After listening to Lin Yi's words, Zhou Kai nodded.

He raised his head and looked at the community not far away.

While they were talking, Lu Linhai and the drone in his hand started arguing.

Lu Linhai was very angry, but he couldn't win the argument, and his face turned red with anger.

"Hey, why is the gorilla's face red?"The voice from the drone said in a contemptuous tone, teasing

"I only knew that monkeys' butts were red, but I didn't expect that gorillas' faces were also red."


""If you have the guts, come out! Don't hide behind!" Lu Linhai shouted with gritted teeth.

Zhou Yun pulled Lu Linhai, as if to signal him to speak more quietly.

But Lu Linhai was so angry that his face turned red and he didn't notice Zhou Yun's actions at all.

"If you were a man, we would fight face to face!"

"Do you dare?"

""Huh? You must be wrong." The other party continued to tease

"How can you say you are a man? You are obviously a male gorilla."

Lu Linhai was so angry that he was speechless. For every word he said, the other party wanted to say ten words back.

Lin Yi glanced at Lu Linhai and turned back to urge Zhou Kai

"How's it going, did you find it?"

"Not yet." Zhou Kai said this, but his eyes were fixed on the community not far away.

At this moment, he was very serious, and his eyes swept through the community one by one.

"Don't rush me. If your guess is right, I will definitely find it as long as the distance is within my ability."

Looking at it, Zhou Kai seemed to have found something.

He was stunned for a moment, squinting his eyes and looking carefully, as if he was identifying something.

Then, Zhou Kai laughed softly.

"Found it."

Zhou Kai turned around and looked at Lin Yi, smiling and said,"It really is true that you search for him among the crowd for hundreds of times, but he is nowhere to be found."

"Could it be that the person controlling this drone is......"Zhou Kai's words surprised Lin Yi.

Seeing Zhou Kai nodded, Lin Yi also laughed.

Turning to Lu Linhai, Lin Yi took the drone.

"Yes, Lin Yi, help me scold him!" Lu Lin also thought that Lin Yi came to help him, and said angrily,"Scold him for me! Scold him harshly!"

"Nice to meet you, this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination - Zhang Cheng."

Lin Yi's words made Lu Linhai a little anxious:"What are you doing? I asked you to help me scold him, why are you greeting him?"

"Could it be the legendary"be polite before using force"?"

"Huh? Wait." Lu Linhai suddenly reacted and asked in surprise,"What did you call him just now?"

"Zhang Cheng? That's us.——"

Before Lu Linhai could finish his words, Zhou Kai pulled him away.

"Stop talking." Zhou Kai glared at Lu Linhai and stood next to Lin Yi.

"......"The person on the other side of the drone was silent for a moment, then said in a disapproving tone,"Who is Zhang Cheng? I don't know any Zhang Cheng, Li Cheng, Wang Erma Cheng."

"You got the wrong person."

"Really?" Zhou Kai approached the drone and teased in the same contemptuous tone,"If you are not Zhang Cheng, then who is the person standing in front of the window holding the remote control?"

There was another silence.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Zhou Kai continued:"By the way, the telescope next to you is quite nice, and it doesn't look cheap."

"I didn't expect that the top scorer in the college entrance examination would have such a little unknown habit."

"Is this telescope of yours a real telescope?"

"Why can you see me?" The voice from the drone became serious.

"Logically speaking, no matter how good your eyesight is, you shouldn't be able to see me from your current position."

Although the other party did not clearly state his identity, this statement already showed that he was indeed Zhang Cheng that Lin Yi was looking for.

He used a telescope to see Lin Yi and the others, and perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps because he thought that Lin Yi and the others could not find his position, he controlled the drone to play a prank.

But he never thought that not only his position was exposed, but even the telescope in front of the window and even the remote control in his hand were clearly seen.

"Is it convenient for us to meet and chat?" Lin Yi asked

"It’s not convenient." The other party answered decisively.

"If it's inconvenient, forget it."Lin Yi snorted coldly and put the drone on the ground.

"Huh?" The other party did not expect Lin Yi to be so decisive.

"Goodbye."Lin Yi winked at the others.

Then, the others turned around and prepared to leave.

""Wait a minute!" Zhang Cheng shouted before they could take a step.

"You haven't answered my question yet."The drone flew in front of Lin Yi under Zhang Cheng's control.

"How on earth did you find me?"

"Also, didn’t the news say that you were arrested by a murderer? Where is that murderer?"

"Why weren't you killed? Did you escape? How did you escape?"

Zhang Cheng was like a chatterbox, babbling endlessly.

"If you want to know, we can meet and talk."Lin Yi did not answer Zhang Cheng, and he did not intend to answer.

Lin Yi knew very well that it was very difficult to convince the other party that there were aliens in this world.

Especially to convince these people that their parents were also aliens.

It takes a certain amount of time to convince the other party. If the other party's attitude is very resistant, then there is no need for Lin Yi and the others to continue talking.

If they have this time, they might as well find other people.

Anyway, there is more than one high-quality human in this city.

"Can't we just chat like this?" Zhang Cheng asked

"No." Lin Yi shook his head and said,"Don't worry, I can swear on my life that we will never hurt you."

"Aren't you afraid that I will call the police right away?���Come to arrest you?"

"Please go ahead." Lin Yi replied

"......"After a brief silence, Zhang Cheng sighed

"It's not that I don't want to come out, it's that I can't come out"

""Pah!" Lu Linhai on the side said disdainfully,"Do you not have long legs or do you not know how to walk?"

"You still can't come out. I see you just don't want to come out."

"This is communication between humans, don't talk like an underdeveloped gorilla." Zhang Cheng said, and Lu Linhai gritted his teeth in anger.

"Why can't you come out?"Lin Yi was a little curious

"The two things at home are not allowed." Although Zhang Cheng said it casually, his tone revealed a sense of helplessness.

However, his words made Lin Yi feel a little strange.

""What did you say just now?" Lin Yi asked tentatively,"What do you call your parents?"

"They are not my parents." Zhang Cheng's tone was a little angry.

His words also surprised Lin Yi.

"Could it be that......"Lin Yi thought about it, then tried,"Are you adopted?"

"There is nothing wrong with that." Zhang Cheng replied,"But......Forget it, you won’t believe it even if I tell you."

Lin Yi frowned, he turned his head to look at Zhou Kai, and when Zhou Kai nodded, Lin Yi knew they were thinking the same thing.

So, Lin Yi continued:"When did you find out?"

"What did you find?" Zhang Cheng asked,"When was I adopted?"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head and said,"I found out that they are not human."

"......"This time, Zhang Cheng was silent for a long time.

After a moment, Zhang Cheng's tone seemed to become a little excited:"Do you know what you are talking about?"

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