As night approached, Mengyuan and his old man went to Tiandou Imperial City together.

The Tiandou royal family held a dinner tonight.

On the surface, it was to celebrate Princess Xueke's awakening of the martial arts, but in fact, Emperor Xueye wanted to take this opportunity to announce his marriage to the royal family.

Unfortunately, Meng Shenji couldn't refuse this marriage.

After all, he is a worshiper of the Tiandou royal family, and he is clearly on the side of Xue Qinghe.

In addition to being the only woman in the royal family, Xue Ke is also Xue Qinghe's younger sister. Due to emotions and reasons, Meng Shenji has no reason to reject this marriage.

Before Wuhundian clearly revealed his ambitions, the Tiandou royal family was still very willing to get close to Wuhundian.

Mengyuan even went to see Ju Douluo specifically about this matter, but Ju Douluo acquiesced to this situation.

The elders had no objections. Mengyuan, a junior, had no right to object to this arranged marriage.

To be honest, Mengyuan would rather go to the Qibao Glazed Sect than join the Spirit Hall.

It can be said that the current resource allocation in Wuhun City is not even enough for its own golden generation. Meng Yuan, who has a problematic composition, can only rely on his two teachers in Wuhun City.

In the Qibao Glazed Sect, given the lack of support there, I can directly fill up my cultivation resources.

And compared to the protagonist Tang San, who has an endless blood feud with Wuhun Palace, it is obvious that in the Qibao Glazed Sect, there is more room for maneuver by taking advantage of the conflicts between all parties.

Maybe you can still survive until the end to eat the chicken.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to eat soft rice in Liuli Sect!

Unfortunately, Mengyuan's wish to become Ning Fengzhi's son-in-law could not be realized because of the sudden appearance of two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui.

Just as Meng Yuan was on his way to the palace, spies from various major forces also reported back the information about the martial soul's awakening.

Different forces have different views on this.

The one who had the most intense reaction was definitely Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

After hearing the report from the head of Tiandou Imperial City's intelligence, the expression on Ning Fengzhi's face never softened.

So much so that even Sword Douluo on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin frowned and said: "Fengzhi, if you miss it, you miss it. This time Wuhun Palace intercepts Hu in advance, and we have no way to do it."

Ning Fengzhi rubbed his temples and said: "Uncle Jian, I have personally rejected a future Sect Protector Douluo! He is gifted with full soul power and will 100% become a titled Douluo in the future. Emperor Xue Ye invited me to go there before Watching the ceremony...I, alas."

If he knew that such a genius would appear at the awakening ceremony of the royal princess, he would have said anything! Unfortunately, there are no what-ifs in the world, and there is no regret medicine.

Ning Fengzhihui's intestines were now green.

He once had an opportunity, but unfortunately he completely missed it because of his contempt for the royal family.

According to Mengyuan's talent, becoming a titled Douluo is a sure thing.

Moreover, Meng Yuan is now the direct disciple of two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui, and will definitely become a core member of Wuhun Palace in the future.

They were both foxes for thousands of years, and Ning Fengzhi immediately saw the plan behind Emperor Xueye's marriage. He just wanted to take this opportunity to directly bind Meng Yuan to the royal family.

Because he is Xue Qinghe’s teacher and represents the Shangsan Sect. After Xue Qinghe ascends the throne in the future, the power of the royal family will be greatly affected by the Qibao Glazed Sect, and even Xue Qinghe may become a puppet at his mercy.

If he recruits the core members of Wuhun Palace as his son-in-law and attracts another major force to balance the relationship, he can prevent the Qibao Glazed Sect from becoming powerful alone, and the status and power of the royal family will become more stable.

If these relationships can be properly utilized, there may even be a chance to annihilate the Star Luo Empire.

Gu Rong looked at Ning Fengzhi and snorted coldly: "Fengzhi, although innate full soul power is rare, it is not rare in a thousand years. It is normal for more than a dozen to appear in a hundred years. Douluo Continent is so big, there will be more in the future." Are you afraid that you won’t be able to recruit talented disciples?”

"So what if that little guy is taken away by Wuhun Palace? His grandfather is worshiped by the royal family. Do you really think Wuhun Palace will trust him and cultivate him as a core? I think this little guy is probably the most important person between Wuhun Palace and the empire. partner."

"We won't be short of opportunities to woo him."

Ning Fengzhi sighed softly and said: "Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, this is not what I am worried about. I, Ning Fengzhi, have seven sons and six daughters. Except for Rongrong who has not yet awakened his martial soul, I don't know how talented he is. None of the remaining ones can carry the seven treasures." This is the foundation of Liuli Sect.”

"We will grow old eventually, but what will happen to our sect in the future?"

Hearing this, both Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were silent.

The current situation of the sect is the lack of support.

At this time, a little girl broke in from outside.

"Dad, Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, you have all been staying in the hall all afternoon. Didn't you agree that you would take Rongrong to play and attend the banquet in the evening?"

After Ning Fengzhi gave a bitter smile, he changed his expression to a soft one, took Ning Rongrong's hand and said, "Let's go, Rongrong, let's go to the banquet hosted by the royal family!"

"Maybe Rongrong can still make friends."

Ning Fengzhi's last sentence was very meaningful.

At this time, in the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City.

Bibi Dong sat alone on the throne without saying a word.

Below is a masked man half-kneeling.

Bibi Dong's fingers tapped the seat lightly: "Doesn't Elder Ju and Elder Gui have any objections to the marriage between the Tiandou royal family?"

"Yes, Mengyuan has already reported this matter to Elder Ju. Elder Ju's attitude is very ambiguous, he just said to follow the elder's wishes."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong sneered: "Elder Ju's calculations are quite loud. Forget it, you can go down first."


Based on Juhuaguan's pursuit of "grace, wealth and honor", Bibi Dong immediately saw Yueguan's plan behind it. Now Yue Guan only knows that Wuhun Palace's next plan is to expand its power in the Tiandou Empire, rather than directly annexing it.

Yueguan made a good move by accepting Mengyuan as his disciple.

Meng Yuan was originally the grandson worshiped by the Tiandou Empire, and now he was married to the royal family. If he wanted to take any action against the empire in the future, he would definitely need the help of Yue Guan and Gui Mei.

Don't look at these two pretending to be in front of others, but there are eight elders in the Holy Palace of Wuhun Palace! The pressure between Ju and Gui is still very high.

However, marriage with the Tiandou royal family... is an unstable factor after all!

A cold light flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes.

There was no room for surprise in her plan.

Meng Yuan was the biggest variable in the process of annexing the Tiandou Empire. However, if this threat is eliminated now, I am afraid it will chill the hearts of both Ju and Gui.

Forget it, just keep this kid for a while.

Internal investment has passed, please invest, sign a contract on Monday

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