Looking down from the sky, it was a vast expanse of blue.

It was indeed the Earth.

But it was not the Earth in the seventh universe.

Instead, it was more like the planet in Son Gohan's memory of his previous life.

The blue planet that carried heavy memories.

The familiar outline of the earth, the familiar distribution of the ocean.

Is this the Earth in the sixth universe?

Like a dream!

Everything seemed so unreal.

Son Gohan and his companions landed on the Earth, looked around, and admired the surrounding scenery.

Son Gohan used his breath to sense this familiar yet unfamiliar planet.

Well, the population base is not small, with a population of more than six billion.

However, as expected, most of the people are just scum. Although there are some with dozens or hundreds of combat power, they are extremely rare.

This must be the ceiling of humans on this Earth.

Son Gohan asked curiously,"Lord Xiangpa, what wish did you make?"

Xiangpa said,"Let the timeline of this planet go back to the day before its destruction."


Son Gohan was stunned for a moment

"So can I understand that this planet is about to face another devastating disaster?"

"Uh, that seems to be the case. Xiang Pa was surprised.

"I thought I was here for vacation, but it turns out I'm here to save the planet." Beerus couldn't help but complain

"Hahahaha." Xiangpa touched the back of his head and laughed, not feeling embarrassed at all.

Son Gohan looked at Bardos:"Senior, can you tell me the history of this earth?"

Bardos nodded:"Of course."

As she spoke, the angel's scepter appeared out of thin air in her right hand.

Then, she held the scepter and pounded it on the ground, and a circle of ripples spread out.

The black magic ball on the top of the scepter changed color, emitted a green light, and then projected the story of the earth.

This is an extremely long process.

It includes the birth of the universe, the evolution of the earth from nothing to something, from simple to complex.

Landform changes.

Life phenomena and life activities.

Intelligent creatures appeared.

Human civilization appeared.

With the emergence of intelligent creatures, wars began to appear.

Then, it was a long history of human evolution.

In the Eastern Kingdom, the world was in chaos, the princes were in dispute, and the people were displaced.

Until the emergence of the First Emperor, the world was unified.

The First Emperor set up three dukes and nine ministers in the central government and abolished the division of labor. The feudal system was replaced by the county system.

The society implemented the same writing system and the same wheel gauge, and the economy unified the weights and measures.

He built the Great Wall to resist the invasion of barbarians.

He built the Lingqu Canal to connect the north and the south.

Humanity was unprecedentedly prosperous both militarily and economically.

Later, the First Emperor went east to the Penglai Island to find the elixir of immortality and achieve immortality.

The Great Qin Empire prospered for thousands of years and unified the entire Eastern country.

The Western countries also had the church and racial disputes.

Dynasties changed.

Finally, the United States dominated.

The situation basically stabilized.

In the east, there was the Qin Empire.

In the west, the United States was eyeing it covetously.

The two behemoths checked and balanced each other and did not invade each other.

However, the United States had long been ready to annex the Great Qin Empire.

In the end, the war broke out.

It developed for several The thousand-year-old Qin Empire had an astonishing military force.

After various nuclear bombs wiped out the United States, it destroyed the United States.

But after the war, a sudden plague swept the entire earth.

It was as if the Creator had forcibly sealed it and left a plague on mankind, completely destroying human civilization.

Even a powerful empire like the Qin Empire could not resist the attack of the plague, and mankind was completely annihilated in the long river of history.

Today's timeline is the day before the war between the United States and the Qin Empire.

In other words, a war of the century will break out tomorrow.

And after this war, an unprecedented plague will break out, leading to the extinction of all mankind.

Tomorrow's war will be the fuse of destruction.

After reading the entire history of the earth, Son Gohan was speechless.

No I know what to say.

But for the two gods of destruction and the two guide angels, this is actually nothing.

In their eyes, these things are just a flash in the pan.

After all, their lives are too long.

And their power is extremely strong. It is not surprising that a place like the Earth is just a speck of dust in their eyes.

No matter how powerful the empire is, it will eventually be no match for their thoughts.

Strong men like them don't need to take action. Just a glance can make the Earth turn into ashes countless times.

Now Xiangpa wants to keep the Earth from being destroyed simply because he wants to keep the delicious food on Earth. There is no great ideal.

Son Gohan sighed, looked at Xiangpa and asked,"Lord Xiangpa, what are your plans?"

After all, this is Xiangpa's territory, and it is reasonable to ask for his opinion. Xiangpa tilted his head, thought for a while, and then said,"Let them fight first, and when they are done, we will dispel this plague. How about that?"

""Yes, that's fine." Beerus nodded.

"But how to dispel this plague?" Beerus asked.

He was good at destruction, but not at saving.

But the two guide angels were not in a position to take action.

This was interfering with human affairs, which was a bit difficult.

Xiangpa was stunned:"This...……"

As the God of Destruction, Beerus is not good at it, so he is certainly not good at it either.

What should we do?

At this time, Son Gohan smiled and said,"I have a way to dispel this plague."

"Ah, really?" Champa's eyes lit up.

Son Gohan nodded:"Of course. There is something in our universe called Super Divine Water, which can purify everything in the world. I think it can purify a small plague."

He took out a bottle and handed it to Champa.

This was a spare bottle that Son Gohan took from Kailinta. He didn't expect it to come in handy today.

"Hey, you don't have to give it to me. I don't know how to use it. I'll leave everything to you." Champa waved his hand.

Son Gohan:...

No, isn't this the Sixth Universe's business?

How come the Seventh Universe has a God of Destruction like Beerus who doesn't care about anything? When he comes to the Sixth Universe, such a thing also falls on his shoulders?

"Uh, okay, but Lord Xiangpa, you owe me a favor."Son Gohan said

"Hahaha, no problem, no problem." Xiangpa waved his hands repeatedly, not seeming to mind at all.

Son Gohan silently took back the Super Divine Water, thinking about how to trick Xiangpa.

"Hey, we're not just going to stand here, are we? Let's get something to eat?" Beerus rolled his eyes.

"It's still early, why don't we find a place and eat for two days and two nights, watching two ants fighting while eating, isn't that uncomfortable?"

Xiangpa laughed:"Haha, my brother Beerus is right, let's find a place to eat."

""Slurp~" He licked his lips as he spoke.

What does the upcoming war have to do with them?

"Hohoho, let's go find a place to eat."Whis and Bardos seconded the proposal, fully agreeing with Beerus and Champa. The newly promoted trainee God of Destruction Son Gohan naturally followed the local customs and integrated into the local community.


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