The next time, Lao Hei and Zhong Yuansen attacked like crazy on the backs of Xiao Hui and Xiao Jin.

Yang Bin rode Xiao Falcon to search around.

Seeing that smashing stones was useless, the zombies gave up and started to run towards the base at a faster speed.

Although Lao Hei and Zhong Yuansen had been creating all kinds of trouble in front of them, it didn't have much effect.

The zombies seemed to have received orders and ignored Lao Hei and the others and ran straight towards the base.

In this regard, the two were also helpless and could only throw skills like crazy to kill as many as possible.

However, facing the tide of more than three million zombies, the zombies they killed were not enough.

Lao Hei's rain of fire was okay. One rain of fire could kill hundreds of zombies.

Zhong Yuansen's rockfall had a much smaller range. At most, it could kill seven or eight zombies.

The two of them almost risked their lives, but they were just a drop in the ocean for such a huge zombie tide.

There was still no news from the boss. Seeing these zombies getting closer and closer to the base, the two were extremely anxious.

In the Jinling base...

Xiao Zhan and Song Liangping were also extremely anxious..

"Report to the commander! The zombie tide is less than 15 kilometers away from the base. According to the current speed of the zombie tide, it will reach the base in less than an hour." A scout ran in to report the situation on the front line.

"Captain Yang, are they still there?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Captain Yang is looking for the trace of the zombie king. Mr. Zhong and his men are using flying mounts to kill zombies crazily."

"It's just that... the number of zombies is too large. Although they are powerful, they can't have much impact on the battle situation."

Xiao Zhan nodded, his face was even heavier, and then he waved his hand.

"I know, you go down first!"

"Yes!" The soldier saluted and left quickly.

"Commander, have you thought about it? Should we retreat or defend? We have to make a decision quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave!" Song Liangping said anxiously.

"Ah..." Xiao Zhan sighed.

"It's not easy to migrate a million people! Even if we can get rid of the pursuit of this group of zombies, the momentum along the way will definitely attract more zombies and mutant beasts. At that time, no one knows how many of the million people will be left. I really don't want to take this step unless it's absolutely necessary."

"But, to be honest, I'm not sure if I can defend." Sun Lei said bluntly.

"I understand, so now we can only take a gamble!" Xiao Zhan showed a determined look on his face.


"Yes, bet that Captain Yang can find the corpse king!"

"But Captain Yang and his team haven't found it for so long, which means that the corpse king must be hiding very well. Now there is less than an hour before the zombies can reach the base. Is this time really enough?" Sun Lei and others obviously didn't hold out hope.

"If there is not enough time, let's buy him some time!" Xiao Zhan waved his hand!

"Notify all combat troops and all evolvers in the base to go to the banks of the Jurong River to stop the zombies, and bring all the artillery fire! We must intercept the zombies on the banks of the Jurong River!"

"Give up the advantage of the city wall and take the initiative to fight!?" Several people widened their eyes.

"Yes, the zombies can't be allowed to reach the base, otherwise even if Captain Yang kills the corpse king, the zombies will continue to attack the city!"

"Understood! I'll arrange it now!" Sun Lei nodded seriously.

"But the soldiers in the army are fine, including those in the reserve forces, and they all obey orders. But it's obvious that those evolvers will have trouble taking the initiative to fight against millions of zombies."

"The base has reached a life-and-death moment, and they have to fight!" Xiao Zhan said sternly.

"I believe that most evolvers will take action, and there should be no problem if you promise huge benefits to a small number of egoists."

"As for those who really don't want to take action or desert, all of them will be blacklisted! Never enter Jinling City!"


Soon, the whole base began to get busy, and teams of soldiers quickly gathered in the square!

In the arsenal, heavy machine guns, mortars and other heavy weapons were all pushed out of the arsenal, and then carried away directly by high-level evolvers.

In the evolver area, groups of evolvers were also gathered.

But when these evolvers heard that they were going to stop the tide of millions of zombies, they shook their heads like rattles.

Finally, I learned that the zombies had less than an hour left.

When they were about to reach the base, and the entire Jinling base was about to be destroyed, everyone fell silent.

When the nest is overturned, the eggs will not be intact. This is a truth that everyone understands.

Jinling base is their home. If the base is gone, it will be extremely difficult for them to survive in the doomsday!

After a while of thinking, someone soon stood up.

"Minister Deng, my Fierce Wind Team is willing to follow the military to stop the zombies!"

"Minister Deng, my Goshawk Team is willing to follow the military to stop the zombies!"

"Minister Deng..."

More and more evolvers expressed their willingness to go, but some did not move, with hesitation on their faces.

"This is a moment related to the life and death of Jinling City. I hope everyone can take action. The military promises that all evolvers who take action in this battle will be rewarded with a crystal higher than their own strength once they survive this disaster! Level 5 evolvers will be rewarded with level 6 crystals, and level 6 evolvers will be rewarded with level 7 crystals!" Deng Changlin said loudly.

Sure enough, hearing Deng Changlin's words, the faces of the evolvers present were extremely excited.

And some hesitant evolvers finally made up their minds and stood up.

Soon, most of the evolvers had stood up and planned to follow the military to stop the zombies.

There were also a few evolvers who still held an attitude of indifference, anyway, it had little to do with them.

If the base was defended, they would continue to stay here, if not, they would flee the base in advance!

However, when they were thinking well, Deng Changlin spoke again.

"Thank you for your participation. Jinling Base is our common home. You are the greatest for fighting to protect your home!"

"I will not force those who are unwilling to take action, but since you are unwilling to fight for Jinling City, Jinling City will no longer welcome you after the disaster is over. Those who do not take action this time will be permanently expelled from Jinling City in the future!"

"Minister Deng is right, this is how people like this should be!"

"They enjoy the protection of the base, but now they have to be turtles when the base is in trouble. I despise this kind of people the most!"

"That's right, I think it's too easy for them to be expelled. I think they should be thrown into the zombies to let them feel the feeling of not having the protection of the base!"


The heroes were furious! The few people who were unwilling to take action suddenly looked extremely ugly, and finally stood up!

"Who said we don't want to fight? We just thought about it a little more!"

"That's right, when it comes to fighting, we are braver than you!"

Seeing this, Deng Changlin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted:

"Since everyone is willing, then... let's go! Fight for our homeland!"

"Fight for our homeland!"

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