Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1175: Broken Dan?

"A good space, I really don't know if this is from the power of the power!"

Flying into an independent space, Ye Chenfeng found that this space is very stable, except for all the interference from the outside world, and the aura in the space is abundant, which can continuously supplement the consumption of alchemy, which is an excellent place for alchemy.

When Ye Chenfeng was sitting cross-legged in this independent space, when the state of silence was adjusted, the water ripples suddenly appeared in the independent space. The heaven and earth grass needed for a plant of alchemy floated into this independent space.

At this time, a huge funnel appeared in the void, and when the first fire sand fell, the fierce semi-final began.


A group of Dan furnaces floated into twenty separate spaces, venting endless fires and reflecting the entire space in red.

"San Ding Ding, the Holy Spirit of the Fire Spirit is summoned by the Holy Ding!"

When Xuan Hongzheng and others saw it, the Fire Spirit Son summoned the ancient sculpt, the ancient scorpion, and the black-and-white medicine tripod, suspended in the top of the head, revealing an angry color.

"Pharmaceutical, you really are a mean person, is it unfair to do this?"

The temperament of the great elders Xuan Zhongting glared at an ancient wooden chair, slowly tea, teasing the calm medicine, whispered.

"Fair? In this world of the jungle, what is fairness?" The medicine slightly raised his eyelids and glanced at the Xuan Atrium. He said faintly: "Can fairness be eaten? And you have express provisions, Can't I borrow a Dan furnace?"

"Xuan Zhongting, if you are afraid of losing, say it, then even if you lose, I will not humiliate you!"

"Pharmaceutical sputum, I believe that my vision is stronger than you, even if you lend the sacred descent to the junior, you can't change the ending." Xuan Hong is looking at the attempt to subvert the temple and make the temple full of great The medicine that was lost, whispered.

If it is not the hidden power of the drug control, he dares to appear in the Temple of Heaven, and Xuan Hong has already shot it to suppress it.

"Then we will wait and see, who can laugh at the end!"

The mouth of the medicine is slightly upturned, and the look is calm, as if he has won the prize.

And the source of his self-confidence is not only the holy descent, but also other secret tricks.

He not only lends the sacred dung to the medicine, but also leaves a secret hand in the sacred descent, leaving the sacred fire of the sacred sacred sacred sacred in the sacred sacred, helping the sacred son at the end Always improve the quality of Tianxian Guludan.

As long as Huo Ling Shengzi can refine the ten-grain Tianlu Gulu Dan, there is an 80% confidence to defeat Ye Chenfeng, and it is even more unbeaten. This is why he calmly calms down.

"Okay, I hope the game is over, you still have a face to stay!"

After finishing, Xuan Hong is no longer paying attention to the medicine sitting alone, pointing his eyes to the light, patiently waiting for the final result.

"One hundred and eighty herbs, this day, the refining of Xianlu Ludan is more difficult than the avenue Jindan!"

Ye Chenfeng releases a powerful soul and quickly senses the properties and medicinal properties of the herbs in front of them. However, this hundred and eight herbs are too complicated. Ye Chenfeng needs to combine the soul memory and slowly explore and waste a lot of time.

But he is not in a hurry. He knows the importance of the previous work. Only by understanding all the medicinal properties of these 108 herbs, can he cope with the situation that may occur at any time during alchemy.

Not only the single morning wind did not rush to refine the alchemy, and the four masters who chose to refine the quasi-sacred Dan, also patiently penetrated the herbs in front of them and made fine preparations for alchemy.

After about three hours, the eyes closed and the Ye Chenfeng, who controlled the herbal medicine, suddenly opened the closed eyes, and a sharp ray of light shot like a sparkling star.

Borrowing the brain and completely understanding the medicinal properties of this hundred and eight herbs, Ye Chenfeng contained ten drops of soul liquid in his mouth, summoned Zhuque Ding, ready to start alchemy.

"Wan Nian Ling Ling, Purple Leaf Orchid, Bodhi, Green Lotus, Melt!"

Ye Chenfeng continuously sprayed more than ten dead and smoldering fires into Zhuque Ding, igniting the furnace, and in the same order, four medicinal Tiandi Lingcao were thrown into Zhuque Dingzhong.

In the amplitude of Zhuque Ding, under the melting of the dead sky, four valuable Tiandi Lingcao instantly melted and melted into four groups of greenish spirits.


The soul of Ye Chenfeng’s brain broke out and was injected into the hot Suzaku Ding. Through the delicate fire control, a large amount of impurities in the Sizhiling liquid were separated and melted, but the medicine in the spirit liquid was not damaged.

The four plants were successfully purified. Ye Chenfeng’s hands were like electricity. Four Tiandi Lingcao were thrown into the Zhuque Ding, and the herbs were purified through subtle fire control.

Time passes by one minute, and the top 20 alchemy masters in the Central World have tried their best to purify the herbs. Soon, one day passed.

In this day, no one has completed all the purification, which shows the difficulty of refining Quasi-Sheng Dan, the top ancient road Dan.

"I have purified ninety-nine herbs, and nine of them can be completely purified!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and swallowed a drop of soul-returning liquid to restore the speed of the soul. At the same time, the remaining nine Tiandi Lingcao were purified step by step.

At this moment, the slowly rotating Sanzong Ding suddenly burst into flames. With the power of the Chinese saints, the Holy Spirit was the first to complete the purification, and quickly took a soul-recovering The medicinal herbs began to perform exquisite alchemy, smelt the medicinal herbs, and condense the dans.

"The gap between the dust and the fire medicine is too big. Depending on the old things, the advantage of the fire spirit is too obvious!"

Looking out of the crowd, the first to complete the purification of the fire of the Son, the deputy master Xuan Qingyun's brow could not help but wrinkle up, the voice to the side of Xuan Hongzheng.

"Don't worry, Yao Ding is just something outside of the body. Everything depends on strength. I have a feeling that the little guy will still create a miracle!" Xuan Hong is looking at the calm and savvy, and the alchemy technique is so sophisticated. , said slowly.

The fire son did not finish purification for a long time, and several priests also completed the purification. In contrast, Ye Chenfeng had a long time to explore 108 herbs. When he purified all the herbs, others Both began to quench the medicinal herbs.

"The Spirit of Life, Melt!"

Ye Chenfeng smashed the distracting thoughts and was not affected by the outside world.

When he showed his mysterious alchemy and tempered Tianxian Guludan, he exposed his cards. For the first time, he controlled the spirit of the soul to release a powerful force. With his condensed dan, he integrated into the Suzaku. Dingzhong promotes the quality of Tianxian Guludan.

As long as he can borrow the Pearl of Life and upgrade the quality of Tianxian Guludan to the quasi-Shengdan level, he will be able to break into the finals of tomorrow, and he will be able to administer it. .

But Tian Xian Gu Ludan, his first refining, still some strange, in his soul control fire, constantly blending the power of life to condense the ancient Dan, accidentally appeared a slight mistake.

This slight error directly led to the disorder of the fire in the Suzaku Ding. The phlegm of the medicinal medicinal herbs that had just been condensed appeared to have a road crack, and there were signs of a blast.

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