"Mr. Gohan, why don't you eat? Is it not to your liking?" Gabe asked enthusiastically while eating.

Son Gohan laughed awkwardly but politely:"Haha, I'm really not hungry, you guys eat, you guys eat."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Son Gohan picked up the cup of forgiveness-colored juice, frowned and took a sip, only to feel spicy and bitter, and his scalp was numb.

Son Gohan stared with his eyes wide open, shaking his hands, and couldn't believe that this was something a person could drink.

Hiss~ spicy, fishy, bitter.

Several flavors mixed together, a suffocating feeling rushed straight to the top of the head.

What kind of dark cuisine is this?

The face is hideous.

But Son Gohan guessed wrong.

This is not the juice of any plant at all, but the bile of some animal.

It has the effect of refreshing the mind.

It's so scary.

In fact, after the improvement of King Kai Fuwa, the resources of the planet Sarada are no longer so scarce.

The main reason is that the food culture is too low-level and the cooking skills are too poor.

Son Gohan sat on pins and needles for half an hour.

The banquet specially for him was finally over.

Several Saiyans could see that Mr. Son Gohan was not really hungry.

Because Mr. Son Gohan only drank a mouthful of bile and a bite of weathered biscuits from beginning to end. He looked uninterested. He was definitely not hungry.

They had never thought that others disliked their food because it was too unpalatable.


After eating and drinking,

Caulifla rubbed her hands and said excitedly,"Son Gohan, can you teach us martial arts?"

Caulifla looked like a fangirl at this time.

She was looking forward to it.

Son Gohan's performance in the Tournament of Power was obvious to all.

Although they did not see the highlight of Son Gohan's battle with Jiren.

But Son Gohan's record of instantly defeating two universes is still vivid.

And later Son Gohan won the honor of MVP player, and was rewarded with Super Dragon Balls to restore those universes that were defeated and erased.

Just thinking about it will know that Son Gohan's strength is definitely beyond their imagination.

What is an MVP player?

That is the best player in all participating universes.

It is still very convincing.

Hearing Caulifla's words, Kale and Cabbe's eyes lit up and they looked eager to try.

They have the warlike blood of Saiyans flowing in their bodies.

Although compared with the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta, they are already very gentle and not so irritable.

But the genes imprinted deep in their bodies cannot be changed.

Fighting is always the Saiyan's unchanging melody.

Being able to fight against the strong is what they desire.

Son Gohan grinned and laughed,"Haha, don't talk about giving me advice, we are just learning from each other."

"That's great."Caulifla was delighted.

Son Gohan was so easy to talk to.

Extra points, must be a lot of extra points.

In a deserted desert.

Four people stood on the scorching sand, looking at each other.

The surrounding heat waves were rolling, the high temperature burned the air, and the air was almost distorted.

The occasional breeze was scorching hot.

A wisp of hot wind blew, and the hair of several people swayed slightly.

The environment here is harsh, but suitable for fighting.

They are all Saiyans, and it is nothing to move in such an environment.

Looking at the three people opposite, Son Gohan raised his hand, still smiling on his face:"You all come together."

But what he said was unquestionable.

Caulifla, Kale, and Cabbe looked at each other.

Then, Caulifla said:"Then we will not be polite."

Cabbe:"Mr. Gohan, we will not show mercy later."

Kale nodded:"Okay"

"Come on." Son Gohan said.




The momentum exploded.

Caulifla and the others turned into Super Saiyans one after another, and golden flames gushed out, and circles of air waves spread in all directions. The surrounding winds blew back and whistled non-stop.

After a little sensing, Son Gohan smiled and said,"Not bad, the aura has become much stronger."

Then he looked at Kale and continued,"Ms. Kale, change into full energy form."

Kale did not respond, and her face became a little more ferocious.

But she still did not turn into the green-haired full energy form.

Caulifla on the side explained for her,"Kale, she can't control that kind of energy freely yet."

""I see." Son Gohan nodded.

Seeing that he had no intention of transforming into a Super Saiyan, Caulifla couldn't help but ask,"Aren't you going to transform?"

""Haha, there's no need for that, right?" Son Gohan laughed in response.


I was underestimated.

Caulifla was immediately furious:"Damn, you actually underestimated us"

"Well, let me show you this."

""Haa~" She roared, and the aura on her body suddenly exploded.

Then, the golden flame wrapped around her body became more dense, and the inverted golden hair showed more textures, and blue lightning appeared, making a crackling sound.

Son Gohan was surprised.

He looked at her and said,"Super Saiyan 2?"

"What? This is called Super Saiyan 2?"Caulifla was stunned.

"Well, the Saiyans in our universe call your current form Super Saiyan 2. I didn't expect you to break through to this stage so quickly. It's really amazing." Son Gohan praised generously.

The Saiyans first transformed during the Tournament of Power. It was

Son Goku who taught them how to transform at that time.

Now, only over a year has passed, and Caulifla has actually broken through from Super Saiyan 1 to Super Saiyan 2. Her talent is still very good.

Although in Son Gohan's memory, she was even more outrageous in the original time and space, but when the memory was reflected in reality, Son Gohan had to admit her talent. Son Gohan took a defensive posture and laughed,"Hahaha, come on, let me see your progress"


""Haaa!" X2 shouted three times.

The three young Saiyans rushed out at the fastest speed and rushed towards Son Gohan.

Son Gohan was as still as a mountain and responded calmly.

Now, even if he did not transform, he had enough strength to deal with the three Saiyans in front of him.

Among the three, Caulifla was the strongest and the fastest.

She rushed to Son Gohan first and kicked out with her long right leg instantly.

The air was blasted by the whip kick, making a sound of breath explosion.

Seeing the long legs that exceeded the speed of sound sweeping ruthlessly, Son Gohan calmly raised his free arm and protected in front of him

""Bang!" With a loud bang,

Caulifla's right leg was blocked by Son Gohan's arm. The extremely terrifying force rushed along the slender and powerful long leg to hit Son Gohan's body.

But Caulifla's face soon turned pale.

Because she found that an even more terrifying recoil force shook her power away, and her right leg bone was almost torn apart by this force.

""Damn, bastard~" Feeling the severe pain from her right leg, Caulifla's throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably, and her body was also blown away.

Caulifla's eyes flashed with deep fear, and an unbelievable thought appeared in her mind.

Strength, is the power gap so big?

He hasn't even transformed into a Super Saiyan yet.


Seeing Caulifla spitting blood and flying backwards as soon as they met, Kale, who was following closely behind her, ran away

"Big, big sister"


"Dare to hurt my sister, I will kill you!!!"

The terrifying green energy broke free from the sleeping shackles.

Kale instantly lost her mind and her body expanded rapidly.

In just a blink of an eye, she changed from a slender female Saiyan to a muscle-exploding fitness fanatic.

Her long emerald green hair danced in the wind, and an extremely terrifying aura exploded instantly. Lightning and thunder flashed in the sky, and the entire Sarada planet trembled.


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