Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 162: Zhu Yandan

   Chapter 162 Zhuyan Dan

   At this moment, Yun Xiaofeng is still lying on the bed of Tang Yuehua's boudoir on the fifth floor of Yuexuan.

   He's not lazy, he really can't get up right now!

   Because after he left the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Royal Fight Team and returned to Yuexuan, he just saw Yun Yun, and then he didn't come up to hug.

   was punished by the system master for forgetting to punish Kuanglei Tianwei for giving electricity, his whole body was charred, his hair stood on end, and his mouth was smoking!

   Don't mention that look, it's a miserable old man.

   And then Yun Yun carried him to Tang Yuehua's room on the fifth floor!

   Why was Yun Xiaofeng so shocked.

   Yunyun had some guesses in her heart. But she didn't name it!

   "Wife Yunyun, help me up." Yun Xiaofeng was very fortunate. Fortunately, he has the soul bone of the right leg of the 100,000-year silver medal Blue Silver Emperor.

The    spirit bone was slowly healing his injuries.

   As for why not let Yunyun send him to the Tiandou Imperial Academy to find Ye Xiaorou to treat them.

   That is Yun Xiaofeng himself feels ashamed. I dare not go to my mother-in-law.

   "Little hooligan, stay calm and don't move. You don't even look at how hurt you are!" Yun Yun gave Yun Xiaofeng a strange look.

   "Don't worry, wife Yun Yun, I have nothing at all, I guess I will be able to run away soon." Yun Xiaofeng had to activate the spirit bone skill to heal himself slowly.

   He only dared to treat slowly, not too blatant. He was afraid that after being discovered by the system, he would be specially cleaned up.

  Yun Xiaofeng leaned up slowly, took a pillow and leaned on his back, leaning on the head of the bed.

   Take something out of the system space!

   "Wife Yunyun, this gift is from your eldest sister!"

   Hearing Yun Xiaofeng's words, Yun Yun was stunned.

   Their eldest sister is a fierce person!

   can lock the time and space of a world. So how precious is the gift she gave herself!

   Yun Yun took the gift from Yun Xiaofeng with both hands. Take a closer look.

   good guy,

   Yunyun called out to the good guy in her heart at this moment.

   A sky blue color with a little hazy feeling of mist and rain on it, a few butterflies embroidered on it, and a peony flower that is enough to stand out from the crowd!

  Even if it is a living fairy flower, Acacia Heartbroken Red cannot compare with it.

   It may be that the Acacia Broken Heart Red on the left side of Tang Yuehua's heart has the kind of apron that can compete with him.


   A apron.

   Yun Xiaofeng now understands why the system gave him the bellyband of his eldest wife as a gift to comfort his soul!

   "Wife Yunyun, this is a superb artifact! Once you put it on, you will be invincible. Even the Dou Di from your hometown can't let you suffer any damage!"

   The moment Yun Yun took the apron, she received the message, exactly as Yun Xiaofeng said. Definitely a powerful defensive weapon!

   "Little rascal, thank eldest sister for me!" Yun Yun readily accepted the fact that Yun Xiaofeng gave her a bellyband.

   Yunyun's expectations for their eldest sister at this moment is simply an existence that is explosive.

   Even if it wasn't given to them by their elder sister, even if there was no defensiveness, she would happily accept the ordinary apron given to her by Yun Xiaofeng!

   "Ghost knows where your eldest sister is now." Yun Xiaofeng was very speechless to his eldest wife! If you say you want to come, just come, after so many years,

   There is not a single figure. Knowing how to play tricks all day.

  Yun Xiaofeng is complaining on the surface, but in fact he is still worried. This is the first time he has a dream of a woman he has never met!

  【Dog host? Don't want to wait? 】

   "No, I just feel so lonely, so empty, so cold!"

  【Do you want to be so shameless. I just slept with the kitten and the rabbit in my arms last night. dog host. 】

   "By the way, System Master, do you know the name of my eldest wife?"

  【Wu Qingying】

   "Dance to figure out the shadow? When are you in the world?"

  【What's so special about a thousand miles together! 】

   "I can't think of the system, you are quite artistic!"


   "By the way, System Master, how long before I turn fourteen!"

  【There's still about a month left! 】

   "Well, when the time comes, come over to celebrate my birthday with me."

【Will do! 】

"thank you!"

  【Dog host, you actually gave this palace, not the system. 】

   "Don't talk nonsense, what's the trick here? This young master will never use a trick!"

  【Your shamelessness has refreshed my three views. 】

   "I can thank you!"

   Yun Xiaofeng and the system probably chatted for a while.

   If he was 70 to 80 percent sure before, then now he is sure that his eldest wife is definitely connected to the system.

   "Wife Yuehua, you are here." Yun Xiaofeng leaned on the bed and opened his eyes slightly.

  Tang Yuehua sat beside Yun Yun in a pale yellow palace dress with floral floral dress.

   A pair of phoenix eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng curiously: "Little bastard, are you better?"

  She is different from Yunyun, who knows that Wu Qingying exists.

   Yun Xiaofeng nodded, indicating that she should not worry. He is fine!

   "Well, it's fine. By the way, the patriarch of the Pozhi Clan said you want to see him, and he is downstairs in Yuexuan. Judging from your miserable appearance, it is estimated that he will not be able to see you today."

  Tang Yuehua came in to ask, and asked Yun Xiaofeng to find a way to solve this matter.

   "Actually, it doesn't matter, Mrs. Yuehua, you can carry me downstairs!" Yun Xiaofeng's words caused Yun Yun to spit out the water she drank.

  Although Yun Yun is gentle and kind, it doesn't mean that she won't sneer at Yun Xiaofeng's shamelessness!

   "Little rascal, your shameless request has refreshed my three views!" Yun Yun said with a smile!

   "Hehe, little bastard, your mother-in-law is here too. She looks a little angry. Did she bully her Leng Leng sister!"

  Tang Yuehua said meaningfully.

   "I didn't bully them! You are all my treasures, how dare you bully them!" Yun Xiaofeng nuzui.

  Tang Yuehua said he bullied Ye Leng Leng,

   He was not happy.

   "Since the mother-in-law is here, let her come in first! Help me treat me by the way. After all, Yang Wudi is still waiting downstairs!" Yun Xiaofeng calculated in his heart,

   Ye Xiaorou may have chased Yuexuan because she found out the age of Liu Er's keel last night.

  . In fact, the most important thing is appearance!

   "This matter is easy to solve! One Zhuyandan matter! No, it should be two!" Yun Xiaofeng thought for a while.

  Although he became brothers with himself, no matter what, Ye Qi is also his father-in-law.

   Can’t favor one over another!

   Ye Xiaorou and Ye Qi walked into the room and saw Yun Xiaofeng's appearance.

   Ye Xiaorou was embarrassed to blame.

   then glanced at the other two women in the room with strange eyes.

   "You two, it's not like they committed domestic violence to my son-in-law!" Ye Xiaorou's words made Yunyun almost sit on the floor.

  Tang Yuehua almost fell down!

   Ye Qi guessed in his heart, "It seems that my little brother Huiyuexuan was raped after that! Tsk tsk. Fortunately, I am the only one who has self-knowledge as a brother."

   "Mother-in-law, it's not what you think. It's because I have too many lightning elements in my body, and I was struck by lightning!" After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking.

   Ye Qi immediately laughed.

   But he found that three women in the room looked at him with the eyes of idiots,

   then immediately stopped laughing. A sad face!

   This is a complete actor at the level of a movie king!

   "The ninth soul skill, heal." Ye Xiaorou instantly activated the ninth soul skill, and the petals of her martial soul floated towards Yun Xiaofeng.

   With the treatment of Nine Heart Begonia Flower, the wounds on the body miraculously healed!

   "As expected of the No. 1 healing spirit master in Douluo Continent! Your mother-in-law is really amazing." Yun Xiaofeng felt that he was completely healed. You can go out again.

   Ye Xiaorou readily accepted Yun Xiaofeng's praise.

   "That son-in-law! Can you tell your mother-in-law that Liu Erlong's bone age was returned to eighteen by some method?" Ye Xiaorou still asked what she wanted to know.

  For every woman, age and appearance are like taboos. Heart of beauty in everyone! Although she still has the charm now. But after all, he is no longer young. Even if he looks like he is in his twenties.

   "Uh," Yun Xiaofeng looked at his mother-in-law's expectant look. Two pills were taken out from the soul tool!

   "Mother-in-law, this is Zhuyan Dan. It can lock a person's age and appearance at the age of eighteen. These two are considered gifts for mother-in-law."

   "Return to Tiandou Royal Academy and then absorb it!" Yun Xiaofeng suggested.

   He didn't want these two elders to be absorbed in Tang Yuehua's boudoir on the fifth floor of Yuexuan.

   If it wasn't for Tang Yuehua's eyes on his little bastard. Ye Qi don't even think about entering the fifth floor of Yue Xuan.

  Ye Xiaorou took the medicine pill and said to her son-in-law, "Then mother-in-law thank you again!" Then took Ye Qi's hand, and the two left Yuexuan in a hurry!

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't have to think about it to know that he was going back to the Tiandou Imperial Academy to absorb the medicinal pills.

   (end of this chapter)

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