Soon, the two came to Yang Bin and his group.

The colonel in the lead, the middle-aged man, looked at them with surprise.

"I didn't expect that they were so young."

"Little guys, judging from your age, you should be college students, right? Are you students of Zhongxiang College?"

"Yes." Yang Bin nodded.

"Not bad, not bad, heroes come out of youth, so young and powerful."

"But how come you guys are surrounded by so many zombies?" the middle-aged man asked in confusion.

"We wanted to escape from the school and find a safe place, but we didn't expect a large group of zombies to appear here. Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise we would be dead." Yang Bin said with a wry smile.

"You can hold on for so long in the siege of thousands of zombies, your strength must be at least level three, how about it, are you interested in joining the army?" The middle-aged man threw out an olive branch.

If it was before the end of the world, the army would not recruit people so casually, but now in the end of the world, the official needs powerful evolvers too much.

"Uh, sorry, chief, we are used to being lazy, and we have no idea of ​​joining the military for the time being." Yang Bin refused tactfully.

"Don't rush to refuse, you can consider it. If you join the military, the military will provide you with crystals to improve your strength, which is much safer than fighting for crystals by yourself.

Although you are strong, there are too few people after all. Such a situation as today will definitely not be avoided in the future."

"Well, thank you for your kindness, we will consider it." Yang Bin said politely.

He had no intention of joining the military. Although it might be safer to join the military, the military had too many rules, and the crystals that were captured would definitely be handed over for unified distribution, which he didn't want.

"Okay, think about it carefully. By the way, how many survivors are there in your school? We are preparing to go to your school for rescue."

"There are about 600 to 700 people."


"Is there only this few people?" The middle-aged man showed a look of grief on his face. There were only a few hundred people left in a school of more than 30,000 people. This war was really unacceptable.

"Let's go, get in the car, and go to your school to rescue people together."

"Uh, that... let's not go. We just escaped from school, and our injuries are not suitable for strenuous exercise now." Yang Bin declined.

"Then you have to get in the car. We have medical staff in the car. Let them bandage you first. When we return to the survival base, we have re-established the medical system there, and general external injuries can be treated."

"Have you established a survival base?" Yang Bin said in surprise.

"Well, the outer wall has been completed, and it is absolutely safe inside. We have broadcasted on all channels to notify all survivors in Star City to go there."

"Then let's do this. You go to the school for rescue, and we go to the survival base by ourselves. There are still 10,000 or 20,000 zombies in the school. We really can't stand it." Yang Bin said again.

He really didn't want to follow the other party. If he really followed the other party, he couldn't do anything.

"It's more than ten kilometers from here to the survival base. Although the zombies along the way have been cleared by us, we can't guarantee whether there will be new zombies. It's too dangerous for you to go there like this."

"Don't worry, we still have some self-protection ability. After all, we have survived the siege of thousands of zombies, right?" Yang Bin said with a smile.

The middle-aged man looked at Yang Bin for a long time before saying, "Okay, then you guys be careful, go up the elevated road from there, take the outer ring road, about 15 kilometers, the abandoned factory building has now been transformed into a survival base, someone will pick you up there."

"Okay, thank you." Yang Bin thanked sincerely, if the other party hadn't come suddenly, they would really be dead.

At this time, the soldiers had almost collected the crystals on the ground.

"Then you guys be careful, we're leaving."


Soon, the two got back on the car again, and then a group of soldiers also got back on the car, and the troop carrier slowly moved forward.

The zombies and cars along the way were cleaned up by Yang Bin and his men, which made it convenient for them.

In the car...

"Zhou Feng, what do you think of these guys?" The middle-aged man looked at the young man next to him and said.

"They are very strong, but a little arrogant." The young man said, "They are very strong, but a little arrogant."

The middle-aged man said.

"Haha, they are more than arrogant, they are ambitious." The middle-aged man shook his head

"I am sure they will never go to the survival base."


"Because I saw the ambition in their eyes that they don't want to be inferior to others. Such people generally don't want so-called shelter. They want to grow on their own."

"Unfortunately, such people often die the earliest."

"Yes, young people, it is normal to have some ambitions. I hope they can face the reality as soon as possible."

On the other side...

"Brother Bin, we are not really going to that survival base." The skinny monkey said worriedly.

"Why go there? Isn't the pool villa nice? There must be construction going on there. I guess I have to do hard labor there." Yang Bin said.

"That's good. I still want to go to the pool villa."

"Well, find another car and let's continue. They have cleared this road and it should be easy to walk."


As the few people continued to look for the car, Yang Bin always felt that someone was watching them.

Then he opened the True Vision Eye and looked over.

Sure enough, he saw a zombie in black standing on the window of a house, looking at them coldly.

Yang Bin snorted coldly, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck to the other party.

I don’t know if the zombie understood it, but his face seemed to be even colder.

"You have no subordinates left. If you dare to come again, I will kill you!" Yang Bin snorted coldly.

"Brother Bin, what's wrong?"

"That fifth-level zombie seems to be targeting us." Yang Bin said.

"Ah... what should we do?" Several people were shocked.

"It's okay. He has no subordinates now, so he shouldn't dare to come. Let's leave first and kill him when our strength is improved!" Yang Bin said.

He is a vengeful person. This guy beat them so badly that he would feel unhappy if he didn't take his crystal.


Soon, several people found a car that could be driven again. Although it was a five-seater, it was a large SUV, and people could squat in the back.

The car drove away slowly under the cold gaze of the fifth-level zombies..

In the car, Hu Wenliang began to heal everyone.

In this battle, almost everyone was seriously injured, even Yang Bin was no exception. He was able to hold on for so long, relying entirely on his strength.

Along the way, it was indeed cleaned up very cleanly. Occasionally there would be one or two zombies, which should have come from behind, but the impact was not great.

After 15 kilometers, they saw a tall city wall from a distance. It was made of stone and cement, and it was three meters high.

There should be a survival base built by the government.

They saw that many people had already rushed there.

On the side of the road, there were official personnel guiding people there.

Yang Bin and his companions did not stop, and continued to move forward.

Finally, after driving more than ten kilometers again, they finally arrived at their destination...Jinghe Garden!

There were still no zombies along the way from the survival base to Jinghe Garden. Even the cars on the roadside were cleaned up. There should have been troops here.

But think about it, since even their school went to rescue, how could they not come to Jinghe Garden to rescue? The people living here are all upper-class people in Xingcheng, so they will definitely be the first batch of rescue targets.

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