"You were weak before? No way!!!" Hearing what Son Gohan said, Cabbe was shocked.

He actually said that he could be killed with just one finger, isn't this just a fantasy?

Caulifla and Kale were also confused.

It was hard for them to imagine that such a powerful person had such a weak past.

Son Gohan said helplessly:"Don't think that I made up this story to encourage you."

"Actually, I was really weak before."

"Moreover, he had experienced many life-and-death tests when he was four or five years old, and took on the responsibility of saving the planet alone when he was nine or ten years old. These are probably things you dare not even imagine."

Son Gohan certainly did not lie.

He had experienced various challenges since he was very young.

Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, the Ginyu Force, Frieza, and later the androids...

Which one of them was not a near-death experience?

Life is so wonderful, do we need to make this up? There is no need at all.


Son Gohan's words made the three of them gasp.

At the same time, their eyes were full of admiration.

Sure enough, the life of every strong man is a legend, this is absolutely true.

Caulifla asked excitedly:"Then how did you become so powerful?"

After saying that, she realized that she had crossed the line.

Many people are very taboo about this kind of thing. Rashly asking others how they became stronger is equivalent to asking about the method of becoming stronger. This is someone else's secret and is very impolite. She quickly continued:"Ah, sorry, I shouldn't ask this kind of question~ If it's inconvenient, you'd better not say it.……"

"Nothing." Son Gohan shook his head and said,"The potential of us Saiyans is endless. Whenever we face a life-or-death situation, we will break through the limit and reach a new peak."

"My strength comes from my never-ending battles and life-and-death challenges. I defeat my enemies one after another, and my strength becomes stronger and stronger."

"But these are not replicable.……"

"There is another equally important factor, which is cultivation."

"Everyone can become stronger through cultivation. For more than 20 years, I have been practicing every day without slacking off.……"

"Good, awesome~" Several people were secretly amazed.

It’s easy to say.

But being able to stick to one thing for decades and doing it every day is something admirable.

They asked themselves if they had such perseverance.

No wonder Mr. Gohan has such terrible power now.

This is what he deserves.

Son Gohan smiled and said,"I believe you will become stronger through practice."

"With your talent, your future is limitless... maybe you will surpass me... hehe."

Son Gohan boasted to them with a smile.

This made several people like Son Gohan more, and they had forgotten the fact that Son Gohan was very fierce in battle.

"Hahaha, how is that possible?"Gabe raised his hand and touched the back of his head, laughing.

"Believe in yourself." Son Gohan put a hand on Gabe's shoulder, which made Gabe flattered.

"You guys should eat more meat, you all look so weak."

"Well……"Looking at the tall and strong Son Gohan in front of him, who was several times his size, Cabbe was speechless.

Caulifla rolled her eyes at him and said,"Do you want me, a girl, to grow up like you? I think it's good the way it is now, right, Kale?""

"Yeah, yes."Kail nodded blankly. Kaier looked blank now, and it was impossible to imagine that she could be so crazy when she was going berserk.

"Hahaha~" Son Gohan couldn't help but laugh,"It's not impossible to grow up like me"

"I don't want it." Caulifla put her hands on her hips to show her refusal.

Is it reasonable for a girl to grow to 180 or 190 kilograms?

Just thinking about it makes me feel sick.

It's a devilish suggestion.

But a male Saiyan like Cabbe should grow taller. He is as thin as a girl and has no aesthetic appeal.

Son Gohan laughed a few times and his face returned to seriousness.

He continued:"Since I promised to guide you in your practice, then I will teach you some practical things, such as how to practice.……"

""Oh, okay, okay, thank you, thank you Mr. Gohan." Cabbe was extremely surprised.

Caulifla jumped up happily and wanted to rush over to hug Son Gohan, but was dodged by Son Gohan.

Although Kale did not speak or make any movements, his face was also excited.

For the desire to become stronger, almost no Saiyan can withstand such temptation.

And then, Son Gohan fought with them one by one.

This time he controlled the strength and fought with the three for a long time.

Next, Son Gohan taught them some knowledge about training...

In a sense, except for Trunks, Son Gohan taught his disciples again.

He never expected that this time he would cross the barrier of the universe and come to the sixth universe to promote his martial arts.

Thinking about it, I feel a sense of accomplishment.


While Son Gohan was living in the sixth universe and experiencing various things.

The people of the seventh universe were also living their own lives.


Piccolo and Sabensley lived in heaven, accompanying Dendy while practicing hard every day.

Majin Buu lived in the Universal Capsule Corporation. He and Trunks were company, and the more he looked, the more he looked like the mascot of the Universal Capsule Corporation. Occasionally, he could also bring Trunks' sister, Bra.

At the foot of Baozi Mountain, Paragus lived a leisurely life in the manor and spent his old age in peace. On

Baozi Mountain, Son Goku's family was happy.

Son Goten, who was already 4 years old, could already become a Super Saiyan.

He acted like a little uncle all day long, taking Sun Wu and Xiao Fang to play little hero games, and"punishing evil and eliminating evil" everywhere』……

Sun Wu and Xiao Fang are even more exaggerated. At the age of 3, they can become Super Saiyans, and their strength is beyond imagination. They can completely defeat Androids 17 and 18, who once plunged the whole world into nightmares.

This put a lot of pressure on Sun Wutian, the uncle, and he began to practice secretly.

At the age when children of the same age are still playing in the mud and poking shit with sticks, the three children of the Sun family can already rub the planets with their hands. It is so terrifying.

Sun Wukong, Vegeta and Broly often live on the Destroyer Planet, receiving guidance from Whis every day, and their strength increases dramatically every day.

Bang bang bang!

There were several loud noises from the Destroyer Planet.

It was Sun Wukong fighting with Whis.

Broly, Vegeta, Beerus, the three of them were watching the battle.

At this time, Sun Wukong's hair was silver and mercury energy was flowing all over his body. It was the appearance of opening the perfect Ultra Instinct.

But even so, his attack still had no effect on Whis.

Whis swam in Sun Wukong's attack, agile and elegant, and Sun Wukong couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Whis laughed as he fought,"Mr. Goku, I think you understand that even though you have mastered Ultra Instinct, it doesn't mean you have reached the end."

"Rather, it should be said that it is the starting point"

"Even if we both have Ultra Instinct, I'm much stronger than you, and the High Priest is far more proficient than me."

Sun Wukong said happily,"So I'm the worst one now, right?"

Whis grabbed his arm and said with a smile,"Yes, so you still have a lot of room for improvement. Looking forward to it, right?"

Sun Wukong tried hard to pull back his arm, but it didn't move at all.

But he didn't mind. Instead, he became more excited:"Hahaha, I'm looking forward to becoming stronger"


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