Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 180: Zhu Zhuyun, you stinky woman

   Chapter 180 Zhu Zhuyun, you stinky woman

   "That. Your Royal Highness, Xiaofeng may be joking with you. As you know, he is not short of money."

   On the way back to the palace, Du Gubo escorted him all the way. After all, the safety of His Royal Highness is still very important.

   "Many thanks to Senior Dugu for escorting, Qinghe is very grateful." Xue Qinghe really thanked Dugu Bo.

   Dugu Bo is the wild titled Douluo of the Heaven Dou Empire. His one-on-one ability is insufficient. But such a group battle can pick up millions at a time.

   Who is the person you least want to meet on the battlefield? So anyway, it's a loneliness blog.

"You're welcome, it's Xiaofeng who asked me to **** you back to the palace. Since you're here, I'll say goodbye first. I hope His Royal Highness doesn't bother with Xiaofeng. He just likes to make trouble." After Dugu Bo finished speaking then left.

   His granddaughter-in-law is simply admiring him now.

   Even the Crown Prince dared to rob.

   "Bastard." Xue Qinghe cursed in his heart.

   When he absorbed the sixth spirit ring, he robbed him and made himself his fifteenth concubine. Not to mention stealing his first kiss. The problem is that she kissed her mother in front of her at the Prince's Mansion.

   "Yun Xiaofeng. You are a dog!"

   Xueqinghe went back to the Prince's mansion.

   About Yun Xiaofeng being a stocking robber. He dared not tell her mother Bibi Dong.

   Or she was worried that her mother would kill him.

   Although she took away her first kiss. But the spirit that helped her evolved once. Twelve Winged Archangel!


  In the backstage lounge of the Great Soul Arena.

  Ning Fengzhi felt as if he had made a big mistake.

   almost killed Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Boy, after seeing you, you're not skinny anymore." Sword Douluo smiled happily.

   Dare to rob the princess of his own house. Play offline!

   "Little witch, look at your father and your sword grandpa so hard.

  The two soul bones are your dowry, tsk tsk, so shabby! "

   When Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo heard this, their faces turned green.

   Sure enough.

   "Well, yes, ah! Dad, Grandpa Jian, is Rongrong worth two soul bones in your hearts?" Ning Rongrong had no objection to Yun Xiaofeng.

   She herself has feelings for stockings robbers. Ning Fengzhi, let Yun Xiaofeng's identity be revealed. No doubt it gave Ning Rongrong a kind of courage.

   At this moment, Ning Rongrong's expression was aggrieved and anxious.

   is like being abandoned. Between crying and not crying.

   Sword Douluo's heart almost broke when he saw this.

   "Rongrong, don't cry! Why don't we go back and discuss the dowry."

   "Yun Xiaofeng, I really didn't find out, you are really poisonous!" Ning Fengzhi didn't even think that Ning Rongrong was stimulated by Yun Xiaofeng. It exploded in an instant.

The title   Little Witch is not for nothing.

   "Uncle Ning, each other, in fact, you may have overlooked how I got the title of Yuexuan Little Demon King! Haha."

  You make my head hurt, and I make your head hurt too. Who is afraid of who!

  Tang Yuehua, Yun Yun, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ye Leng Leng, Dugu Yan, Liu Erlong, Descending Plants. White agarwood. Wait, the eyes that look at Yun Xiaofeng have changed,

   "Haha, this is my little devil!" Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun,

   They have no opinion on Yun Xiaofeng's robbery.

  Ning Fengzhi revealed that Yun Xiaofeng was a robber,

   Turning around, Yun Xiaofeng dug a big hole for Ning Fengzhi.

  Ning Fengzhi of the pit doesn't want it.

  Tang Yuehua estimated that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School didn't bleed much this time, and Ning Rongrong couldn't be Yun Xiaofeng's concubine.

   Yun Xiaofeng's superb provocation this time! If the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is to be made, it is estimated that there will be a lot of bleeding.

   She simply admired Yun Xiaofeng, who died in her family.

   This operation is simply not good.

   "Wife Yunyun, everyone will go to Yuexuan or the Imperial Fighting Room later! Kitty follow me," Yun Xiaofeng said, pulling Zhu Zhuqing out of the Great Dou Soul Arena.


   "Where are we going?" Just got out of the big battle field. Zhu Zhuqing asked Dao Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Take you to prove a fun thing. Follow me. Just do everything as I say." Yun Xiaofeng took Zhu Zhuqing all the way into the Rose Hotel and opened a room.

   At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun was alone in the room applying medicine to his fullness.

   "Zhu Zhuqing that girl is too sturdy! The chance is too good, even at this age, she has reached the realm of the soul king!" After a while, he said to himself.

   Zhu Zhuyun dressed carefully.

   She is going out now.

   looked at a woman with stockings on his head, holding a woman somewhat similar to her in his arms, but the woman in his arms was obviously in a coma.

   Yun Xiaofeng hurriedly carried Zhu Zhuqing into the room. Throw her on the bed!

"Hahaha, little beauty, this young master sees where you are fleeing today. I am going to take a bath first. Then I will enjoy you. Tsk tsk." Yun Xiaofeng's wild and uninhibited laughter in the room spread to the door, letting him Zhu Zhuyun outside the door was tangled.

   She wanted to call someone, but after calling her, her sister may have been innocent.

   This was definitely not what she wanted.

   Put your hand on the door lock of the Rose Hotel room and twist it! The door opened.

   Zhu Zhuyun was very surprised, so he could go and steal his sister.

   Zhu Zhuyun crept into the room.

   Zhu Zhuqing was lying on the bed. Eyes closed, apparently in a coma. Or being drugged.

   "You idiot, you don't know how to protect yourself when you go out."

   Zhu Zhuyun scolded Zhu Zhuqing. Then I heard the sound of water running in the bathroom of the room.

   picked up Zhu Zhuqing, and then left Yun Xiaofeng's room on tiptoe.

   At the moment when Zhu Zhuyun hugged Zhu Zhuqing and left the room. Yun Xiaofeng walked out of the bathroom.

   "Tsk tsk, sisters are in love!" Yun Xiaofeng still sighed.

   He has been thinking about a question. If a person whose soul power is more than ten levels higher than you and five years older than you really wants to kill you. Then you have no chance of surviving at all.

   Zhu Zhuqing's innate soul power is about the eighth level.

  Arriving at Shrek Academy at the age of twelve is the twenty-seventh level.

   In this way, her cultivation time is no less than Tang San's.

   So Yun Xiaofeng kept guessing that Zhu Zhuyun would not really want to kill Zhu Zhuqing.

   Zhu Zhuyun is not a big-chested person!

   "This woman has something!"

   Yun Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh.

   He has been paying attention to everything in Zhu Zhuyun's room,

   Zhu Zhuyun hugged Zhu Zhuqing in his arms and threw it directly onto his bed, it was a throw. It was thrown away after a few meters.

   "Sleeps like a pig. No wonder he didn't even know when he was taken to a hotel, idiot."

   Zhu Zhuqing, who was thrown on the bed, twitched at the corner of his mouth.

   "Zhu Zhuyun, you stinky woman."

   "There's no sign of waking up yet. Could it be that he was taking some medicine? It shouldn't be!" Zhu Zhuyun approached Zhu Zhuqing as he spoke, pinching her wrist in his hand.

   "Strange, there is no sign of poisoning! What the heck is going on!" Zhu Zhuyun was stunned.

   (end of this chapter)

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