As his consciousness gradually blurred, Lin Yi couldn't help but want to give up thinking.

This fascinating feeling of pleasure made him deeply immersed in it.

However, this feeling did not last too long. When it gradually faded, Lin Yi was reluctant to let it go and even didn't want this feeling to disappear.

"Lin Yi?"The voice in his ear gradually became clearer.

Although Zhou Kai couldn't see, he could feel that Lin Yi, who was holding him, suddenly began to tremble.

"Brother Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?"

In addition to Zhou Kai's voice, Lin Yi also heard Zhou Yun's worried voice.

Lin Yi, who came back to his senses, felt an inexplicable emptiness in his heart.

His legs were a little weak, as if he had run a long marathon, and his body was a little exhausted.

Recalling his reaction when the alien left Tian Wenlei's body, Lin Yi roughly understood.

After this alien parasitizes the human body, it will stimulate the human body to secrete dopamine through those black hairs.

The secretion of dopamine makes the parasitic person addicted to it and unable to extricate themselves.

The longer the parasite is, the more addictive it is.

In this way, the alien can completely control the body, control the host's words and deeds, and separate the host's consciousness from the body.

The secretion of a large amount of dopamine will lead to excessive consumption of physical strength and calories, and even cause the parasitic person to die prematurely.

Therefore, the humans here have become consumables of the alien.

When the alien suddenly leaves the host, people immersed in extreme pleasure are unwilling to wake up.

Therefore, Tian Wenlei, who is used to this feeling, will desperately press his back, unwilling to let the alien leave his body.

However, the reason why his body He was still able to move because of the control of the alien.

Even if he didn't want to, he couldn't stop the alien from leaving.

The reason why Lin Yi experienced this feeling just now indicated that the alien parasitic in the body of the saint would soon take over Zhou Yun's body.

Looking up, the saint's condition was very bad.

She hunched over and her cough seemed to be more serious.

Lin Yi became alert in an instant. He knew very well that if the saint's body reached its limit, the alien parasitic in her body would probably attack without hesitation.

Just like the alien parasitic in Tian Wenlei's body before.

It was an extremely bad situation to take action here. An Chengdao, who had considerable combat power, had not returned yet, and Lu Linhai, who had been cooperating in the battle, didn't know where he had gone.

Zhou Kai couldn't see clearly because of the previous battle, and he hadn't completely gotten rid of the feeling of exhaustion in his body because of the extreme experience just now.

The only combat power left was Zhou Yun on the side.

At this time, they were like a group of players who had just left the novice village and encountered a group of high-level wild monsters.

If they really wanted to fight, they might as well give themselves a knife and start over.

"Why don't you send the Saint Lady back to rest!"

Lin Yi squeezed Zhou Kai's hand a little harder, then gave Zhou Yun a look.

"Didn't you see that the Saint Lady was not feeling well? The Saint Lady is the hope for the future of mankind. What if something went wrong with the Saint Lady?"

"What are you still standing there for? Send the Saint Lady back to rest!"

"If Brother Lei finds out, I’ll shoot you in the head!"

Lin Yi said this in order to trick these aliens away, but unfortunately, these people simply ignored him.

The villagers who were supporting the Saint did not move. It was obvious that they only listened to the Saint's orders.


A few words came out of the saint's throat.

Lin Yi took out the knife from his bag and held it tightly in his hand.

"Put her......Give me......"Accompanied by violent coughing, the Saint still spat out these words.

In an instant, everyone around the Saint looked straight at Zhou Yun.

""Xiao Yun, take Zhou Kai away." Lin Yi stood in front of them.

However, the people in these villages would not give them a chance to escape.

The aliens can stimulate the host to make the host burst out with strength far beyond that of ordinary people.

Although this method will accelerate the consumption of all aspects of the host's body, these aliens don't care at all.

One of them exerted force on his feet and rushed to Zhou Yun at an extremely fast speed.

When Lin Yi reacted, the man had already stretched out his hand.

When he was about to catch Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun suddenly raised his hand.

She held an open small bottle in her hand and sprinkled it in front of her. White lime powder floated into the man's eyes.

"ah——"The man covered his eyes and screamed in pain.

Lin Yi was a little surprised. Zhou Yun in front of him seemed to be much calmer than he thought.

Recalling the situation when he encountered the mantis in the city, Zhou Yun seemed to be the same.

Even when seeing the mantis, Zhou Yun only showed a hint of surprise on her face.

Even when she fought with the mantis later, Zhou Yun was not afraid.

This girl seemed to be much braver than Lin Yi remembered.

Of course, what surprised Lin Yi even more was the lime powder that Zhou Yun sprinkled.

This thing seems to have a miraculous effect on this alien.

If you think about it carefully, it is right. This alien looks similar to a slug. If you can find salt, it may be easier to deal with it.

Zhou Yun's counterattack was not over yet. When the man covered his eyes, Zhou Yun raised her leg and kicked hard between his legs.

Her movements were quick and neat, without any hesitation.

Lin Yi was startled and instinctively clamped her legs together.

"This is the lime that Brother Zhang Cheng gave me, and the self-defense skills that Uncle An taught me."Zhou Yun seemed to notice that Lin Yi was looking at her, and turned around and said

"Xiaoyun, come to me quickly!"Zhou Kai frowned. Lin Yi's words just now and the voice he heard now made him realize that their situation was very dangerous.

At this moment, Lin Yi realized that his impression of Zhou Yun had always remained in Zhou Kai's description.

Zhou Kai's concern and protection for Zhou Yun had become a habit, especially in a city full of aliens.

Even if his sister had grown up, this long-established habit would not disappear immediately.

"Brother, I'm fine."

Zhou Yun's kick actually had no effect. She didn't know that these people were parasitized. The kick just now only attacked the host, not the aliens in their bodies.

However, the effect of the lime powder is still there.

Others also surrounded him. When they were ready to attack, Lin Yi put the blade on his arm.

"If you don't want to die, stop it." Lin Yi stared at the people who surrounded him.

"I remember you said that the mice and strange birds in the woods are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, right?"

"If I cut my arm now, how long do you think it will take to attract the mice and strange birds?"

The reason these people were unwilling to take action in the village was that they did not want the smell of blood to attract mice and strange birds in the woods.

The aliens were not afraid of mice and strange birds, but because dealing with these huge numbers of strange animals would accelerate the consumption of the host.

Once the host is over-consumed, their bodies will be exposed to mice and strange birds.

At that time, they will also die.

The people who had gathered around stopped and turned to look at the saint.

Lin Yi wanted to use this method to delay them, but the saint did not seem to care about Lin Yi's threat.

"Lin Yi......"Zhou Kai's face became a little solemn.

After realizing something was wrong, he suppressed his fatigue and used his ability again.

With his enhanced hearing, he heard footsteps approaching.

"The people of this village......All are here......"

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