Doomsday Rebirth: Stock up on SSS-level cards at the beginning

Chapter 25: Black Blood Heart Extermination War

Chapter 25: Black Blood Heart Extermination War (1/2)

"If anyone else wants to snatch it, stand up and let me see which one is stronger, your fist or my bullet."

Chen Qi shook his pistol and spoke jokingly. Whoever the gun pointed at would subconsciously look away and not dare to look at him.

"Professor Wang, do you have something to say? Just say what you want to say, and don't hold it back."

"I have nothing to say."

Professor Wang showed a scared expression and retreated into the crowd.

He originally wanted to rely on his sharp tongue to negotiate terms with Li Zhengqi and his gang, but he never expected that the other party would not follow the routine and directly kill people. What else could he say? ?.?????.??

"Boss, let's go. It's just a waste of money to give them weapons for this group of white-eyed wolves." Chen Qi had actually been unhappy with this group of people for a long time.

Li Zhengqi stood up and glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, "You can fend for yourself."


Qin Lang led this convoy of more than 60 people back to the gas station. After cleaning up the scattered bloody corpses around and making sure that 100 safety was maintained, Qin Lang called on everyone to camp and rest.

"This is the battle plan for tomorrow. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Qin Lang pointed to the area circled by the red pen on the map.

"Brother Xiao Qin, I just have a question."

Huang Shan, the third in command in Li Zhengqi’s team, raised his hand.

"You ask."

"If our joint operation succeeds, how will the finally seized cards be divided."

This is also a concern for everyone.

Qin Lang nodded, "Six to four points, six for me, four for you."

"Why is it 40%?" Huang Shan frowned slightly and wanted to say something. Li Zhengqi smiled and said, "No problem, Brother Xiao Qin brought this information about Black Blood Heart, so we should get an extra copy. Now we only have three For more than ten people, let alone 40%, even 30% is enough.


"Oh? Uncle, are you so kind? You only need 30%?" Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, and Li Zheng laughed hurriedly, "Hey, hey, that's all I said, don't take it seriously."

"Ha ha!"

The two sang harmoniously to ease the atmosphere. Qin Lang put on a smile and got back to the point. "Now there is a very important question. Although I can determine the general location of the Black Blood Heart, I don't know where it is specifically. So after the war begins, I need to have something People with reconnaissance skills can sneak in and find the specific location of the Black Blood Heart. There is currently no such person in my team.”

The corner of Huangshan's mouth twitched slightly, "If I hadn't been injured, I could have been this scout."

"If it doesn't work, I'll go." Chen Qi volunteered. His talent is that he can run very fast with his whirlwind legs, and it would be difficult for ordinary blood corpses to catch up with him.

"No, this is different from the group of corpses we killed on the bridge. Didn't Brother Qin just say that black blood hearts usually breed weird blood corpses? Just running fast is not enough. You must have certain skills. If the defense ability is really bad, I will just become a scout." Li Zhengqi shrugged.

The proposal was rejected by Qin Lang in the next second, "No, you and I are the main ones attacking the blood heart. It's best not to waste our energy on other things. I personally think Huangshan is the most suitable candidate."

"But Lao Huang's body has not recovered yet." Li Zhengqi frowned.

"I happen to have special medicines and stimulants here. The former can restore Huangshan's body to its peak, and the latter can be used to save his life in times of crisis."

Qin Lang took out two silver cards from his arms and handed them out, "These are my supplies at the bottom of the box. They have always been

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Not willing to use it. "

Li Zhengqi looked helpless, "Did you think about it a long time ago?"

Qin Lang spread his hands and said, "Except Huangshan, it is difficult for anyone else to be qualified for this task."

Huang Shan grinned and accepted the silver card generously, "No problem, let's see how I perform tomorrow."

It was already evening when the strategic deployment ended.

In order to prepare for tomorrow's battle, Qin Lang took out thirty blue cards of food from his own pocket to give everyone extra meals. The whole camp was soon filled with laughter and laughter, and morale was high.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning.

At dawn, the convoy began to advance towards the highway. At 6:20, everyone arrived at the place where they first encountered the corpses. ?.?????.??

After several days of exposure to the sun, the corpses were almost dehydrated and emitted a pungent stench.

Li Zhengqi's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but take a breath.

He had heard more than once that Qin Lang and the others had encountered a group of corpses, but hearing about it and seeing it with his own eyes were two different things, especially among these corpses there were also ‘night demons’ and ‘wing demons’ that he had never seen before.

“What a strong team!”

While Li Zhengqi was admiring, a dull gunshot suddenly sounded in his ears. He looked up and saw a winged demon falling from the sky with its head shot.

Looking back, I saw Qin Lang standing on the roof of the car, holding a giant sniper rifle painted in dark green, with a cloud of green smoke rising from the muzzle.

"We were discovered, so we all braced ourselves and prepared to face the enemy."

After Qin Lang reminded him, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest.

The sniper rifle in his arms is called the Timberwolf sniper rifle, a gold-level firearm!

Time passes slowly.

Ten minutes later, dozens of winged demons

A dense mass of dark clouds swept toward the convoy, and the low roars of countless bloody corpses came from the end of the road. The dense group of corpses were rushing toward the convoy at extremely fast speeds.

"Arrange your defenses!"

Accompanied by Li Zhengqi's roar, people tore up the cards they had prepared early in the morning and threw them out. In just a dozen seconds, a simple trench was built. The long-range attackers equipped with guns and crossbows found their positions as soon as possible and launched attacks after the zombies entered the range.

Qin Lang, on the other hand, had the super-long-range gold card guns, the Timberwolves, and the gold card talent sharpshooters, so he directly carried out super-long-range headlock sniping. The winged demons in the sky were shot in the head one after another, and fell down with a crackling sound.

"It's really fucking awesome!" Chen Qi couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He knew that Qin Lang was very strong, but he never expected him to be so strong.

If he knew that the strength Qin Lang showed at this time was just the tip of the iceberg, I wonder what he would think in his heart.

Seeing that the group of winged demons were slaughtered by Qin Lang alone in a short period of time, all the combatants were in high spirits and launched ground attacks. Bullets and arrows were splashed out like raindrops, and the bloody corpses were swept down like wheat.

"It's not that scary, it just looks scary." Chen Qi licked his lips and joined the battle.

Li Zhengqi glanced back at Qin Lang, who was sitting on the roof with his eyes closed, and whispered, "Don't underestimate the enemy."

The humans and the zombies fought fiercely for more than ten minutes without realizing it.

The humans were completely crushed. Although the zombies were numerous, they could not break through the defense line composed of bullets and arrows.

But at this moment, something strange happened!

A dozen huge night demons behind the zombies jumped high and landed in the middle of the field. They relied on their thick muscles to withstand the bullets and arrows and rushed towards the crowd. "

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