The zombies rushed to Yang Bin, but they were still alive.

Chen Hao and Hu Wenliang quickly stopped the zombies that rushed to Yang Bin, allowing Yang Bin to deal with the fourth-level zombies with peace of mind.

Yang Bin touched his scratched shoulder, his face looked a little ugly.

This claw hurt the bones, making his left hand a little weak.

But at this moment, the zombie suddenly jumped up again and rushed towards Yang Bin in an instant.

Yang Bin grabbed the barbell and swept it.


The zombie could not dodge such an attack, and the blow hit the opponent's chest. Under Yang Bin's powerful strength, I don't know how many ribs were broken, and he was directly thrown several meters away.

However, the broken ribs did not have much impact on the zombie, and it quickly climbed up again.

However, it did not rush towards Yang Bin immediately, but looked at Yang Bin cautiously.

Yang Bin did not move either, just looking at him.

In the end, the zombie could not hold back, and when Yang Bin deliberately looked elsewhere, it instantly pounced on him.

Yang Bin raised a curve at the corner of his mouth, and when the opponent was about to pounce on him, he hit the opponent's head with a backhand.

The fourth-level zombie has a strong sense of protecting the head, and directly reached out to grab the barbell.

Fortunately, Yang Bin was strong enough, and it not only failed to grab the barbell, but also broke its hand.

However, the zombie did not feel anything, and the other hand directly grabbed Yang Bin's chest, and the sharp nails instantly scratched Yang Bin's chest with several deep blood marks that could be seen on the bone.

Yang Bin ignored the pain and kicked it away fiercely, and the barbell in his hand hit the opponent's head again.


The blow that was originally intended to hit the head hit the shoulder because the opponent tilted his head at a critical moment.

However, Yang Bin's strength was so great that although it hit the shoulder, it directly knocked him to the ground.

Yang Bin did not give the opponent any chance. The moment the opponent got up, the barbell hit the opponent's head again.


Blood splattered everywhere. Even if the head of the fourth-level zombie was hard, it could not withstand Yang Bin's more than 1,000 kilograms of power and was directly smashed.


Yang Bin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out the crystal.

Looking at the fourth-level crystal the size of a peanut in his hand, Yang Bin finally showed a smile on his face.

At this time, Chen Hao and Hu Wenliang also killed the last few zombies outside and came to Yang Bin's side.

Looking at the crystal in Yang Bin's hand, both of them were delighted.

"Brother Bin, eat it quickly and see how strong the fourth level is." Chen Hao smiled.


Yang Bin nodded, and then swallowed the crystal directly into his stomach.

Soon, the huge energy instantly merged into his body, and the fourth corner of the first star in Yang Bin's mind finally lit up.

The even greater power was fed back into his body, making Yang Bin feel comfortable all over.

After a while, Yang Bin finally absorbed all the energy, clenched his fist, and a smile appeared on his face.

"About 1,500 kilograms!" Yang Bin laughed.

"Awesome, this power can probably lift a car." Hu Wenliang laughed.

"Almost, let's go, let's go in and see what's going on."


When several people walked in, they saw a very tragic scene inside.

There were zombies and human corpses everywhere. Originally, there were more than a hundred people, but only more than a dozen people were still struggling to support. If it weren't for Yang Bin and his team, these people would have died long ago.

There were still sixty or seventy zombies in the supermarket, and there were actually two third-level zombies among them.

If I guessed correctly, the reason why more than a hundred people died so quickly and only more than ten people were left was most likely due to these two third-level zombies.

Seeing someone coming in, the remaining people were immediately very surprised.

However, after seeing that it was Yang Bin and his men, they felt a little disappointed. They wanted to ask for help, but they didn't know how to ask.

These three people are known as bandits. It is probably impossible to ask them for help.

Zhao Kun looked at Yang Bin and his men, and a lonely look appeared on his face.

They used to be the earliest teammates, and they followed the other side to kill many zombies.

After leaving the other side, he also believed that he would not be weaker than the other side.

However, now, any team can force them into a desperate situation, while the other side has only three people, which can make any team fearful.

This is the gap!

Originally, he didn't want to ask for help, but seeing the seriously injured Lao Hei and Shou Hou, Zhao Kun still gritted his teeth and looked at Yang Bin and said:

"Boss Yang Bin, can you save our lives? As long as you save us,

"If you can save us, our lives will be yours from now on!"

After hearing what Zhao Kun said, Yang Bin realized that there was an acquaintance among the people here.

Before, he was only focused on watching the zombies and didn't notice who they were.

"Let's go, take the two ready-made third-order crystals first. "

Soon, the three of them rushed towards a group of zombies in front.

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, each swing of the barbell in his hand could take away several zombies.

Yang Bin was even more terrifying. Wherever he passed, there was no intact corpse within two meters of his body, and the eyes of others were wide open.

Soon, a third-level zombie abandoned the more than ten people in front and rushed towards Yang Bin and the other two.

As a result, as soon as he rushed over, he was smashed to death by Yang Bin with a stick, and Chen Hao took out the crystal.

After a while, the sixty or seventy zombies in the supermarket were all cleared.

Yang Bin and his men collected the third-level and second-level crystals, and didn't care about the first-level ones, because there were too many of them.

The people present looked at the crystals they collected with envy, which could directly escort the two to the Who wouldn't want a third-level crystal?

So far, there are only two or three captains of the third-level strongmen in the whole school, and most of the others are stuck at the peak of the second level. The third-level zombies are too difficult to kill.

It's not just because the third-level zombies are strong, but most importantly, there will be a group of zombies around the third-level zombies. Without a strong team, they can't be killed at all.

However, now, in front of them, watching two third-level crystals being taken away by others, the mood is so uncomfortable.

Even if there is a little hope, they will take the risk.

Unfortunately, these three are too strong, so strong that they don't even have a little hope.

At this time, Zhao Kun, who was covered in injuries, dragged his tired body to Yang Bin and others.

"Boss Yang Bin, thank you!" Zhao Kun said sincerely: "If you don't mind, my life will be yours in the future. I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I will never have second thoughts! "

Yang Bin looked at Zhao Kun, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He did need teammates, but his initial idea was not to have non-superpowers.

However, after so many days, he also recognized the reality that there were not so many superpowers.

Moreover, even if there were superpowers, they might not be suitable to be teammates, and the suitable people might not be willing to follow them.

If they were non-superpowers, Zhao Kun and his three companions would be the most suitable.

They had worked together before, and apart from other things, they had never been scared when facing zombies.

Their relationship was a little strained at that time, but they had never cheated, and their character was pretty good.

After thinking it through, Yang Bin smiled at Zhao Kun and stretched out his hand..

"Welcome, we are brothers from now on!"

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