“How is it possible? How can you have such magic? Lalabai, the devil in Zeref’s book”.

Azuma looked at Mirajane with an evil face in shock.

Meister, who regained his freedom in the back, was also shocked.

[Larabai, the flute should still be in the Council. Since Mirajane can receive it, it means that Fairy Tail has deceived the Council.

He was sweating more and more, and a crazy smile appeared on his face.

[Great! I thought I was lucky to hear that there was strange magic on Tenrou Island, but I didn’t expect to see this. As long as I go back and report to the Council President, Jellal will be demoted or even dismissed, and Fairy Tail will also be punished, and my position will be greatly promoted.

Lisanna, who was originally at the back, slowly walked to Mira and stood side by side with her.

“Am I weak? That’s not necessarily true.”

Lisanna smiled, and a light blue magic circle appeared in front of her.

【[Soul of the Elf Lisanna – Mermaid]

Lisanna’s body glowed white, and two dark blue fins slowly grew out of her ears. Her hair began to grow longer, from its original white color to a beautiful azure blue like the sea.

The texture of her hair also began to change, and the originally soft hair began to rise and fall, and the aqua blue hair turned into rolling waves.

Her clothes turned into a skirt made of shark silk, and her lower body turned into a fishtail.

As Lisanna used magic, a dark cloud suddenly emerged from the originally blue sky, and drops of rain began to fall, which was like a signal.

More and more rain fell from the sky, and as the rain fell, Lisanna’s fishtail moved, and the whole person swam into the air as if swimming. Her hair began to rise and fall with her movements, and kept surging like waves.

Wendy looked at this scene infatuatedly:

“”Wow, so beautiful, Miss Lisanna looks like a water elf.”

Meister showed a look of shock on his face.

[What’s going on? Why have I never heard of this Lisanna knowing this kind of magic?

In mid-air, Lisanna raised her hands and placed them in front of her chest, interlocking her fingers. She slowly closed her eyes.

A heavenly song came out of her mouth, and her voice rang in everyone’s ears like an ethereal bell.

【No signs】

【Raging tsunami】

【Swallowed the island】

【Terrifying Wave】

【The storm is rolling】

【[Wilful Noise]

From the moment she opened her mouth, the rain around her became heavier and heavier, until the last line was finished, the rain around her completely turned into a downpour, and a blue gas floated out from her body, splitting into two halfway, one drifting towards Azuma and the other drifting towards Mira.

Azuma saw the gas drifting towards him and raised his left hand.


A violent explosion occurred around the blue gas, and black smoke appeared at the same time. The next second, the blue gas rushed out of the black mist without slowing down and floated towards Azima. In the blink of an eye, the gas entered his body. After the gas entered his body, Azima showed a shocked look on his face.

“My magic power has decreased! No, not only that, my physical strength has also decreased.”

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Lisanna in mid-air.

[It’s because of this woman.

At this moment, a cold voice reached his ears.

“”You know, my magic makes me a little irritable, so I maintain my usual gentle state, which is conducive to my body and mind to be peaceful.”

He turned his head to look at Mirajane and found that this woman suddenly had a huge amount of magic power visible to the naked eye.

Mirajane still had a smile on her face, and she walked slowly towards Azma step by step.

“I like fighting, especially with strong people, which can improve my strength. If you come to me and ask for a one-on-one duel”

“I would be happy to have a hearty duel with you, but… you chose the wrong option.”

Mira’s magic power increased with every step she took, and a dark blue magic circle flashed by.

【Satan’s Soul Demon Halfas]

Mira’s clothes turned into a blue and white battle suit, and her shoulders were surrounded by two terrifying devil faces.

A pair of dark blue wings grew from her back, and the wings were not feathers, but scales like fish scales. Her arms were covered with a mysterious pattern.

“You hurt my family and even tried to threaten me with my family. This is the most hateful way. Since you like to fight against the strong, I will meet your request.”

Mira raised her hand, and a huge dark blue magic circle appeared.

【Deep Sea Spiral]

A 5-meter-thick dark blue vortex emerged from the formation and rushed towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed.

Azuma’s pupils shrank.

[So fast, there’s no time to dodge

【[Tree Prison Cage]

Countless green branches stretched out from the ground layer by layer to wrap Azma, and in the blink of an eye a green tree ball appeared in the same place.

The deep blue vortex and the emerald green tree prison collided with each other.


The smoke cleared, and what came into view was a gray branch with only a thin layer of shell left. The shell was tattered and most of the branches were destroyed. Azma’s scarred body could still be seen from the cracks in the branches.

The area covered by the branches remained intact, but a huge hole was blasted out five meters around him.

[Too strong, this is the demon Mirajane.

Azuma panted and looked up at the demon’s original position. This sight shocked him.

There was no one there, and at the same time, a terrifying magic power came from behind him. With his previous combat experience, he subconsciously used magic.

【Crazy Flame Tower Explosion] (To read the crazy and exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A beam of flames that rises to the sky like a giant tower���The air rose up under his feet, instantly covering him and the enemies behind him.

“It’s solved.”

Azuma turned his head and looked behind him. To his surprise, he saw a terrifying scene. Mira was standing behind him intact.

[How is this possible! There is no injury at all. Wait, there is a blue film on the outside of her body. It is her sister’s magic!

Mira’s hands are in the shape of Kamehameha, and endless rainwater flows into her palms. The rainwater condenses into a sphere.


【Soul Ripper:

The sphere hits Azma’s chest like a bullet. When the two come into contact, the sphere suddenly expands and instantly covers the enemy’s entire body.


A beam of blue light shot straight into the sky.

After the light disappeared, Azima, who was covered in black, fell to the ground.

“”Strange, monster”

After saying this word, his eyes turned white and he fainted completely

【Ding, congratulations on obtaining the Arc of the Great Tree.

After hearing this sound, Mira’s aura weakened. She slowly walked to Azuma’s side and a purple diamond-shaped crystal condensed in her hand.

She hit the crystal into Azuma’s heart, and a white light appeared on her hand.


After doing all this, Mira felt completely at ease, dispersed the receiving magic, and walked back to the camp.[]

As soon as she arrived at the camp, Meister came to her eagerly, his face full of excitement:

“Mirajane, you just received a Lala Bai”


This strange name made Mira feel a little strange. Usually only people outside the guild would call her Mirajane. People in the guild usually called her Mira or Miss Mira.

[Meester seems to be very strong in my memory, but what is his magic? After careful recollection, Mira found that all the information about Meester was very vague, as if she didn’t pay any attention to this person at all, but generally speaking, a strong person should leave a deep impression on others.

She looked at the crazy smile on Meester’s face, and a seed of doubt appeared in her heart.

Mira still had a smiling expression on her face:”Yes, I received Lala Bai.”

Hearing such a firm answer, the smile on Meester’s face became even more unbridled.

[Great, great, I have recorded it with the magic crystal. Now I just need to return the magic crystal to the Council and I will be able to advance smoothly.

“”Miraje, what is the diamond-shaped crystal you shot into the enemy’s body just now?”

Meister thought of a question and asked him a random excuse to leave the camp.

Mira raised her left hand, and a purple diamond-shaped crystal appeared in her hand.

“You are talking about this, this is the seed of magic power, as long as I put it into the enemy’s body, I can control the enemy’s life and death, and I will ask him about their plan later. If he wants to resist, I can kill him directly.”

Hearing Milajie say this, Mest swallowed his saliva and subconsciously moved away from her.

“By the way, what is Meister’s magic? I don’t seem to have any impression of it.” Mira had a puzzled expression on her face.

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