Doomsday Game: I Will Become Stronger Just By Staying At Home!

Chapter 42 A Comprehensive Upgrade Of The Shelter!

"No more, all spent."

Su Yi selected the technology project and was about to buy it when Jiang Xiaoci suddenly frowned.

"Sir, don't you still have more than three hundred points left?"

"Why not spend it all?"

Jiang Xiaoci blinked and reminded softly: "Do you want to keep it and let others take it away?"


Makes sense!

Not a penny left, everything spent!

As long as it enhances the survivability of the shelter, it is worth spending more points!

Su Yi nodded: "You're right. If the military expenditure is not used up, it will be kept as war compensation. We won't be taken advantage of."

"Let me take another look...this is good, exactly 350 points!"

Su Yi selected another shelter defense facility technology project.

[Underground Isolation Shelter Module]: It consumes 350 points to derive an underground space belonging to the shelter under the main building of the shelter. The space can accommodate 10 people. It does not have any additional facilities, but it has stronger resistance to natural disasters. .

This technology tree project can further enhance the disaster resistance of the shelter.

"The main body itself has been strengthened. Let's continue to strengthen it. What do you think?"

Su Yi looked at Jiang Xiaoci, who nodded in agreement: "This is a good escape route. At the critical moment when necessary, we can hide in it and maybe get a glimmer of hope."

Yes, this is the trump card facility!

“Hopefully the day comes when we don’t have to use it.”

Su Yi smiled, selected all the items, and purchased them in bulk!

When Su Yi chose to buy it, a burst of golden light flashed, and then rapidly expanded, with Su Yi as the core, it quickly spread to the entire shelter, and then enveloped the entire building.

The girls in the building were all stunned, looking at the golden light around them at a loss.

In a few blinks, the golden light dissipated, and the residential building underwent earth-shaking changes!

First, in the blank room on the sixth floor of the shelter where Su Yi was, a power generation component facility about two meters high and shaped like a honeycomb appeared automatically. Circuit pipelines were connected from it to the wall, and disappeared after infiltrating into the wall.

The room next to it is filled with a huge reservoir, which is filled with clean water, and there are also corresponding water pipes connected to the reservoir, which are automatically distributed and connected to different rooms throughout the residential building.

Since the technology project purchased by Su Yi directly affects the main structure of the shelter, although Su Yi's shelter is only on the sixth floor, the main structure belongs to this entire residential building.

Therefore, these technology projects will directly affect the entire building.

In addition to the application of water and electricity systems, the changes in this building are also very obvious.

First of all, there are a lot more surveillance cameras in the building. The 360-degree rotating camera can ensure all-weather high-definition imaging and return visits.

The terminal that monitors the screen is in Su Yi's room. There is a multi-screen monitoring split screen next to his bed, which allows Su Yi to easily see the screen in most areas of the entire building and the room. .

In addition, there are machine gun firing ports hidden on each floor. Their control terminals and monitoring terminals are integrated to achieve synchronous operation.

At the same time, Su Yi has learned through the monitoring terminal that the walls of the residential building have been completely transformed.

The inner layer of the wall where the automatic machine gun is located can move freely and can be closed and opened at any time, providing an excellent concealment effect for the machine gun shooting point.

In addition to the changes inside the building, the changes outside the building are even more obvious.

A four-meter-high pure iron fence appeared out of thin air, completely surrounding the entire open old building. Moreover, these iron fences were attached to various types of arc-flickering steel wire mesh.

At first glance, this is simply the outer wall of a military restricted area appearing out of thin air!

And even if someone can break through the wall and reach the door of the building, they will be blocked by the thick, multi-level sealed iron door!

This is a more powerful door than the simple iron door built by Li Ya. It feels like the vault door of a world-class bank. It reflects the cold light of the metal and is so thick that it is almost despairing.

The girls in the building were the first to notice the anomaly in the building. They all opened their eyes in surprise, almost unable to understand the magical scene in front of them.

"Is this... is this still where we live? Why do I feel like I've traveled through time!"

"Did that ghostly voice appear again? Is it a ghost? I feel like our building is a little different. It seems to have become stronger. Is it my imagination?"

"This door is so big! Wait, aren't we locked in?"

Sister Li was the boldest. She nervously held the steel spear and cautiously approached the iron door at the entrance.

Before she reached out to touch it, she heard the electronic synthesized sound coming from the iron door.

"Beep! The target is found! Biometric identification is in progress! Determination: The target's identity belongs to a resident of the shelter, and the identity is legal! Record the biometric information characteristics!"


Sister Li was immediately shocked. There was actually a complete set of super-intelligent electronic identification systems in this weird iron door?

"Excuse me, do you need to leave the shelter?"

An electronic inquiry sounded from inside the iron gate. Sister Li looked back at the shocked sisters, and said tentatively: "I want to go out and have a look..."


The shocking sound of gear operation came from inside the iron door, and as a stream of white steam dispersed, the iron door slowly opened.

"Congratulations on your departure. Please pay attention to safety while exploring."

As the sound of the iron gate rang, Sister Li saw several sisters standing in a daze outside the iron gate.

It was also the first time for them to see such a magical thing, almost feeling like they were in a science fiction movie.

"Sister Li, this...what are these?"

"Where did it come from? It seems to be very obedient and we can come and go freely!"

"What a silly girl who has never seen the world. Didn't you hear what this iron lump just said? It can identify our identities."

"Is it something created by the chief? I heard the group named Li discuss it before. It seems that some kind of shelter panel can produce many magical things."

The women were chattering and discussing, their faces full of curiosity and surprise.

Soon, a girl rushed down from upstairs, shouting excitedly: "The call is coming! The water is coming!"

"I can turn on the air conditioner! I just tried it and the call actually came!"

This shout made the women stunned.

The next second, everyone dispersed in a hurry, rushing upstairs and back to their rooms.

Immediately afterwards.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

The lights in each room were turned on again! The outdoor air conditioners began to make a "buzzing" sound!


A woman screamed in the building, with great excitement in her voice: "The call is coming! The call is really coming! My phone can be charged!"

"There is water in the faucet! Sisters, we are finally alive! It's really great!"

The girls were extremely excited, screaming and shouting.

Some people were even so excited that they rushed into the room and stripped naked on the spot, then rushed into their bathroom and enjoyed the coolness of the cold water washing their bodies.

And this scene was all seen by Su Yi in front of the monitoring terminal.

At least half of the girls were taking a shower, and they were taking a shower with the lights on. Bai Huahua's body was swaying in different split screens, making Su Yi couldn't help but look away in embarrassment.

"Xiaoci, this monitoring function... doesn't seem to be very useful. It's too intrusive on privacy."

Su Yi coughed, but Jiang Xiaoci looked serious: "No, sir, I think it is the most useful thing."

"These are extraordinary times. As the leader of the shelter, you have the right and obligation to monitor every move of the entire shelter and all residents."

"In this era, no one can maintain so-called privacy in front of you. That is irresponsible for the safety of the shelter and is also a potential threat to you."

Jiang Xiaoci didn't care if Su Yi saw the women's naked bodies. She only cared about the overall development of the shelter and Su Yi's personal safety.

In his position, he seeks his government.

"You're right, I'm too old."

Su Yi smiled and felt much calmer.

"Sir, I think it is necessary to set some new rules for the shelter."

Jiang Xiaoci looked at the picture on the surveillance screen, frowned and reminded: "For example, the rules for saving water must let them know that water resources are precious and cannot be wasted like this."

"It's okay, let them be wild on the first day."

Su Yi looked at the screen and said calmly: "Even I miss the days of having water and electricity. They also suffered a lot, and they can't waste much water even if they take a bath."

Su Yi is very confident. After all, although the water resource system is expensive, it can provide the daily water needs of 50 residents every day.

This also includes the amount of water needed for basic daily routines such as washing, drinking, and cleaning.

Moreover, the reservoir is automatically filled every day, so there is no need to worry about waste.

"Sir, you are too gentle."

Jiang Xiaoci shook his head, but did not continue to persuade.

She knew better than anyone else that it was precisely because of Su Yi's gentleness and kindness that she was willing to devote more of her abilities to Su Yi.

But willingly, she will still focus on the long-term development of the refuge and will not let women waste water resources.

"Sir, we should be able to carry out the water from the reservoir, right?"

Jiang Xiaoci reminded: "We can add more water storage space, transport the water saved every day, and make full use of the automatic recovery function of the reservoir."

"That's a good suggestion. You always think one step ahead of me."

Su Yi nodded in agreement. Jiang Xiaoci's head was easy to use and could rotate faster than ordinary people.

Ordinary people may still be immersed in the joy of restoring water and electricity, but Jiang Xiaoci has begun to think about how to use the restored water and electricity to strengthen the resource reserves of the shelter.

"With your permission, sir, I now want to make some new plans to make full use of these new technology project facilities."

Jiang Xiaoci looked at the girls' happiness, paused and then said: "We will also establish more complete shelter rules."

"Okay, it's up to you. I trust you completely."

Su Yi smiled and nodded. He had already confirmed the loyalty of the talents. Even if they did not have the [Loyalty] characteristic like Lin Yue, each talent had a relatively high degree of loyalty to the shelter.

As long as you don't mess around, it's impossible for talents to betray you easily.

"Yes, sir."

Jiang Xiaoci nodded, quickly stood up and left.

When she just walked to the door, she suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to Su Yi: "Sir, I have one more thing..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaoci was stunned.

She saw that Su Yi had half stretched out his body, and his butt was still sitting on the chair of the monitoring terminal, but his upper body was already stretched out on the computer table next to him.

He is turning on the computer.

The computer host made a slight "buzzing" sound, and the screen gradually lit up. A beautiful two-dimensional anime female desktop was reflected in Jiang Xiaoci's pupils.

"Xiaoci, is there anything else?"

Su Yi scratched his head and turned around to ask.


Jiang Xiaoci suddenly smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I will take care of everything."

"Then I...continue?"

Su Yi pointed to the computer, and Jiang Xiaoci's smile became gentler: "Sir, I wish you a happy time."

Say it.

Jiang Xiaoci left the room calmly.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Su Yi vaguely seemed to hear Jiang Xiaoci's low-pitched laughter coming from outside the house.

"He is really a big boy who loves to play..."


Su Yi blinked and murmured: "Is this a compliment?"

However, computer games are really fun!

"Forget it, never mind, you're suffocating me to death!"

Su Yi directly changed his position, sat comfortably in front of the computer, randomly found a stand-alone game on the computer, and double-clicked to start it.

"Let's have fun! Don't do anything today, just play games!"

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