After the fight, the two of them were still alive.

Yang Bin and his companions left the supermarket quickly. Before leaving, Yang Bin asked Chen Hao to leave behind more than a dozen first-order crystals.

All the zombies outside were first-order. If they didn't evolve, even if these women had the courage to go out and kill zombies, they would die.

Since they had been saved, they should give them another chance to survive.

As for whether they could eventually escape the fate of becoming playthings, it was up to them.

At this time, on the way to Jinghe Garden, everyone pushed a cart and carried a huge mountaineering bag and walked back carefully.

Fortunately, this road had just been cleaned up, and there were not too many zombies.

In the end, everyone safely transported all the supplies back home.

However, they were pushing carts and carrying large bags, so they naturally could not escape the attention of the villa opposite.

"They actually brought so many supplies?" Brother Kai's eyes lit up as he looked at the villa not far away.

"Haha, Brother Kai, this group of people is great. We are almost out of food, and I didn't expect them to send supplies." Another person laughed.

"Well, I'll go and deal with them after I'm promoted to a fourth-level evolver. We are all neighbors, so it shouldn't be a big deal to borrow some things." Brother Kai laughed.

In the villa, everyone looked at the food piled on the ground, and finally showed a satisfied smile on their faces.

These things, for just a few of them, are enough for them to eat for a month.

"Let's use this place as a base for the time being. After that, every time we go out to kill zombies, we will carry a backpack and try to bring back something every day, so that at least we won't be afraid of starving in the short term." Yang Bin said.

"But, if we go out and someone comes, what should we do? Although this anti-theft door is strong, it can't withstand high-level evolvers." Zhao Kun frowned.

"Let Xiaojuzi stay at home from now on, and don't go out with us."

Xiaojuzi's advantage is speed. It's okay to fight alone or with a few people, but it doesn't have much advantage against groups of zombies, so Yang Bin just let it guard the house.


Xiaojuzi cried out, and obviously agreed to this task.

Orange cats are lazy by nature. They can sleep at home, so they naturally don't want to go out and fight with zombies.

"Haha, that's fine. With Xiaojuzi's strength, even a fourth-level evolver may not be its opponent." Chen Hao laughed.

Although Xiaojuzi has not reached the fourth level yet, he is fast. The later he goes, the more obvious his advantage will be. It is estimated that it will be difficult for ordinary fourth-level evolvers to encounter him.

"Okay, that's it. Hurry up and get some bacon. Let's have a good meal today." Yang Bin laughed.

"Haha, this is possible."

When they were looting, they also got a lot of bacon, dried vegetables and other vegetables that can be stored for a long time, so they don't have to eat dry rice.

Others helped, and Yang Bin was the chef. Soon, the delicious dishes came out of the pot.

Everyone took out their bowls and chopsticks, gathered around the table and ate happily.

In the end times, this kind of scene is quite rare.

"Well... Brother Bin, your cooking skills are definitely as good as those of a chef. It's so delicious!"

Everyone praised while eating...

"Yes, I can't believe that I can enjoy such treatment in the end times."

"Okay, stop flattering me, eat quickly, go to bed early after eating, and get up to watch the stars at night."


Everyone nodded, and finally everyone finished three bowls of rice and ate all the dishes on the table, and then put down their bowls and chopsticks with reluctance.

"I'll leave the dishes to you. I'll go upstairs to sleep."

"Okay... no problem!" Everyone was very active.

Soon, Yang Bin went upstairs, and several people quickly started to clean up the dishes.

"Haozi, what did Brother Bin go through before? Why do I feel that he is more mature than us? And he seems to know everything." Zhao Kun asked curiously.

Before, he was also the leader of a team, and he was in charge of all the team's affairs.

Since he came to this team, he found that he was like a useless person, and he couldn't get involved at all. Yang Bin could think of all the problems he could think of.

No matter what happened, Yang Bin could quickly make the most reasonable arrangements, which made Zhao Kun very curious about Yang Bin's past. If he was a normal person, it would be impossible for him to have such a mind at the age of twenty.

Chen Hao looked upstairs, then sighed and said: "Brother Bin's childhood was much worse than ours."

"When Brother Bin was eleven years old, his parents died in a car accident when they went out, and he became

"He was an orphan, but fortunately he also received a considerable amount of compensation."

"Later, his aunt became his guardian and promised to raise him, so he went to his aunt's house."

"As a result, his aunt actually took a fancy to the compensation in his hand. At that time, Brother Bin was still young and didn't understand, so she finally gave the money to his aunt for safekeeping."

"After getting the money, his aunt's family immediately bought a new house, and their lives became better and better, but he has lived a nightmare life since then."

"He had to do all the hard and dirty work at home, his uncle would beat him up at any time, and his cousin would show off the toys he bought with his money in front of him every day, but he couldn't even touch them!" Chen Hao's eyes were red when he said this.

"Fuck! This family is so disgusting, squandering the money that Brother Bin's parents exchanged for their lives, but treating him as a slave! "Everyone else was furious, including Hu Wenliang, who also knew about Yang Bin's past for the first time.

"What happened later?"

"Later, Brother Bin left that family and never went back. He went out to pick up garbage and sell it for money after school every day, and slept under the bridge at night."

"You can't imagine what he went through. He fought with stray dogs for food and homeless people for territory. Once he was beaten seriously because he took a drink bottle that someone else hadn't finished drinking. He had no money to see a doctor, so he could only grit his teeth and get through it."

"It wasn't until he went to junior high school that the school had dormitories and he had a bed to sleep in."

"All the procedures for him to go to junior high school were handled by his elementary school class teacher. Because Brother Bin had excellent academic performance, the class teacher helped him handle all the procedures after knowing his situation."

"But Brother Bin didn't ask for other assistance from the class teacher, and he still relied on his own money to support himself. ”

“I also met him in junior high school. We were deskmates at that time. After I saw him picking up trash outside, I would secretly bring some food from home to school to eat with him every time.”

“Because of my good deed, I was bullied by a group of school bullies at the school gate. Brother Bin happened to see it. That time, I saw for the first time what ruthlessness was. He beat seven or eight peers by himself and made them flee. I still remember that ruthlessness. ”

“After that, I followed him all the time. It was also with his help that I, a poor student, was admitted to a key university, which made me very proud at home.”

“From elementary school to university, Brother Bin has been through it all by himself. How can you compare with him?”

After listening to Chen Hao's words, everyone fell silent. They finally knew why Yang Bin had a mind far beyond his peers. Brother Bin's childhood was simply too miserable.

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