After returning to the dormitory, several people took out the food in their backpacks and had a full meal.

They filled three bags of food in the supermarket, enough for them to eat for two or three days.

At this time, there were quite a lot of things in their dormitory, a lot of food and things to use, all looted, so they could still live comfortably in a short period of time.

"Take a break, let's go out and see later." Yang Bin suddenly said.

"It's dark, what are you going out to see?" The two looked at Yang Bin strangely.

"These zombies don't seem to improve during the day, but every night they feel that their strength has improved a lot the next day. We have to see what the reason is. If we can find a way, maybe we can also improve." Yang Bin said.

"That makes sense. We should definitely go out and have a look."


Several people lay on the bed and habitually took out their phones to check. The mobile phone signal is still there, which is the best news for humans. At least they can cheer each other up.

"Would you like to play a couple of games?" Hu Wenliang suddenly said.


"Games. I'm bored right now."


"If you can match teammates and opponents, I'll admire you." Yang Bin rolled his eyes.

"Uh... It seems so. I can always play against AI."

"Play by yourself." Yang Bin and Chen Hao both shook their heads. This guy is too addicted to games.

As a result, Hu Wenliang's face darkened as soon as he opened the game.

"I can't get into the game..."

"Isn't that normal? Penguin is lucky to be able to ensure that the communication is usable now."


"Brother Bin, look!"

At this time, Chen Hao suddenly handed over the phone.

The three of them came to the phone..

On the screen of the phone, a video was playing. A group of people were fighting zombies. Suddenly, a ball of fire flew out of the hand of the leader and hit a zombie instantly. The zombie suddenly burned up and burned to death in a short while.

Seeing this scene, the three of them were shocked.

The comments below were even more explosive. Some said it was a special effect, some said it was magic, and some speculated that it was a superpower.

There were all kinds of things, but it was undeniable that this video was very popular. In this desperate end of the world, this video was like a tranquilizer, which made desperate people have some fantasies.

The three of them looked at each other and saw the answer in each other's eyes.

"Superpower!" Chen Hao said solemnly.

"Well, and it's a fire superpower with strong attack power." Yang Bin said seriously.

"Fuck, this is called superpower. Why do I feel that our superpowers are very low." Hu Wenliang said with wide eyes.

"Who said that? If we really have to fight, I can kill him in a minute by turning invisible." Chen Hao said unhappily.

"Well, then Brother Bin and I are a bit low."

"Without my superpowers, can we live so comfortably?" Yang Bin said speechlessly.

"Well... it seems so."

"In fact, our superpowers are not weak, and even much rarer than his. It's just that our superpowers are not combat-oriented, and the performance in battle is not as intuitive as his, but in the doomsday, our chances of survival are definitely greater than his." Yang Bin said.

"That's right, do you think your superpowers are low? In the doomsday when this hospital is paralyzed, if they get injured, what will be waiting for them? I dare say that as long as someone knows your superpowers, no matter how awesome the people are, they will beg you to join their team." Chen Hao said.

"Haha, when you say that, I feel much more balanced."

"Well, but we do lack combat superpowers. If we meet them later, we have to find a way to turn around." Yang Bin said.

"Yes, but people's hearts are too complicated now. It's hard to find someone who has combat abilities and is not guaranteed to stab you in the back."

"Take your time. With my sharp eyes, I can always find it."

"Haha, that's right."

"Go to sleep. Let's go out and find out at night."


At 11 o'clock in the evening..

The three got up again and walked out of the dormitory.

With the help of the remaining light from the street lamps, they saw several zombies soon.

The three hid behind the flower bed and observed several zombies, but they didn't see any difference after watching for a long time.

"These zombies are just wandering around like during the day, and I can't see any difference." Chen Hao frowned.

"Let's take a look. We must find out the reason for the zombies' improvement today." Yang Bin said.


So, the three of them

Patiently squatting and watching these zombies, this wait lasted for an hour.

As 12 o'clock in the morning arrived, the zombies that were originally swaying suddenly stopped, and then quietly raised their heads to look at the sky one by one.

Seeing the zombies' movements, Yang Bin and others also raised their heads to look at the sky at the first time.

"The nine stars of the Big Dipper!"

The three people exclaimed in a low voice.

"Does the nine stars of the Big Dipper only appear at 12 o'clock in the evening?" Yang Bin pondered.

"Why can't I see the North Star?" Hu Wenliang asked in confusion.

"It seems to have fallen." Chen Hao said: "What I saw in a daze that night seemed to be the red star that appeared after the North Star fell."

"Well, I saw it too, but now the red star can't be seen either." Yang Bin said in surprise.

"In ancient times, the North Star was called the Purple Star. When the Purple Star moved, something big must have happened. When the Purple Star fell, the world would be in turmoil." Hu Wenliang frowned.

"It's the end of the world now, isn't it still turbulent?"

"Well, it seems so."

Yang Bin looked at several zombies not far away and saw that they seemed to be immersed in a certain state.

Then he opened the Eye of True Vision and looked over again, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a trace of transparent gas flowing into their bodies.

"Is this spiritual energy?" Yang Bin thought.

"If so, it is not difficult to explain why these zombies will become stronger every night."

"But zombies actually know how to absorb spiritual energy? Why can't humans?"

Yang Bin looked at them, but did not find the existence of spiritual energy.

"Haozi, Liangzi, you two focus on the nine stars of the Big Dipper in the sky." Yang Bin suddenly said.

"Oh, okay."

Hearing Yang Bin's words, the two raised their heads and looked at the nine stars of the Big Dipper in the sky seriously.

Yang Bin opened the Eye of True Vision and looked carefully at the two people's vicinity.

Finally, after a while, a trace of spiritual energy appeared around the two people and slowly flowed into their bodies.

However, the spiritual energy around them was less than that of the zombies.

"My neck is really sore from lifting my head." Hu Wenliang rubbed his neck and moved his head.

Under Yang Bin's gaze, as Hu Wenliang moved, the spiritual energy around him disappeared instantly.

"So that's it, I understand." Yang Bin showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Let's go to the rooftop!"

After saying that, Yang Bin walked towards the rooftop.

Although the two had many doubts, they did not ask too many questions and quickly followed.

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