Douluo Dalu: My system is not convinced again

Chapter 811: Transformed into a God or Demon

The fighting here attracted the attention of many people practicing on World Mountain. They stopped practicing and all their eyes were focused on the battle between Ye Feng and Huo Ling'er.

The blazing flames exuded terrifying temperatures, burning and distorting the space.


The sound of a Suzaku chirping sounded.

Purple red birds soared into the sky. The speed was extremely fast, reaching hundreds of meters in the air in the blink of an eye. Then the direction changed 180 degrees. It dived straight towards Ye Feng on the ground.


Purple red color impacted Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng was wrapped in blazing flames. The flames spread quickly. The effect of Attachment Burn covers a large area.

"Bad scoundrel!"

Huo Ling'er exhaled anxiously.

The flames enveloped Ye Feng and engulfed him. Looking in from the outside, you can only see purple-red flames burning, and you can't see the slightest trace of Ye Feng.

There was no movement within the flames, and the silence was heart-wrenching.

Huo Ling'er noticed that something was wrong. Couldn't help calling Ye Feng. She was worried about Ye Feng's safety.

"Are you worried about me?" Ye Feng's voice pierced through the purple flames.

Immediately, a person walked out of the purple flames.

There is Qi Gang around Ye Feng.

When he walked out of the area wrapped in purple-red flames, he put away his protective energy. Walk leisurely in the sea of ​​fire.

"You...were not burned by my flames?" Huo Ling'er asked Ye Feng in surprise.

"Yes, because I am immune to fire." Ye Feng said.


"Yes. Fire immunity. My body has been refined by ice and fire. I am immune to fire, poison and ice. Attacks in the form of ice and fire poison energy are ineffective against me. Only the impact and explosive power of ice and fire poison can produce attack effects on me. ”

"You mean you're trying to defeat me?" Huo Ling'er understood what Ye Feng said.

"You can understand it that way." Ye Feng's lips curled up slightly. Although the Douluo World is a fantasy sewer, the magical power of being immune to ice and fire poison that he obtained in the Douluo World still plays a big role even in the perfect world: "Do you want to continue? If you continue, you can Gotta get beaten."

"How many times have you been beaten?" Huo Ling'er asked. Her hands subconsciously touched her hips.

Every time Huo Ling'er met Ye Feng, it seemed that Ye Feng would feel uncomfortable if she didn't hit her buttocks a few times.

Ye Feng said he was going to be beaten, and Huo Ling'er realized that the part to be beaten must be her buttocks.

"It depends on how unwilling you are to listen." Ye Feng said.

Huo Ling'er has the bloodline of the supreme fire system and the bloodline of the supreme bird.

Just now, Huo Ling'er used the Sixth Strike of Ancient Suzaku - Burning Sky, which also had a certain impact on Ye Feng. Even though Huo Ling'er only has the cultivation level of the Venerable Realm, the combat power she just burst out can threaten the monks of the Divine Fire Realm. Ye Feng had to use his protective energy to block the attack just now.

"You have to defeat me first and then talk."

Huo Ling'er's eyes flickered. It seemed that fighting was not her inner purpose, but that she was begging for something else.

Suddenly, Huo Ling'er clenched his hands hard.

The fire on the ground gave off more fire.

"The Seventh Strike of the Ancient Suzaku·Starfire!"

Spark, also known as heart fire.

This is a very powerful treasure technique.

It can make the remaining flames left by Huo Ling'er's previous magic, or the flames that have been extinguished, burn again.

This treasure technique is similar to Tang San's second soul skill, Parasitism. Any area covered by flames and ashes can cause secondary burns.

Under the Star Fire Art, Ye Feng's whole body was ignited with raging fire. And the flame temperature is even higher than before.

"Fat man, have you forgotten, I am Huo Mian. The power of the Ancient Suzaku's seventh strike, Star Fire, is indeed very strong. It can be invincible to the realm of gods. It has a great improvement in combat power even against monks in the virtual realm. However, it doesn't work on me!" Ye Feng ignored Huo Ling'er's Spark Magic.

Starfire is just a form of attack, without any impact or explosive power. Therefore, Ye Feng, who is immune to fire, can ignore it.

"I have lost three kilograms, and you still call me fat. You have to be careful with the eighth blow." Huo Ling'er was angry and kindly reminded Ye Feng.

"The eighth strike of the ancient Suzaku: Transformation into a demon."

A subtle wave spread out from Huo Ling'er's body.

A faint smell of blood could be smelled in the flames emerging from Huo Ling'er's body.

"What kind of soul skill is this?"

"The smell of blood?"

"Dark. Look, that Suzaku has turned black. Is she a demon?"

The onlookers were sighing.

Among them are Ake, the saint of heaven who assassinated Ye Feng before, and Fairy Yuechan, the saint of Butian Sect. They were surprised to find that Huo Ling'er, who was previously exuding purple-red flames, was wrapped in black flames in the shape of a red bird.

The black flames emitted a terrifying temperature. It burned the surrounding space to the point of distortion and collapse.

At this time, Huo Ling'er's whole body was filled with strong demonic energy from the inside out.

This is the eighth strike of the Ancient Suzaku: Transformation into a Demon.

After turning into a demon, Huo Ling'er can have a flame similar to the Yin Fire in Yin and Yang.

"Ancient Suzaku·Fourth Strike·Flowing Fire."

Immediately afterwards, Huo Ling'er used the fourth attack of the ancient Suzaku, Flowing Fire, while in the demon state. This time the flame that shot towards Ye Feng was not a purple flame, but a black flame.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The black flames, with the blessing of the eighth attack, became faster and faster, and the temperature of the fireballs was higher.


The fireballs fell on the ground, unlike the fourth attack. This time, each fireball in the flowing fire exploded on the ground.

The explosion effect comes from the high temperature and energy contained in the fireballs. For the World Mountain, which can only be hurt by the Chaos Artifact. The explosion of each fireball makes the ground sink very slightly.

The battlefield for the competition is the World Mountain. If it is in the eight domains of the lower world, each fireball of Huo Ling'er can blow up a mountain.

The fireballs now have an explosion effect. The explosion impact is extraordinary.

You know, it is rumored that the ten attacks of the ancient Suzaku can burn all the gods and demons in the world. Ye Feng had to use the body protection Qi Gang to block all the attacks.

"It still doesn't work." Ye Feng said.

"Then change a move. There will always be one that suits you." Huo Ling'er smiled confidently.

As Huo Ling'er spoke, her aura changed dramatically. From the devilish aura of her hometown to a sacred aura.

The black flame that originally enveloped Huo Ling'er turned into a sacred white flame. The original dark phoenix turned into a white phoenix emitting white flames all over its body.

"The ninth strike of the ancient red bird: transformation into a god."

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