep breath.

"It's not bad. It's not my Zhou family who provokes the Lei family. It's Ye Chenfeng and the spirit fish. As long as we draw a relationship with them and then give a big gift, we will definitely get the forgiveness of the Lei people!" Many weeks Masters have joined the road.


When the elders heard, Zhou Shanlong fell into meditation. Although this is the only way to let Zhou’s family escape, he does not want to do so.

After all, Ye Chenfeng has a good for Zhou, and the reason why Ye Chenfeng is in conflict with the Lei family is also for his family.

Moreover, in his subconscious, he feels that Ye Chenfeng still has the ability to turn the tide of cards, but this possibility is minimal.

"No, I don't agree!" Zhou Tianyi stood up in the chair and retorted loudly: "Ye Big Brother has a good for me, we can't do this kind of ungrateful thing."

"I admit that Ye Chenfeng has good for my family, but now, because of his reckless ignorance, he pushed my family to the abyss. He is looking for death, is it still pulling me Zhou Zhou? !"

"Yes, I agree with the four elders, this is the only chance for my family to live." Zhou Jiazhu elders have echoed.

"Elders, listen to Xue a word!" At this moment, Zhou Xue, who was silent, bit his lip and said: "Ye Gongzi is the person who came to help me in Zhoujia’s ancestors, I think He must have excelled, and my ancestor of Zhou’s family also gave me the first treasure of the Zhou family. I think the first ancestors would never see the wrong person.”

" Moreover, according to the Lei family, Ye Gongzi is also suspected of conquering a sacred beast. I think he dares to provoke the Lei family and must rely on it!"


"Yes, Ye Da Ge does not say that he knows the people of the Lei nationality. I think he dares to teach the Lei Law and others in public. The people he knows must be more terrible than the Lei protection method!" Zhou Tianyi answered.

"Hey, Ye Gongzi said that he knows the black king, but I have inquired about it through the relationship side. The Lei family does not seem to have this person!" Zhou Shanlong sighed softly and worried: "But I agree with Cher, Tianyi's words." We can't do anything ungrateful, I decided to fight alongside Ye Gongzi."

"Home, you really have to watch the Zhou family jump into the fire!" The four elders and other people suddenly rushed, and said loudly.

"I have decided on this matter, you don't have to persuade me, but I will not force everyone to fight with us. Who wants to leave Zhou, there is still time!" Zhou Shanlong took a deep breath and used up the last Said the strength.

The reason why he made this decision was because Zhou Xue’s words touched him. He believed in Zhou’s ancestor’s vision and decided to take a risk.

"My family forgive me, I can't wait to watch a young man die in the hands of the Lei people!"

The four elders and other three exchanged each other for a moment, slowly stood up and squatted at Zhou Shanlong and others, and immediately left the lobby, leaving them with a pulse to quickly leave the haze. The shrouded Zhoujiafu.

"Are there any people to leave?"

The pale-faced Zhou Shanlong was sitting on the chair of the Taishi, unable to speak slowly.

"Home, we are willing to live with the Zhou family!"

Zhou Shankun and others took a deep breath and stood up and said.

"It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse to hide. Let's go, let's go out and wait for them to wear the king!"

After finishing, Zhou Shanlong slowly stood up and walked out of the lobby with his steadfast Zhou Shankun and others, waiting for the Lei master to arrive in the front yard.

"Zhou, you really didn't let me down!"

How strong is Ye Chenfeng's soul? When Zhou Shanlong and others talked in the lobby, Ye Chenfeng put all their conversations into their ears.

As for the threat of the Lei family, he did not pay attention to it. Just now, he had contacted the black king and told him what happened.

After knowing that the Lei people had to deal with Ye Chenfeng, the black power king was furious and immediately assured him that he would properly handle the incident.

With the guarantee of the black king, Ye Chenfeng put down his heart, quietly tempered in the room to practice, waiting for the Lei master who came to crusade.

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