After that, Boomer walked towards the house, and Broly immediately followed after seeing it.

After more than half a month, after the relationship between the two became better and better, Boomer took Broly to play on Turtle Immortal Island.

Klin: “Boomer! Who is this? ”

Boomer: “Broly! Goku, he should have told you! ”

“What! He’s Broly! Klin was startled.

“Hello!” Broly smiled after hearing this.

Boomer: “What’s so strange about Klin?” ”

Klin: “No! I heard Goku say that he and Vic are not Broly’s opponents at all! ”

Boomer: “yes! That’s right, since the last time! After Goku left, he had no news! Is it practiced at home? ”

Klin: “It should be!” Goku once said to me with a lot of fighting spirit! Be sure to beat Broly! ”

Boomer: “Hey! Goku this guy! ”

Klin: “By the way, why did you suddenly come over?” ”

Boomer: “Come and play!” Look at you by the way! ”

“Oh!” After hearing this, Klin said, “But I want to cultivate!” That guy from Wukong should be practicing hard every day now! I can’t be left behind! ”

Boomer: “Okay! ”


Time flickered, and half a month passed.

Dr. Brive had already made the spacecraft’s gravity chamber according to Broly’s instructions

After the spacecraft’s gravity chamber was made, Broly spent several hours a day in the gravity chamber, training to spend his leisure time every day.

At the same time, the Saiyan spaceship on which Broly’s father Paragas was riding was detected by the people of the Frieza headquarters when entering the planet Frieza, changed the original route of the spacecraft, and landed on an empty ground outside the headquarters of the planet Frieza.


After the spaceship of Paragas landed, it quickly opened, and a large number of soldiers of the Frieza army ran out to greet it.


Paragas walked out, looked around, and said, “It doesn’t seem to be planet Vegeta here!” It’s Planet Friesha! ”

At this moment, a soldier of the Frieza army spoke, “May I ask you?” ”

“Hmm!” After hearing the man’s words, Paragas immediately spoke, “My name is Paragas!” ”

“Oh! It turned out to be Lord Paragas! Lord Paragas! I don’t think I’ve seen you before! Are you also a Saiyan who survived? ”

“What! What do you mean by that! Paragas immediately became excited when he heard this.

“Because planet Vegeta was destroyed nineteen years ago! The only Saiyans alive today are Lord Vegeta, Lord Naba, and Lord Raditz! ”

“What! Planet Vegeta has been destroyed! And what about the other Saiyans? Paragas was startled when he heard this.

“They were destroyed along with Planet Vegeta!”

“What about King Vegeta!” Paragas asked again.

“King Vegeta! Before the planet Vegeta was destroyed, he was killed by King Frieza because of the riot! ”

“Hahaha!” When Paragas heard this, he laughed and said, “King Frieza killed well!” So is King Frieza on this planet now? I want to meet King Friesha! ”

“King Frieza is not on this planet for the time being! If anything happens to you! It is possible to speak with the commander-in-chief! ”

“Hmm!” After hearing this, Paragas nodded and said, “Then take me to him!” ”

“Okay! Lord Paragas! ”


Frieza Headquarters Room.

At this time, an alien who looked very similar to Captain Qiu Yi was standing in the interior of Friesha’s headquarters.

“Lord Paragas! The commander-in-chief is ahead! ”

“Hmm!” Paragath nodded.

Hearing the voice behind him, the commander-in-chief immediately turned around, and Paragath, who was walking in the way, was shocked: “You… You are a Saiyan! ”

Paragas: “Yes, Lord Commander-in-Chief!” ”

Commander-in-chief: “Shouldn’t the Saiyans be the only ones Vegeta and a few of them still alive!” ”

Paragas: “Commander-in-chief!” That’s because of me and my son Broly! Abandoned by King Vegeta onto Wampa! ”

Commander-in-chief: “Oh! Then why did King Vegeta abandon you on a planet like Wampa! ”

Paragas: “Because my son Broly was born with a higher combat power than Vegeta!” King Vegeta is worried that Broly will shake Prince Vegeta’s status when he grows up! So send someone to send him to Wampasing! ”

“I was there to save Broly! So stay with him for decades! ”

“Vegeta! So it is! And what about your son? The commander-in-chief asked after listening.

Paragas: “He’s now on a planet called Earth!” ”

Commander-in-chief: “Aren’t you in Wampaxing?” How did it get to Earth again? ”

Paragas: “I don’t know!” As soon as I woke up, I appeared on that planet with Broly! After that, he met Bardock’s son Kakarot from that planet! He seems to have amnesia! ”

“I borrow his spaceship! I’m here and want you to send someone to pick them up! ”

“So it is!” After hearing this, the commander-in-chief thought for a moment and said, “I will report this matter to King Friesha!” Then send someone to pick you up your son! ”

“Hmm!” Paragath nodded.

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