Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1065: The arrogant Liu Mang

"Okay, don't make trouble, this place is not easy to stay for a long time, let's leave here and talk about it!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the shameless face, and Liu Mang, whose face was thicker than the city wall, was speechless. Latest fastest update

"Girl, you are in a bad physical condition now, I advise you not to go down alone, or there will be an accident, no one can save you. Also, your broken meridians must be repaired as soon as possible, otherwise I will probably stay Aftereffects."

Looking at the injured woman in red, said she left, Ye Chenfeng screamed at her and said.

"Beauty, you are still with us, as long as I have a tone, it will never let you move a cold hair!" Liu Mang patted his chest and promised.

"My master is on the way, if you dare to plot against me, my master will definitely set you up!"

As Ye Chenfeng said, the physical condition of the woman in red is very bad. She must repair the meridians that have been torn by the force of reflexion as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect her future cultivation.

" Still, if I want to murder you, you can't run, this remedy is for you, it can help you repair the broken meridians!"

Ye Chenfeng said faintly, and took out a very powerful pseudo-Dao Dan and threw it to her.

Catch the false road Dan thrown by Ye Chenfeng, the red woman hesitated again and again, and finally, she swallowed the medicinal herb.

A moment, a pure soul was released in her body and flowed into her body, quickly repairing her broken meridians.

"Beauty, I will help you to my carriage!" Liu Mang stepped forward, revealing a smile, thoughtfully said.

"No, I can go by myself!"

The red woman really does not like to look rough, the whole body is covered with thick hair, like a gorilla, but the fascinating Liu Mang, the body flashed slightly, flashed away from him, said coldly.

"You ride my horse, let's go." Ye Chenfeng brought Tianma over and said.

Watching the prestige, the whole body is like a snow, there is no trace of variegation, and there is a pair of wings of the Pegasus. The red woman suddenly shows her favorite heart, hesitated, and rolled over and rode in the sky.

"Beauty, how did you get rid of the gangster gods?" Liu Mang is interested in the red woman's suit, looking at her delicate face, constantly talking with her.

"Beauty, where are you from, are you going to the Central World for training?"

"Beauty, what kind of man do you like, you see that I am not strong..."

Although the black woman who was silently healed did not pay attention to Liu Mang, he did not give up and asked with a cheeky face.

In the end, the woman in the red dress was annoyed directly, and he was warned a few words, and he was honest.

"Hey, if Liu Mang puts the energy of picking up a **** cultivation, his strength may not only be the realm of the mysterious beast!"

Thinking of Liu Mang’s car, there are four beautiful and beautiful wives, but he is pursuing other girls. Ye Chenfeng really feels speechless.

In the evening, Ye Chenfeng and his entourage left the ancient woods and the complex terrain of Weishan. Under the leadership of Liu Mang, they came to a small town with a simple folk style to rest.

"Who are they..."

When the red woman saw four women wearing tulle dresses, lightly painted, and the unpretentious woman came out of the carriage, she looked at her.

"They are the four little sisters of my Xinna!" Liu Mang said: "But if the girl is willing to follow me, I will immediately take them off and only pamper you."


When I heard Liu Mang’s words, the red woman’s lungs were almost blown up. If it wasn’t for her serious injury, and she was afraid of the amazing strength of Ye Chenfeng, she would have gone up and killed the shameless Liu Mang.

One night passed quickly, and the light of the morning sun spread across the earth, and a new day came.

After a night of healing, with the help of Ye Chenfeng, the red woman basically repaired the broken meridians.

But due to the war in the Weishan area, she was injured too much. Without a few days, she could not recover.

"You are leaving with us, or are we separated from here!"

After eating the breakfast cooked with the spirit, Ye Chenfeng looked at the nice red woman who recovered, and asked softly.

"I am here to wait for the master, her old man will pick me up soon!" The woman in red took a sip of the silky aura of tea, whispered.

"If that's the case, then let's separate it here!"

Although the women in the red dress are very beautiful and the body is very hot, but Ye Chenfeng is not interested in her, faintly said.

"Beauty, you can't give up on me like this, without your days, I don't know how to live!"

When I heard that I was going to be separated from the woman in red, Liu Mang held the position of his heart and said with pain.

"Then you will die!" The woman in red glared at him, screaming.

Liu Mang: "..."

"Okay, let's have a goodbye."

Ye Chenfeng pulled a look of Liu Mang, and he got up and left.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng frowned a little, looked at the outside of the inn, released Liu Mang, said coldly: "The group of people chased."

Said, Ye Chenfeng calmly walked out of the inn, came outside, saw the twelve black armor men who were shocked by him yesterday, with two wearing gold armor, his face cold and proud, his body exudes a powerful The murderous man was stuck outside the inn.

"Two leaders, last night was that he insulted me to the Kirin Kingdom and wounded us." A black man looked at Ye Chenfeng with hateful eyes, and the hurricane of the oil and vinegar ignited.

"You are not afraid, even the people of my unicorn godland dare to move!" A gold armor led the arrogant said: "The acquaintance of the acquaintance is stunned, otherwise it will not be discussed."

"Mom, who dares to come, I destroy them."

At this time, Liu Mang took the nine-day emperor and walked out, saying overbearingly.

"Nine-day Emperor, you are a nine-day royalty!"

Looking at the golden token in Liu Mang’s hand, the two gold armor leaders changed slightly.

Although they are not the people of the nine-day kingdom, the status of the three kingdoms of the gods is so lofty that no matter who offends the royal family, it may cause great trouble.

However, when the two gold armor led the way, when they saw the red woman who was finally coming out and Liu Mang’s four beautiful flowers, the eyes showed a hot color.

"Yes, your grandfather Liu Mang is a nine-day **** country!" Liu Mang headed his head and intended to show his noble status in front of the red woman.

"Hey, when did the nine-day royalty belong to Liu, I think you are clearly fake!"

The two gold armor leaders looked at each other and exchanged a few words. With plans, they said coldly.

"You..." Liu Mang’s face sank, he said overbearingly: “Look at your dog’s eyes and see if your grandfather Liu Ning is a nine-day royalty.”

Speaking, Liu Mang used a card that was rarely used, a golden light, and extraordinary strength. The whole body covered with golden scales flew out in his finger ring and appeared beside him.

"The shackles of the nine-day **** kingdom refining!"

Looking at the front of the eyes, the unique logo of the nine-day royalty was impressed, and the horrible atmosphere of the golden scales was felt. The two golden armor leaders changed slightly and they retired.

"Good, offended today, let's go!"

Under the shock of the golden scales, the two gold armor leaders were timid, leaving a swearing word and wanted to leave.

At this moment, a horrible breath suddenly appeared, such as a meandering mountain oppressed.

This breath is strong, and the strength of Ye Chenfeng feels danger and fear, and the whole body is straight and straight, like a big enemy.

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