Chapter 76: The Provocation of Sakura Country! Fishhook Island is theirs?! 【Ask for automatic subscription】!!

“Okay, I see, understand General Jack.”

After Colonel John hung up the phone, a glint flashed in his eyes!

Finally, three months have come!

Their beautiful country will also take action!!

Exhaling slightly, John came to his senses, and then picked up the phone again and called Yamamoto directly.

“Hey, Mr. Yamamoto, the time has come to start your plan immediately.”

“Okay, got it.”

At the Sakura Pavilion outer pavilion meeting, Yamamoto hung up the phone, and then frowned slightly.

“Lords, the beautiful country has already notified us to act.”

“What do you guys think? Which scenario are we going to take? ”

Yamamoto asked after taking a deep breath, because they had three months to prepare, so they also made a lot of plans on their side.

A group of foreign ministers all looked serious, and then discussed.

“I think we can adopt the method of using fishermen to provoke, and when the time comes, we will arrest all the fishermen in the vicinity of the Great Xia Kingdom!”

“I think this method is too radical, we should be gentle and not confront the Great Xia Country too much, after all, the Great Xia Country is our marginal power!”

“That’s right, although we have reached an agreement with the beautiful country, we are not their guns.”

Yamamoto closed his eyes and listened to the discussion of these people.

Only after they had discussed and played did they open their eyes.

“Mr. Yamamoto, it’s up to you to make up your mind.”

A group of people couldn’t figure out why, so they simply let Yamamoto make up his mind.

Yamamoto thought about it and nodded,

“This time we are working with the beautiful country. What they say is that they will send the most advanced fighters to us. And so far, we have seen nothing. ”

“I also don’t recommend using too radical methods, there is an old saying in the Great Xia Kingdom, if you don’t see a rabbit, you don’t scatter an eagle!” Don’t make any big moves until we see their new fighter! ”

“But how do we deal with them in that case?”

Someone asked.

Yamamoto smiled: “We can judge the island and make it the focus of its related issues through the press conference, rest assured, the building will definitely be set!” ”

Everyone’s eyes immediately lit up when they heard his words!

Especially the person in charge of external propaganda is full of praise!

All kinds of praise were spoken!

Subsequently, according to Yamamoto’s arrangement, a meeting of foreign correspondents of the Sakura Country was quickly held to completely convey Yamamoto’s meaning!!

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Suddenly, the entire international community was in an uproar!

Everyone did not expect that Sakura Country would actually stir up trouble at this time!

Furthermore, some people speculate that Sakura Country is definitely under the command of the Beautiful Country!

And the reason for this is that the beautiful country wants to save the lost face before!


One after another F22 fighter jet after another streaked across the sky like an eagle set!

The supersonic flight speed directly produced a huge sonic boom!

If you don’t look at your surroundings, you might think that this is a test flight of a fighter jet in a beautiful country!

However, this is really in the Great Xia Country!

Hu Weinan, Cheng Hua, and Yu Bei, were looking at the F22 fighters flying in formations in the sky at the forefront, and Cheng Hua felt very much!

The fighter developed in Yubei is indeed beyond this era, and the average fighter level is too much!!

There are even some things and functions that Chenghua has never even heard of!

“Yu Bei, I originally wanted you to try, but I didn’t expect you, but it really turned out! You kid is really incomprehensible! ”

“I was wondering what else you wouldn’t do!”

Cheng Hua sighed, then looked at Yu Bei and said.

“Yes, Mr. Cheng, didn’t you see Yu Bei transform that broken engine into a binary vector engine, you are simply dumbfounded for me!”

Hu Weinan thought of that scene, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly and shook his head and said.

“Yes, we didn’t have any hope at that time, but Yu Bei knew that he could switch to that engine more!”

Shen Ming behind him also touched his beard and sighed.

As the main person in charge of the two fighter projects, he is the most aware of the strength of the north, and he is also the most shocked!

When Yu Bei heard the words of several people, he smiled a little embarrassedly, and then asked: “Mr. Cheng, has the cooperation drill between our fighter and bomber been carried out?” ”

“Don’t worry, although we said that fighters and bombers were relatively outdated before, our tactics are famous in the world!! The last time we participated in the all-blue star team tactical competition, we dragged them down in the beautiful country, and with backward equipment with our tactics, we dragged them for ten minutes! ”

Hearing Yu Bei’s words, Cheng Hua suddenly laughed, because he led the team to participate in that all-blue star tactical competition, and the world-shaking tactical drill was also conducted under his command!

Yu Bei also put down his heart, since the tactics of the Great Xia Kingdom are not a problem, then this fighter is a plug-and-play combat effectiveness!

It can be directly used in wars and exercises!!

Cheng Hua smiled and was about to say some interesting things about his original battlefield when suddenly a soldier ran to his side and whispered a few words to him.

A sharp look flashed in Cheng Hua’s eyes!

His face suddenly became extremely solemn!

The momentum of the whole person has also become fierce!

Since he saw Cheng Hua suddenly become like this, he was suddenly slightly nervous.

Yu Bei frowned and asked, “What’s wrong?” Did Cheng Lao always have something happen again? ”

Others also looked at Cheng Hua.

Cheng Hua nodded and said coldly: “Yu Bei, what you predicted before was really correct!” I got the news just now, Sakura Country really did something! At the press conference, they openly declared the island issue, saying that it was theirs!! ”


“How dare he Sakura Country do this!?”

“These guys! It’s just lawless to have a beautiful country to support them!! ”

When everyone present heard Cheng Hua’s words, they were all shocked, and then they all felt a nameless fire igniting in their chests!!

Even Yu Bei, who is rarely excited at ordinary times, has a cold light in his eyes at this time!


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