"Could there be other kinds of monsters hiding in the woods?"

Lu Linhai was a little anxious. After all, he was the most suspicious at this moment.

Zhou Kai shook his head and said,"Even if it is other kinds of monsters, I can sense it."

"It's impossible that this monster not only has no smell, doesn't need to breathe, but also doesn't have a heartbeat."

"Maybe it's this kind of monster." Lu Linhai continued

"We don't know much about these monsters. There may really be a monster hiding in the woods that has no smell, no need to breathe, and even no heartbeat."

"This is not impossible. Jellyfish don't have a heartbeat, so why must monsters have one?"

"Well, even if there really is such a monster, it will definitely take action to kill us. Once the monster takes action, I can feel it."Zhou Kai frowned and said

"Could it be that this monster is so powerful that it can kill us instantly before we even notice it?"

"If such monsters really exist, then we should not run away, we are no match for them at all."

Zhou Kai thought for a moment and added:"Besides, according to what Lin Yi said, Uncle An went in alone once in his previous time travel. If such monsters really exist, why didn't they attack Uncle An?"

"Maybe he wants to catch us all in one fell swoop." Lu Linhai retorted

"What a bullshit! This monster is so powerful, does it still need to use this trick to deal with us?"

Lin Yi didn't speak. He began to recall what happened after he went back to the past several times recently.

Thinking about it carefully, whether it was Lu Linhai who turned into a monster on June 9, or his parents who turned into monsters on June 10, it seemed that they only showed monsters in front of Lin Yi.

They didn't attack Lin Yi, but Lin Yi still died.

Moreover, these two time retracings have one thing in common, that is, before Lin Yi died, he felt severe pain, as if his body was torn apart alive.

Since the monster didn't attack, why did Lin Yi feel pain?

In addition to this, Lin Yi remembered one thing.

Both times he entered the woods, Lin Yi felt a headache, as if his soul was torn apart, and the feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

However, if Lin Yi remembered correctly, the last time he returned to the woods, An Chengdao had entered the woods alone to confirm whether it was safe.

And after An Chengdao came out, he didn't feel any discomfort. After thinking about it, a creepy guess suddenly popped up in Lin Yi's mind.

His eyes slowly moved to Zhou Kai's backpack, which contained the indispensable key to leaving the city.

"The key." Lin Yi shouted in surprise.

"Keys? What happened to the keys?"Lu Linhai didn't understand why Lin Yi suddenly mentioned the keys.

Zhou Kai, who was standing by, quickly grabbed the backpack on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the keys were still in the bag.

"The key is still inside." Zhou Kai said

"We entered the woods twice, and both times we died when the red light completely filled the key."Lin Yi's voice trembled a little.

"When the key turned completely red, I felt a severe headache, everything in front of me began to become blurry, and the whole world seemed to be spinning non-stop."

"Moreover, my body was out of control, my consciousness became increasingly blurred, and then I went back to the past."


When he said this, Lin paused.

This speculation was extremely bad news for them.

"Could it be that this thing is not the key to leaving here, but the cause of our death?"

"Impossible." Zhou Kai was a little excited."It is clearly written in the information found by Uncle An that this thing is the key. If we don't have the key, we will die once we get close to the edge of the city."

"But, didn’t we die even if we took the key?" Lu Linhai whispered,"Lin Yi came back to the present after he died, and he died several times."

"That doesn't mean there's something wrong with the key." Zhou Kai said

"Lin Yi also said that there was indeed a red light coming out of the key, which proved that the information in the document was correct."

"If the information found by Uncle An......Was it a trap from the beginning?" Lin Yi said what he guessed

"The skeleton that Uncle An found clearly had the key, but he did not leave here, but died on the edge of the city. Now think about it, isn't it very similar to what we encountered?"

Zhou Kai opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say for a moment.

For them at this time, Lin Yi was the only one who had entered the woods.

If there were monsters in the woods, or if they were caught up by the monsters, Lin Yi would not have forgotten

"And, there is one more thing."Perhaps because he calmed down, Lin Yi's thoughts began to become clear.

"The future will change because of what I do after returning to the past, but what has happened in the past will not change."

"For example, the graduation dinner and singing on June 9, and my birthday on June 10." Lin Yi continued

"But these two times, after I went back to the past, I found that things in the past had become different."

"My parents didn't kill me right after I made my birthday wish, and even tried to comfort me after I panicked out of fear."

"And Lu Linhai, he shouldn't be a monster." Lin Yi, who had calmed down, was sure of this. After all, he had killed Lu Linhai before.

"What do you mean by 'should'? I'm definitely not a monster!" Lu Linhai interrupted.

"Don't talk first." Lin Yi glared at him and continued,"But, on June 9th this time, Lu Linhai turned into a monster."

"You mean, the timeline of the past has changed?" Zhou Kai asked

"Lu Linhai......Was he killed by a monster in advance and then replaced?"

Lin Yi shook his head:"I don't think it's the past timeline that has changed, but these two time travels are simply fake."

"Fake?" Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment,"What do you mean?"

"These two times of time travel may be hallucinations I saw, they are not real at all."Lin Yi explained

"After the key turned red, I started to have a headache. I thought I went back to the past, but in fact I was just seeing hallucinations related to the past."

"Because I remember what happened in the past, but because of fear, the hallucination changed according to my fear, so I saw a different past."

"Then why did you die?" Zhou Kai asked,"Even if these two times were hallucinations, the fact that you returned to the outside of the woods before and now shows that you are indeed dead. Can hallucinations kill people?"

"I don't know if hallucinations can kill people."An Chengdao on the side suddenly spoke.

He frowned and said in a calm voice:"But there is one thing that can definitely kill us."

"In order to prevent people in the city from escaping without permission, a special device was installed on the edge. If a human approaches, they will be killed immediately."

"But we have the key." Zhou Kai said

"That's why I said the key was fake from the beginning, just a trap."Lin Yi's face became a little solemn,"I was not killed by the hallucination, but my body was out of control after seeing the hallucination."

"My mind was immersed in hallucinations, but my body kept moving forward. Just as I approached the edge of the city, the devices killed me."

"That’s why I felt a sharp pain as if my body was being torn apart."

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