"he......he is......"Tian Meng swallowed his saliva and quickly looked away from An Chengdao, not daring to look at him again.

The smile on his face became a little stiff, but it was obvious that he was still pretending to be calm.

"So what......Lin Yi, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. My mother asked me to come out to play. If I come back late, she will scold me."

"Lin Yi, let's meet again next time. I'm leaving now.

Tian Meng turned around and wanted to leave, but Lin Yi noticed the fear in his eyes.

If Tian Meng was allowed to leave like this, it might cause some unnecessary trouble.

So Lin Yi hurriedly chased after him.

"Tian Meng, wait a moment."Lin Yi grabbed Tian Meng's arm and felt that Tian Meng's body was shaking slightly.

"Why are you chasing me?"

Tian Meng was startled and quickly glanced at An Chengdao's position. Seeing that he didn't chase him, he breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly:"If you come here like this, the murderer will know that I found him, right?"

"I've seen him on the news. The news said that this man was extremely cruel and killed people like crazy."

"The news also said that several students were captured by the murderer, and your photo was among them."

"When I saw you just now, I thought you had escaped."

"Lin Yi, don't worry. I will pretend to leave first, and then I will call the police to save you. Don't worry, I will definitely save you."

"Calm down first, don't be so nervous."Lin Yi's guess was right, Tian Meng really recognized An Chengdao.

Come to think of it, these days, whether it is TV or radio, they have been broadcasting about An Chengdao, it is hard not to know.

However, Lin Yi did not expect that their photos were also on TV.

In this way, no matter whether it is the people in this city or the aliens, they can recognize them at a glance.

These damn monsters really don't give them any chance.

"I'm safe, and you don't have to be afraid." Lin Yi smiled and said,"I called you to tell you not to call the police."

"It's already this late, and you're still laughing?" Tian Meng was a little anxious,"If I don't call the police, do you want me to watch you get killed by this murderer?"

"I understand. Was it the murderer who forced you to do this?"

"Don't worry, just pretend you don't know. I'll call the police secretly and he won't find out."

"Let go of me now. Stop holding me." Tian Meng became even more anxious when he saw that Lin Yi still didn't let go.

He urged,"If I am also caught by that murderer, there will be really no one who can save you."

"Don't worry, we have been friends since we were young, you know me, I will never abandon you"

"I stopped you because I know you." Lin Yi explained,"Uncle An is not a bad person, believe me."

"Besides, I am really safe. If Uncle An is really the murderer who kills people like the news says, do you think I can still be alive now?"

"If he was really so cruel, he would have killed me long ago."

Tian Meng thought about it and felt that what Lin Yi said was not unreasonable.

It had been so long since Tian Meng saw Lin Yi on the news. If An Chengdao was really like what the news said, he might not be able to leave.

But, could the content of the news broadcast be false?

Tian Meng stared at Lin Yi and suddenly a look of sudden enlightenment appeared on his face.

"I understand." Tian Meng said firmly,"You have Stockholm syndrome."

""Your head." Lin Yi said in a feigned anger

"I'm not kidding you, Uncle An is really not a bad guy, and he saved me before.

Tian Meng frowned and secretly glanced at An Chengdao in the distance.

Looking closely, the people standing next to An Chengdao seemed to be the ones who had appeared in the news.

"Really?" Tian Meng's tone sounded doubtful,"Lin Yi, are you really okay? You really don't need me to call the police?"

"Really not necessary." Lin nodded.

"We have known each other for so many years. When have I ever lied to you?"

"Remember, don't call the police, and don't tell anyone you've seen us." Lin Yi reminded


The sirens in the distance were getting closer and closer, and Lin Yi realized that he had to leave.

"Remember what I told you, this is not sarcasm." With that, Lin Yi turned around and ran back.

"Everyone, we have to hurry up and leave here."Returning to Zhou Kai and others, Lin Yi hurriedly said

"The fire sirens are getting closer and closer, and the fire on the mountain will definitely attract people nearby."

"Our appearance has appeared in the news. If there are more people gathered, we will be recognized. At that time, we may not be able to leave."

"Lin Yi."Just after he finished speaking, Zhou Kai raised his chin slightly, motioning Lin Yi to look behind him.

Lin Yi looked back and saw that Tian Meng, who was not far away, did not leave, but turned back.

"What are you doing back here?" Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"Tian Meng, I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about me"

"that......"Tian Meng raised his hand and touched his nose. Perhaps he was still a little afraid of An Chengdao. His eyes looked around and he didn't dare to look directly at Lin Yi.

Seeing Tian Meng's actions, Lin Yi was stunned at first, then frowned.

"I want to say.......Do you need to find a place to hide?"

"If you need, you can go to my warehouse.

Tian Meng's parents are in the clothing business and have a special warehouse to store goods.

"Tian Meng, we have known each other for so many years, you should know me, and you also know that I know you."Lin Yi did not respond directly to Tian Meng

"Yes, it is because we have known each other for so many years that I trust you. Tian Meng continued

"You say they are not bad people, then they are definitely not"

"Why on TV?......There must be some misunderstanding in the news."

When he said this, Tian Meng said in a tone of sudden enlightenment:"I know, this uncle was wronged. Lin Yi, you must have found some clues, so you want to help this uncle."

"Lin Yi, don't worry, I will definitely help you, after all, we are friends."

"Don't worry, my father has gone out of town to buy goods these days and will be back in a few days."

"My mother rarely manages the store and rarely goes to the warehouse, so you don't have to worry about her at all."

Lin Yi thought for a moment, nodded and said,"Then I'll trouble you."

Hearing Lin Yi's answer, Tian Meng smiled, but Lin Yi's face darkened.

"Come on, I'll take you there.

Tian Meng's store was very close to Sifang Mountain, so they quickly arrived at the warehouse.

"You must all be hungry, I'll go get you some food." Tian Meng opened the door to the warehouse and motioned Lin Yi and the others to go in.

"You wait here for me, I'll be back soon."

Tian Meng closed the door, and as his footsteps gradually faded away, Lin Yi quickly turned around and said to Zhou Kai and others:"Everyone, find some clean clothes to change into, and then we will leave here immediately."

"Leave?" Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment,"Aren't we hiding here?"

Lin Yi shook his head and looked back at the closed warehouse door.

"here......It’s not safe anymore."

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