Chapter 9 Making Big Money (1/2)

"Everyone has changed"

Lin Wan'er sat on the stool with a pale face. She didn't blame Qin Lang for killing him, but she couldn't accept the current situation.

Why have our compatriots become so bad when the end of the world has just arrived?

Is human nature inherently evil?

As if he could see Lin Wan'er's inner struggle, Qin Lang smiled and lit up the cigarette and took a puff, "Human nature is evil. In peaceful times, because of the constraints of the law, most people don't dare to be too presumptuous. Nowadays"

Qin Lang shook his head and said nothing further.

There will be many such things in the future, and Lin Wan'er can only digest them by herself. What he has to do now is to quickly find a way to transform Xue Xin. ?.?????.??

Qin Lang quickly drove the car back to its original location.

What came into view was a dense mass of thousands of blood corpses. It was certain that all the blood corpses within a three-kilometer radius were here.

"He's bleeding again."

Qin Lang sighed. Thanks to his good foundation, he completed the original accumulation of cards before the end of the world. He had a lot of explosives, grenades, and Molotov cocktails in his hand. If it had been anyone else, even if he knew that the blood heart was about to transform, he would not be able to do anything with it. , after all, so many blood corpses cannot be cleared away purely by force without a team of dozens of people.

Qin Lang first used a drone to pour gasoline on the bloody corpses, and then used a drone to remotely transport Molotov cocktails to the corpses. The moment the Molotov cocktail exploded, the bottom turned into a sea of ​​fire, and thousands of bloody corpses were burned to the ground. .

The entire process took a total of two hours from preparation to implementation.

Most of the blood corpses were killed, and the remaining sporadic blood corpses naturally did not pose a threat. They were crushed by the small RV as soon as they stepped on the accelerator.

"It stinks."

Lin Wan'er covered her nose.

The huge blood heart a few meters away continued to release a strong stench, completely covering up the burnt atmosphere on the battlefield.

Qin Lang ignored this, moved all the corpses out of the RV, and threw them next to Xue Xin one by one. After everything was completed, he returned to the car to observe.

Waited for about five days

Within minutes, tentacles as thick as a thumb and vein-like broke out of the ground, piercing six corpses and a head.

"That is the root of the blood heart. It 'transforms' or 'lays eggs' by absorbing human flesh and blood." Qin Lang explained.

After absorbing six corpses and a human head, the huge blood heart suddenly trembled, and an indescribable strange aura emanated from its body.

"It's about to transform!"

Qin Lang was jumping excitedly, but his face was always calm and calm.

"Isn't it stronger after the transformation?" Lin Wan'er asked curiously.

Qin Lang shook his head.

The transformed Blood Heart is of course a powerful metamorphosis. Currently, no individual has the ability to single out the 'Black Heart'. However, during the transformation process, in order to complete the transformation, Blood Heart will divert all energy to the core area. , in other words, it is at its most vulnerable at this moment, its defense ability is not much higher than that of an ordinary blood heart, and it is also the best time to kill it!

It's a stuck bug.


The black knife slashing gold in the sun reflected sharp light, and Qin Lang walked straight to the blood heart with the knife.

The reason why Qin Lang knows so much is because in his previous life he worked as a 'heart-picking farmer' for a long time, specializing in picking 'blood-heart cores' for the community.


The black knife sliced ​​open the shell with ease, and as a large amount of thick and smelly liquid flowed out, the inside of the blood heart was clearly visible. From top to bottom, hundreds of pupae were irregularly arranged, and most of the pupae were empty. , only a few are cultivating blood corpses, night demons, and winged monsters, but they are not complete.

This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 9 Make Big Money (2/2)

Qin Lang walked into the blood heart and soon found the heart hanging in the air, the size of a fist, and gradually changing color.

When the heart turned completely black, Qin Lang cut off the black heart core with his knife, and then ran back to the RV without looking back.



Behind him, a strange sound came, and the black blood heart that lost its core fell apart and instantly turned into a pool of blood, as if it had never existed. ?.?????.??

Inside the RV.

"Is this the Black Heart Core?"

Lin Wan'er's face was full of curiosity.

Qin Lang nodded, placed the black heart core on the dining table, and took a deep breath.

This is the core of black heart!

The most precious resource in the early days of the end of the world, bar none!

Qin Lang did take many black-hearted cores in his previous life, but they were all for community work, no different from a bank teller.

Besides, even community leaders cannot monopolize the cards inside a black heart core, because this thing is simply not a resource that one person or a small group can plunder!

"Here are some cards that will help you gain strength!"


The black knife cuts down!

The Black Heart Core immediately turned into a ball of ashes and disappeared. At the original location of the Black Heart Core, a pile of cards appeared, with more than a dozen cards. Looking from the side, one could clearly see that there were two colored cards inside, and the rest were all gold. , silver level card.

"Double color, good luck!"

Qin Lang rubbed his hands, picked up the cards, and looked at them one by one.

Among these eleven six cards, in addition to eight silver cards, there are two color cards and six gold cards.

The gold cards are——

Talent - Danger Intuition gives the possessor a keen awareness of danger.

Talent - Punch Fighter makes the owner's fists as powerful as cannonballs.

Talent - Chong Dai Second Meridian allows the owner to open the Chong Mai and Dai Pulse Two Meridians, allowing the true energy to flow on its own.

Talent - Biologist enables the owner to master biological skills.

Skill - Sharpshooter consumes a certain amount of physical strength and locks the vital points of the enemy within a range of 200 meters.

Food - Seafood Feast A seafood feast that can boost morale.

Six gold cards, except for the "Food Card" and "Biologist" which are temporarily useless, the other four cards can be said to be top-quality, t0-level talents, especially "Danger Intuition", which can further ensure survival rate and reduce the probability of being attacked.

"I don't know what the legendary color card gives"

Qin Lang opened one of the color cards, and after reading the introduction on it, his pupils condensed.

Talent - Air Control enables the owner to gain the ability to control spiritual energy. Use conditions to open the eight meridians

"It is a phantom god-level talent in the color card, but the conditions are a bit harsh and I can't learn it"

Qin Lang was excited and a little depressed.

The so-called "opening the eight meridians" means that before learning the art of controlling Qi, you must first learn four gold card talents, namely - Ren and Du meridians, Chongdai meridians, Yangwei and Yinwei meridians, and Yangqiao and Yinqiao meridians.

If this talent is just difficult to learn, Qin Lang will not be depressed. The real reason for his depression is that the magic-level talent of controlling Qi is a complete cultivation system. Even if you learn it, your performance in all aspects in the early stage is far less useful than the gold card talents such as "heavy punch fighter", "fighter" or "sanda champion". Only by constantly strengthening with gold cards and color cards in the later stage can you exert the strongest combat power. It is a talent that accumulates a lot and becomes stronger as time goes by.

In his memory, many people did learn "controlling Qi" in his previous life, but there are very few people who master the high-level control of Qi. Once you succeed, you will definitely be the overlord of one side. "

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