Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1221: The ultimate in thunder

Suddenly, struggling to survive the ravages of the beasts, the spirit fish that broke through to the five-level beastly kingdom disappeared, and hundreds of devastating attacks attacked the territory.

乾坤境 is a relic of the demon, with the magical ability to cross the interface, the attack launched by the Dark Lord and others, can not break its defense.

"Spirit fish, you are healing, and the rest is handed over to me!"

Looking at the blood and the whole body is hurt, but the blood in the body is like a rolling wave, the endless spirit fish, Ye Chenfeng, who is on the verge of breaking the edge.

"Good morning wind brother, give me revenge!"

People pale, without a trace of **** spirit fish, revealing two lovely little dimples, nodded and said.

When finished, the spirit fish swallowed a valuable heaven and earth grass, swallowed the rich aura of the heavens and the earth, healed the serious injuries and consolidated the realm after the breakthrough.

"Magic Valley, it's time to give you a last blow, destroy you!"

The ancient squad was almost broken by the spiritual fish. For Ye Chenfeng, there is no threat. Ye Chenfeng is prepared to use his own punishment to completely destroy the Magic Valley and break them. The roots of them give them the most painful revenge.

"Mom, I haven't seen it again!" Looking at the sudden disappearance, escaped the robbery of the spirit fish, the black magic of the imperial fire screamed, angry shouted: "Don't stop me, give me to continue to attack, bombard Break the defense of the space treasure and kill those few people!"


The masters of the Magic Valley control their own Taobao, the ancient Taobao, fully attack the hidden space of Qiankun, and want to break their defenses.

But the people continued to attack for more than one hour, and the hidden space of the Qiankun area was shattered. It was impossible to shake the borders of the Qiankun, but the Dark Lord and others did not give up and continued to attack. It is necessary to smash the Qiankun and hit. Kill Ye Chenfeng and others.

Suddenly, a light and shadow flew out of the Qiankun, facing a terrible treasure, the ancient Taobao, killing the magic grain master who attacked with all strength.

"Kill him!"

When the sword spirit appeared, the Dark Lord and others immediately changed the target of the attack, and the attack went to the sword.

Now, the sword spirit is indestructible, relying on the invincible defense, constantly resurrecting a piece of the Taobao, the ancient Taobao, close to a famous and stunning magic grain valley master, bursting out of the sword Intention, launch a crazy counterattack.

The swords of the lotus blossoms are separated in the body of the sword, and the vast swords cover the entire space. It is unstoppable and quickly harvests the life of a famous master.

"Six-sided magic disk, give me off!"

When a famous magic grain master was killed by Sword Spirit, the raging black demon immediately sprayed a large amount of blood into the six-sided magic disk, inspiring the attack power of the magic disk. The ground bombarded the body of the sword.

After being attacked by the Quasi-Spirit of the Sixth Edge, the sword spirit does not evade, let it bombard on his body and continue to kill the master of the Valley of Magic.

Soon, the defense line of the Magic Valley Master was broken by the indestructible sword, and it was unable to block the entire space.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng, who waited for the opportunity, appeared, and the moment he appeared, he just recovered the bright void, and was suddenly covered by the rolling clouds.

In the rolling clouds, shining with tens of thousands of electric awns, like a snake dance, venting endless power.

The deafening thunder sounds constantly shaking the eardrums of everyone. For a time, the whole void is in chaos, just like the end of the day.

"Heavenly punishment, it is a day penalty!"

Control the six-sided magic disk, attacking the black magic emperor of the sword spirit, and seeing the robbery cloud in the sky, the whole heart fell into the trough, and there was a panic in the heart of Gujing.

"Don't pay attention to this person, kill the person who attracted the punishment quickly!" The Dark Lord quickly changed the target of the attack, and wanted to control the six-sided magic disk attacking Ye Chenfeng.


Sword spirits turned into a sword, turned into a half-month sword arc, stirring the infinite sword meaning, a sword smashed to the Dark Lord, let him innocent.

This blow, the sword spirit ignited a lot of energy, the horrible mess, let the Dark Lord have a feeling of facing the anger of the ocean, had to control the six-edge magic disk full defense.

With the powerful attack, Sword Ling entangled the most powerful Dark Lord, and the white-haired old man and others attacked Ye Chenfeng.

"Antiquity, Defense!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the ancient remnant figure emerged from his body. Around his body, he became a layer of defensive wall, resisting the fierce attack of white-haired old man and others, releasing unreservedly powerful Power, impact the five-level beasts of the realm of the beast.

Ye Chenfeng hits the five-level beastly kingdom and takes two holy sacred sacred sacred sacs. In addition, he has refining a large number of precious treasures in the early stage, which has made his strength far beyond the limits of the realm and violated the rules of heaven and earth. Come to heaven to kill.


With the strength of Ye Chenfeng's body becoming stronger and stronger, the flashing lightning in the rolling clouds is getting denser and denser. The whole void is like a thunder sea. The terrible scene is daunting.

"No, the penalty will come down, everyone will retreat!"

I feel that the power of the celestial punishment contained in the robbery cloud is getting stronger and stronger, and everyone who has locked the area of ​​the robbery, the white-haired old man and others are trembled inside. They dare not attack Ye Chenfeng again, and they have retreated and pushed to the robbery. Outside the area.

"Sword Spirit, come back!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, and the sword spirit that was fiercely killed by the Dark Lord was taken into the territory of Qiankun, and continued to refine the body of the body with more than half of the body, and continue to enhance its own strength.

Finally, eighty-one terrible blood red thunder broke through the violent rolling clouds, such as the **** waterfall that rushed down, bombarded Ye Chenfeng, who was sitting cross-legged, wanting to break the rules of the heavens and the earth. The morning breeze killed.

"The ancient remains, receive!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved to the body to protect the body’s ancient remnants from the body, inspiring the power of the five great points, and boosting their strength to 100 million pounds to resist the eighty-one **** thunder.


The eighty-one **** thunder collided with the billion pounds of Ye Chenfeng, and the whole void suddenly became chaotic.

All the sounds between heaven and earth were swallowed up, and the terrible collision force formed a shock wave of horror, exploding violently in midair.

There are countless pieces of petrochemicals in order to crush the ends, and several peaks that have not entered the cloud are cracked by the cracks of the scorpion, which may break at any time.

Rely on the powerful physical strength, resisting the **** thunder of the 81st, and the fast-paced operation of Ye Chenfeng, the soul of the pure punishment, refining into the body, and tempering the body with the power of punishment. The potency of the five-level beasts of the beasts.


When Ye Chenfeng completely resisted the **** thunder of eighty, the thick thunder cloud gathered thousands of thunders and turned into a huge thunderstone, without a robbery cloud, with a terrible impact, bombardment To Ye Chenfeng.

"Heaven and Earth map, life and death map!"

The thunder and lightning meteorites, and Ye Chenfeng immediately condensed the two avenues, which were gathered in the double boxing and hardened the attack of the lightning meteorite.


The thunder and lightning meteorite was broken by the fist of the morning wind and the two avenues of the road. The thunder and lightning blast exploded, and the power of destruction broke out. It also failed to hurt Ye Chenfeng. He relied on his strong flesh to resist. It is.

"Magic Valley, let me send you a big gift!"

The whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning, and the arrogant violent screams, with a terrible punishment, rushed to the main hall of the Valley of the Magic.

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