"Zhou Kai!"

Lin Yi didn't know that Zhou Kai had completely blocked his hearing, so he ran towards Zhou Kai's position while shouting to remind him to be careful.

But Zhou Kai couldn't hear anything. At this time, he was concentrating on staring at Tian Wenlei in front of him, and quickly formulated a way to deal with him in his mind. The crossbow arrows shot in succession hit Tian Wenlei's heart, head, joints and neck respectively.

Tian Wenlei is different from the mantis, and even if these parts are hit, it cannot be killed.

Therefore, if you want to kill this alien, you may only be able to attack the area between his shoulder blades on his back.

In order to avoid Tian Wenlei's attack just now, Zhou Kai only grabbed three crossbow arrows when he dodged.

One shot Tian Wenlei's neck, and there were two left in his hand.

After placing one of the crossbow arrows in the crossbow slot, Zhou Kai said:"This time, I'm going to hit your heart."

Pulling the trigger, after the crossbow arrow was shot out, Zhou Kai quickly put another crossbow arrow in place. With the first crossbow arrow shot out, Zhou Kai aimed at the end of the crossbow arrow that pierced Tian Wenlei's heart.

If Tian Wenlei did not choose to dodge, then the crossbow arrow shot out would hit the crossbow arrow that had already been inserted into his heart, pushing it further into his body.

In this way, perhaps in the second impact, the crossbow arrow in front would penetrate as close to the back as possible.

He stared at Tian Wenlei with full concentration, and Zhou Kai saw Tian Wenlei's next move through the trajectory of the wind around him.

Tian Wenlei would dodge sideways.

So Zhou Kai quickly turned left and pulled the trigger again.

Tian Wenlei's dodge would expose his side.

And when he dodged, the crossbow arrow shot by Zhou Kai this time would pierce diagonally from the side between his shoulder blades.

After Tian Wenlei became interested in Zhou Kai, he always faced Zhou Kai head-on.

It was not easy to hit Tian Wenlei's back, so Zhou Kai thought of this way.

If he dodges, the first crossbow arrow shot out will hit the crossbow arrow at the heart.

If he does not dodge, the second crossbow arrow shot out will pierce diagonally from the side between the shoulder blades.

Whether Tian Wenlei dodges or not, there will always be a crossbow arrow that will hit.

The second crossbow arrow was slightly deflected by the breeze and hit Tian Wenlei between his shoulder blades.

"ah——"Tian Wenlei suddenly let out a painful roar.

The area between his shoulder blades suddenly bulged, then collapsed, and then bulged again, repeatedly.

Tian Wenlei put his hands behind his back, as if trying to hold down something on his back.

The disgusting eyes that popped out of his eye sockets began to shrink back. At this moment, he seemed to have become much more haggard in an instant.

"No, no, please, no——"

He kept begging, but he also cried out in pain.

His body began to tremble, as if his strength was exhausted at this moment, and even his body became thinner.

Finally, his trembling legs could not support his body.

He fell down, but his hands were still on his back and he kept rolling on the ground until his whole body began to twitch and a weak groan came out of his throat.

""Is he the winner?" Lin Yi, who rushed to Zhou Kai's side, was stunned for a moment.

Zhou Kai closed his eyes, and his energy consumption reached its limit at this moment. His tired body became particularly heavy.

Fortunately, Lin Yi supported him in time and prevented him from falling.

But Lin Yi didn't understand, if Tian Wenlei was defeated, why didn't the thread connected to Zhou Kai's mouth disappear?

He stretched out his hand to tear the thread, and in an instant, Lin Yi felt sick.


"What are you vomiting?" Zhou Kai stopped using his ability.

When he recovered his hearing, he heard Lin Yi's retching.

His eyes throbbed with pain, as if they no longer existed.

"I just saw a thread connected to your mouth, so I tore it off to feel what would happen in the future."

Lin Yi explained:"In the end, I found something got into my mouth, and that feeling......Disgusting to death."

Lin Yi didn't know how to describe this feeling. The sticky feeling, accompanied by waves of nauseating stench, pried open his mouth and slid smoothly down his throat.

"How is he?" Zhou Kai asked,"Is he dead?"

Lin Yi shook his head and found that Zhou Kai had his eyes closed, so he said,"He's not dead, he's still breathing heavily."

"However, he looks no different from dead now."

Tian Wenlei, lying on the ground, was twitching all over. He also closed his eyes. It was hard to imagine that he was still alive and well before.

At this moment, Tian Wenlei was just like the man lying in the pile of bones in the room behind him. Although he was not dead, he only had one breath left.

"To be on the safe side, I'll go over and give him a finishing blow." Lin Yi said with a frown.

"Don't go over there. I was the one who broke the thread just now. If you go over there, someone might get into trouble."

"I don't want you to die here."

Zhou Kai nodded. After Lin Yi let go, his body trembled as if he would fall at any time.

After all, the highly concentrated observation and thinking consumed too much of his energy. Coupled with the dodge just now, it was good enough that he could still stand here by himself at this time.

"Wait for me, I'll go and stab you a few more times and come back soon."

Lin Yi clenched the knife in his hand and quickly walked to Tian Wenlei.

Looking at Tian Wenlei twitching on the ground, Lin Yi felt a little touched.

In his memory, Tian Wenlei was gentle and kind, and would patiently play with children.

If there were no damn aliens, perhaps Tian Wenlei would not have become what he is now.

"Uncle Tian, goodbye." Lin Yi gritted his teeth and turned Tian Wenlei over.

At this time, Tian Wenlei's body was incredibly light, and Lin Yi only exerted a little force and immediately turned Tian Wenlei over.

He raised his hand���He thrust the knife towards Tian Wenlei's shoulder blades.

He knew very well that Tian Wenlei was like this because Zhou Kai hit the weak spot between the shoulder blades.

Therefore, if he wanted to kill him completely, he had to attack this spot.

However, when Lin Yi stabbed down with the knife in his hand, the touch in his hand was very strange.

Although the blade sank into the body, there was no real feeling of stabbing.

As the blade stabbed down, an outline appeared on Tian Wenlei's clothes on the back.

""Huh?" Lin Yi frowned and quickly lifted Tian Wenlei's clothes.

There was a hole on his back at the shoulder blade, which was very similar to the one in the room.

""No!" Lin Yi became alert instantly.

Tian Wenlei's head was lying on the ground. Lin Yi quickly opened his eyelids. In the empty eye sockets, there was no disgusting eyes that had appeared before.

"Oops! Zhou Kai!"Lin Yi realized that something was wrong. He quickly turned around and saw a sticky thing on the ground in front of Zhou Kai approaching him.

The color of that thing was very similar to mud. Under the cover of night, it could not be found at all if you didn't look carefully.

This alien was not dead at all, it was pretending from the beginning!

It had its eyes on Zhou Kai's body, but Zhou Kai, who used his ability, could always dodge the attack faster than it, so this alien came up with this idea.

It pretended to fail and be killed by Zhou Kai, then broke away from Tian Wenlei and took the opportunity to sneak up on Zhou Kai.

Tian Wenlei's painful look just now was indeed not fake, but the reason he pressed his back desperately was not because of the pain, but because he didn't want the alien on his back to leave.

""Zhou Kai! Run!" Lin Yi ran towards Zhou Kai with all his strength.

But at this moment, the alien on the ground jumped high and pounced on Zhou Kai's face.

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