Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 54: Tang Doudou, you are gone.

   Chapter 54 Tang Doudou, you are gone

   Star Dou Great Forest, the outer area is almost a mixture of centenary spirit beasts and thousand-year-old spirit beasts.

The danger of    the Great Star Dou Forest is that even a Titled Douluo would be in danger.

   To know that the title Douluo's weight is considered a top-level existence even in the two great empires.

   After all, in today's Heaven Dou Empire, not even a Titled Douluo has appeared before.

   And if it was a titled Douluo, apart from a peerless Douluo of the 99th level, no one would dare to say that he would be able to come and go freely in the Great Star Dou Forest.

   Even Qian Daoliu, who possesses divine power, is still very afraid of the Great Star Dou Forest.

   Of course, he didn't know that there was a more terrifying existence under the Great Star Dou Forest. Like those beasts.

   There is a real plant king in the Star Dou Great Forest today.

   is the little boy Yun Xiaofeng who has the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor.

  In his realm, an old man was chasing a man-faced spider with a dragon staff.

   And not far away from him are Tang San, Zao Wou-Ki, Snake Po, Meng Yan and others.

  Different from the original work, Chao Tianxiang, the snake woman, joined Zao Wou-Ki's team. After all, there is a marriage saint leading the team, which is also a good thing.

   And Zao Wou-Ki also felt that the dragon worker must be nearby, so he thought that there was a Contra-level power guard guarding, and the Star Dou Great Forest was considered safe.

  Oscar got a flying skill as he wished, but Ning Rongrong was hit hard.

"Yanzi, follow me, others pay attention to safety, it is really impossible to open the Vast Sea Universe Cover." With the eyes of reality, Yun Xiaofeng saw at a glance that the two thousand-year-old human-faced magic bead that Duke Long wanted to kill was possessed by foreigners. The existence of spirit bones.

   And there is a bigger guy behind that big tree, suitable for Duguyan's fourth spirit ring.

   with Duguyan, a flash appeared in front of the soul beast chased by Duke Long.

   No one needs this soul beast, and it is only a little over two thousand years old. This is simply too simple for Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Six Meridians Divine Sword, Shangyang Sword." The location where Yun Xiaofeng flashed out was exactly the only way for the Human Face Magic Bead.

   The index finger of his right hand stretched out, almost touching the face of the Human Face Magic Bead.

   In an instant, the head of the human-faced demon spider was penetrated.

   On the other side, the human-faced demon spider who was hiding in the dark and preparing to give Duke Long a fatal blow, saw his child was killed, and couldn't hide it instantly.

   But the target he was going to attack was not Yun Xiaofeng, but Duke Long,

   "It's all your fault, you old man. If you don't chase my son, my son won't die."

   This is the idea of ​​the face magic bead,

   But Duke Long doesn’t think so anymore,

   looked at the spider legs that were about six meters long, shimmering with cold light, and made people palpitate.

   And it was because Duke Long was attacked.

The    dragon staff stood in front of him.

   Dodge sideways.

   Dodge the fatal blow.

   "The seventh soul skill, the real body of the soul." Duke Long was also angry. Because this human-faced demon spider is too despicable. Just attack him.


  Yun Xiaofeng pulled out the Jinse dagger, and took it out from the human-faced demon spider that was more than two thousand years old. Then he took out a skeleton,

   This skeleton is extremely peculiar. It does not belong to any part of the body, but it has the appearance of eight small spider legs.

   Yun Xiaofeng knew that this was one of Tang Doudou's plug-ins.

   Put the soul bone into the soul tool,

   This scene was seen by Xiao Wu, Ye Leng Leng, and Zhu Zhuqing who had just arrived.

   This pig in their family is lucky.

  Although they didn't know what spirit bones were attached to, when they saw the dark green light, they already knew what spirit bones were.

   But they are not going to ask.

   "Xiao Wu, go and kick back that human-faced demon spider, its age is just right for Duguyan's soul ring." Yun Xiaofeng directly asked Xiao Wu to go up,

   Xiao Wu didn't like the human-faced magic beads at all. They were originally the nightmare of the small spirit beasts of Xingdou Dasenling.

   Moreover, the Human Face Demon Bead had been fighting the Soft-Bone Rabbit Family for an unknown number of years, and it was not until later that Xiao Wu's mother, the 100,000-year-old Soft-Bone Charming Rabbit, came out victorious.

   "Ling Bo Weibu," Xiao Wu instantly turned into a wind, and her figure flickered. This is the power of Lingbo Microstep.

"The third soul skill, teleportation. The fourth soul skill, the Invincible Golden Body, the second soul skill, Charm, the first soul skill, the waist bow, the soul skill created by oneself, and the eighth-dan fall." When the human-faced magic bead was a little embarrassed,

   After a coquettish shout, a pretty figure with a layer of gold all over his body appeared in front of him.

   I saw the human-faced spider's legs, stabbing Xiao Wu's body,

   The sound of "ding ding ding" came from Xiao Wu's body.

   At this time, I saw Xiao Wu again, and her eyes began to turn pink. Playful winked at the human-faced spider.

  Human-faced Demon Spider: "How dare you to tempt Lao Tzu, when the temptation is over, Lao Tzu will eat you dead bunny"

   However, when Duke Long was stunned,

  Xiao Wu stretched out a pair of small gilded hands and grabbed the two spider legs of the human-faced demon spider.

   He knew that the legs of this human-faced spider were highly poisonous.

   Even his current Soul Douluo cultivation level is not good.

   Then he noticed the spirit rings under Xiao Wu's feet, one yellow, two purple, and one black.

   What kind of fairy spirit ring is this?

   Maybe it's because the old man's eyes are dizzy.

   wiped his eyes carefully and opened them again.

   No dazzling, what the **** is that special theory master.

   At this time, the yellow spirit ring in the innermost circle of Xiao Wu's spirit ring flashed.

   He kicked his legs hard and kicked the human-faced demon spider into the sky.

   Then I saw the pretty girl's figure flashing constantly.

   "Bang bang bang bang" in the air brought the masked spider to Xiao Wu's specialty.

   "Boom." The human-faced spider fell in front of Dugu Yan.

"This is a human-faced demon bead. A human-faced demon spider of about 12,000 years old. Miss Wu, do you want to be so stubborn? Anyway, you should be restrained, it's not good to be a weak and weak girl. Is it?" Ye Leng Leng's three daughters thought so after Xiao Wu put away their martial spirits and spirit rings.

   In fact, the three girls are not afraid of this human-faced magic bead,

  Because as long as it's Yun Xiaofeng's people, they're all free from poison.

  What is the biggest advantage of the face magic bead. It's just poison.

   But Ye Leng Leng thought about the feeling of being protected,

   Zhu Zhuqing wanted to become stronger.

   Duguyan, anyway, I have my grandfather. If anyone dares to provoke me, I will let my grandfather go to your sect to put poison, and I will ask you if you are afraid.

   Yun Xiaofeng threw the Jinse dagger to Duguyan.

   "Kill it, this spirit ring is suitable for you." Yun Xiaofeng knew that after the human-faced demon spider's spirit ring was absorbed, Dugu Yan's poison would become even more perverted.

   Dugu Yan was also not polite, because at this time the human-faced demon spiders on the ground were still buzzing, "What happened just now? I'm so terribly like heaven."

   Duguyan held the Jinse dagger in his hand, and pierced the body of the human-faced demon spider with a sword.

The moment the    blade was inserted, the entire human-faced demon spider twitched, and then died.

   The sharpness of the Jinse dagger can be described as an existence that cuts iron like mud.

  How could the shell of the human-faced spider be able to block the penetration of the Jinse dagger.

   At this time, the old man Long Gong next to him came out.

   Seeing the two dead human-faced spiders, although he felt uneasy, they still helped him after all.

   "The age of this human-faced magic bead is approaching three thousand years. I wonder if there are juniors in the old man's family who are strong enough to need such a spirit ring."

  Yun Xiaofeng knew that Duke Long was an old man with little knowledge. He probably graduated from elementary school and never attended junior high school.

   "What, it's almost three thousand years." Duke Long exclaimed.

   "The legs are nearly three meters long, you can't tell the old man." Yun Xiaofeng means, I read more books than you.

   At this moment, the old man Long Gong woke up, if he gave this to his granddaughter, then his precious granddaughter would explode and die.

   Anyway, Duke Long didn't see the appearance of the spirit bone. Even if he did, Yun Xiaofeng wouldn't give it, what could he do.

   Two yellow, three purple, and three black spirit rings are just Contras.

   Yun Xiaofeng's first soul skill of the Storm Tomahawk has been unlocked, I haven't tried the effect yet. If this old man dares to make a mistake, let him try the axe.

   "Yanzi, absorb the spirit ring, I will help you protect the law." As for Dugu Yan to absorb the spirit ring here.

   When Duguyan pulled out the Jinse dagger, a black spirit ring had already condensed on the corpse of the human-faced demon spider.

   Sitting with his legs crossed, Lonely Yan thought of Xiao Wu at this moment, and looked back,

  Xiao Wu also thought of Dugu Yan and worried that Xiao Wu's heart would be hurt.

   Xiao Wu smiled playfully and cutely.

   "Sister Yanzi, hurry up and absorb the spirit ring, and I will look for the spirit ring for Leng Leng later."

   Duke Long stood aside, watching Duguyan appear three spirit rings on his body, then no spirit rings appeared.

   "Little friend, the fourth ring absorbs the ten thousand year spirit ring, that's not good." Duke Long was kind.

   "Don't worry, I believe Yanzi can do it." Yun Xiaofeng held the Jinse dagger in his arms with an indifferent attitude.

   "Hey," Duke Long felt that he could no longer persuade him. What can he do, he is helpless. Then he thought about the girl who was gilded in front of him just now, isn't she the fourth ring of ten thousand years?

  The sound of rustling came into everyone's ears.

   Yun Xiaofeng knew that Tang San and his party had arrived.

   It's just that he doesn't want to pay attention to Tang Doudou.

The    eight spider soul bones have been taken into the soul tool by Yun Xiaofeng. And the Dugu Yan actually has it, he saw it through the eyes of reality.

   Tang Doudou would still be able to go to heaven without Xiao Wu and without the eight spider spirit bones.

Oh. By the way, so is the fairy grass.

The appearance of   Zao Wou-Ki did not affect Yun Xiaofeng and the others in the slightest.

   However, when Ning Rongrong saw Duguyan absorbing the fourth ring of ten thousand years, he instantly covered his mouth.

  Zao Wou-Ki wanted to greet Duke Long first.

   However, he was stunned by Ning Rongrong's surprised expression.

  Zao Wou-Ki also looked at Dugu Yan who was absorbing the Fourth Ring of Ten Thousand Years.

  Zao Wou-Ki was stunned,

   Ma Hongjun was stunned,

  Dai Mubai was stunned.

  Tang San is a fool,

  Dream still the family is also directly stunned,

  Tang San then thought, his master, Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang's theoretical knowledge must be true, how could the fourth spirit ring last ten thousand years.

   "Explode, explode, explode." Tang San was thinking in his heart at this moment.

  Tang San has always believed in the theory brought to him by his master Yu Xiaogang. After all, the person who claims to be invincible in the theoretical world is just so talented.

  Yu Xiaogang: "If you say that this master's theory is wrong, then you go to find the evidence."

  Yun Xiaofeng: "Isn't the Blue Silver Grass Soul Master in Holy Soul Village a Healer?"

   Yu Xiaogang sprayed five pounds of blood.

   Ask for a recommendation ticket!



   (end of this chapter)

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