Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 164: Sheke's little book

   Chapter 164 Xue Ke's Little Book

   A few days have passed, and Yun Xiaofeng's days during this period are even more immortal than immortals.

   He had already thought about it. After Ah Yin and An Ran returned in a month, they would go to the palace with Ning Fengzhi to see Xue Qinghe and ask him to hand over his little princess wife.


  Tiandou Royal Academy, Board of Education.

"Chief Mengshenji, I'm the vice president of the Imperial Academy of Star Luo Empire. The purpose of our visit here is to have a soul battle with your academy's team that will participate in the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Tournament next year. I hope Mengshenji The Education Committee is complete."

   Xingluo Empire Royal Academy sent to fight against Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Dream Machine, Baibaoshan, Zhilin. The three Soul Douluo sat in their seats.

   Looking at the Deputy Head of the Star Luo Imperial Academy below, he was a little speechless.

   looks like he is invincible, if the little devil Yuexuan comes on stage, I am afraid it will slap your students who are going to participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition next year.

   "Alright then, I'll arrange for our Heaven Dou Royal Academy team to participate in the competition. In terms of time, it will be in the Heaven Dou Empire Heaven Dou City Grand Dou Arena in three days."

  Meng Shenji thought about it and decided to spend three more days. He had to go to Little Demon King Yuexuan to discuss the next thing.

   "Chief Dream Machine, why don't we make a bet or something?" The Star Luo messenger said.

   "Tsk tsk, could it be that the Star Luo Envoy thinks that your Star Luo Empire will definitely win?" Meng Shenji said with some disdain.

   Just like the fighting strength of the Dou Empire Imperial Fighting Team today, none of the three Soul Douluo of over 80 levels dared to say that they could win.

   The Star Luo Empire is expanding.

   "Winning or losing is secondary to the Soul Battle. What we want is friendship, right?" The Star Luo messenger continued, "But after all, adding some bets as a reward will allow the students to fight, right?"

   Mengshenji old man looks like I've read books, don't fool me.

   "This matter is relatively big, I have to report the situation to His Majesty, otherwise the stakes are too high, and I can't be the master alone."

   "The messenger hasn't said what the bet is yet?" the old man Yugoshinji said.

   "Well, the stake is a spirit bone that is more than 30,000 years old. How about it?"

   "Okay, then I'll report to Your Majesty. After all, spirit bones are too precious." Meng Shenji finished.

   "Then I'll be waiting for the genius academy of the Imperial Fighting Team." The envoy of the Star Luo Empire walked out of the Tiandou Imperial Academy Education Committee with the steps of not recognizing six relatives.

   "Fatty Bai, Zhilin, the two of you go to the little devil to discuss this matter. I will report to His Majesty." After the old man Mengshenji finished speaking, the other two nodded and left the Education Committee. They each go their own way.

  The old man of Meng Shenji held the royal token all the way, and saw the old man Xue Ye without any hindrance.

"Your Majesty, the Xingluo Imperial Academy team came to our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and indicated that they would challenge the Imperial Fighting Team. They also asked us to participate in the fighting spirit, and the bet was a spirit bone that was more than 30,000 years old." Is there anyone else in the emperor's imperial study?

   This matter can't be hidden, and he doesn't care if there are other people in the imperial study at this time.

   " this Xingluo Empire bullying no one in our empire?" Emperor Xue Ye was very angry and slapped the table in the imperial study.

   His hands trembled.

   "Too deceiving." The Great Emperor Xue Ye seldom cared about the affairs of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

  In addition to the old man Mengshenji, who was also busy some time ago, he wrote the seal and handed it to Xue Ye, and Xue Ye has not yet come to see it.

   "Your Majesty, the Star Luo Empire is not deceiving people too much, but giving away soul bones." Mengshenji smiled brilliantly.

   "How to say this." Emperor Xue Ye suddenly looked at the old man Mengshenji, if he couldn't say why, he would definitely want the old Mengshenji hair to match the frontier.

   "Didn't the old minister report to His Majesty some time ago? The Imperial Fight Team now has three Soul King members." Emperor Xue Ye's mind was a little bit insufficient.

   "Cough, I'm sorry, Chief Meng, the state affairs were too busy some time ago, I didn't notice." Emperor Xue Ye also cast an apologetic look at Meng Shenji.

   "Qinghe, the affairs of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy will be handed over to you in the future. You can decide all the affairs of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy." Emperor Xue Ye turned his head and faced Xue Qinghe, who was in a daze.

   "Brother, the royal father called you." Little Princess Xueke poked Xue Qinghe, who was still in a daze, with her finger.

   "Uh, follow your orders, father emperor." Xue Qinghe immediately received the order. For him to manage the Heaven Dou Empire Royal Academy, that would be great.

   However, Xue Beng on the side, the whole person was dumbfounded.

   The Star Luo Empire is simply assisting Xue Qinghe.

  What's the matter, he also wants the management rights of the Heaven Dou Imperial Royal Academy, that way, he can carry out the gangster to the end. Continue to harm the girls in the academy.

   Then he thought of Yun Xiaofeng, the peerless fierce man who chased Dugu Bochopping with a sword. Then he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

  Xueke thought to himself, "Brother became the administrator of the Imperial Academy of Heaven Dou, then I can go to the Imperial Academy of Heaven Dou to play, tsk tsk, after so long, I don't know if there is any stinky wind. I forgot."

"Well, that's good, Qinghe, you go to the treasury to get a soul bone that is more than 30,000 years old, and give it to the chief Mengshenji, and let him use it as a bet. In this battle, we will fight the style of the Heaven Dou Empire. The Royal Fight Team won, and this spirit bone is used as a reward for this time, rewarded to the Royal Fight Team members."

The meaning of   The Great Emperor Xue Ye is very clear. He graduated from the Royal Academy at the age of twenty-five. Since he has not yet graduated from the Soul King, it means that these three are all cultivation geniuses. "Chief Mengshenji, can I ask about the ages of the three Soul Kings?"

   "Go back to Your Majesty, the three of them are still under the age of fourteen today." Meng Shenji just finished answering.

   "What did you say?" The old man Xue Ye was almost scared to death by Meng Shenji's words. This is a monster, right? All three soul kings reached the realm of soul kings before they were fourteen years old.

   "Go back to your majesty, everything the old minister said is true." Meng Shenji didn't want to be covered with a crime of bullying the king on his skull.

   "Okay, okay, great. Our Heaven Dou Empire was born with a genius. It seems that God blesses me." Xue Ye was so excited that she almost wanted to open a bottle of Erguotou in 1982 to celebrate.

   "Can you tell me they are geniuses cultivated by that family?" Xue Ye believed that these three geniuses would definitely not be ordinary students.

   Moreover, if you don’t have the noble status of the Heaven Dou Imperial Royal Academy, you can’t enter.

"Well, it was trained by Yuexuan. The three of them are Yun Xiaofeng, Yun Xiaowu, and Yun Xiaoqing." The old man Mengshenji also told Xue Ye his name, which meant that he had to go and fight Yuexuan quickly. relation.

   "Well, Ke'er, didn't the royal father listen to you some time ago, do you want to marry Yun Xiaofeng?" Xue Ye remembered that he had prevented Xue Ke from marrying outside, so he had to recruit a concubine.

   "Hmm, um, but you don't agree with the royal father." Xue Ke smirked. She never thought that her brother Xiaofeng was so powerful. Almost made her father jump up in fright.

  Xue Ye stroked his beard and said: "This time, I'm sure, you also go to the Tiandou Imperial Academy to study, and cultivate more feelings with him."

   "Thank you, Father," Xue Ke was extremely happy.

   Originally, she didn't know when she would be able to meet her brother Xiaofeng. I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

   "Father, Ke'er is still young. Isn't it too early?" As soon as Xue Qinghe heard that she was going to marry Xue Ke to Yun Xiaofeng,

   She didn't think Yun Xiaofeng, the Soul King, was so powerful.

   She always thought about the **** who robbed her of her soul tool and then took her first kiss.

   You must know that she is already a Soul Emperor, but she can't say it.

   "This matter is settled." Emperor Xue Ye made a decision, and this matter was settled.

   But Xueke wrote down what Xue Qinghe wanted to prevent her from marrying her brother Xiaofeng.

   About this matter, he took a small notebook and wrote down what Xue Qinghe did.

   (end of this chapter)

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