"Is this the edge of the city?"

Looking at the woods in front of him, Lin Yi felt both anxious and expectant.

After five days, they finally arrived at the edge of the city. Next, they just needed to pass through the woods to reach the mountains of the neighboring city.

Lin Yi knew nothing about the world outside the city.

However, because of the existence of those aliens, the outside world was very likely different from what we saw on TV.

The outside world might be filled with all kinds of monsters, which were more terrifying and more brutal.

""Are you ready?" Lu Linhai suddenly yelled, as if to encourage himself and to cheer everyone up.

Zhou Yun tightly grasped Zhou Kai's sleeve. She looked a little nervous, but there was no hesitation in her eyes.

Zhou Kai's eyes were also firm. He touched Zhou Yun's head and told her not to worry.

Lin Yi looked back at the road he came from. Although he could no longer see the city buildings at this point, for Lin Yi, what happened before seemed like yesterday.

"Goodbye."Lin Yi said silently in his heart.

He said goodbye to the city where he had lived for 18 years, and also said goodbye to his past self.

"Let's go." An Chengdao took out the key.

As they walked into the woods, the crystal in An Chengdao's hand lit up with a faint red light.

"It has color!" Lu Linhai was a little excited, pointing at the key and shouting,"The key is responding!"

As they continued to move forward, the red light in the crystal became more and more vigorous.

"This thing is really the same as what is recorded in the information. When the red light inside covers the entire key, we can leave this damn place."Lin Yi said in his heart.

Finally, the red light filled the entire crystal, but just when they were confidently preparing to leave here, Lin Yi suddenly felt dizzy.

Lin Yi felt very uncomfortable, dizzy, and even the picture in front of him began to blur.

This feeling became more and more obvious, as if something was desperately tearing Lin Yi's soul.

When Lin Yi realized that something was wrong and wanted to remind others, he found that his body was out of control at this moment and he couldn't say a word.

""What's going on?" Lin Yi screamed in his heart,"Why is this happening? Are those monsters catching up with us?"

"No, if a monster approaches us, Zhou Kai will definitely find it."

"Damn it! Damn it! Victory was clearly just around the corner, why did this happen?"

Lin Yi's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and in a trance, he seemed to see two familiar figures sitting in front of him.

They had loving smiles on their faces, clapping their hands and talking about something.

The candlelight flickered slightly, and a cheerful song came to his ears.

Lin Yi had heard this song before. It was a song he had looked forward to every year, and it was also a song he no longer wanted to hear.

This song was the beginning of Lin Yi's nightmare.——

"I wish you a happy birthday, I wish you happiness every day, I wish you happiness forever!"

"Yiyi, happy birthday!"

"Blow out the candles!"

After a moment of trance, Lin Yi came back to his senses.

He saw the two people sitting opposite him and felt his scalp tingling instantly.


"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

The two people sitting opposite Lin Yi were the father and mother who had been killed by An Chengdao long ago!

"mine......Birthday?"Lin Yi realized that he had returned to the past again.

This time, he returned to his 18th birthday on June 10th.

"Yes, Yiyi, today is your birthday."

Dad's voice made Lin Yi jump up from his chair. He stepped back quickly and almost tripped over the chair behind him.

"Yiyi, slow down."Mom was startled by Lin Yi's sudden action.

"you......Why are you still alive?"Lin Yi found it unbelievable

"Why did time go back to my birthday?"

The scenes in his memory emerged. Lin Yi remembered that he and Zhou Kai had come to the edge of the city. He could leave the city soon, so why did he return to June 10th in the blink of an eye?

"Could it be that......I died again?"

Lin Yi shook his head, he felt something was wrong.

He didn't remember the monsters appearing at that time, let alone how he died.

So, could it be that his ability was activated by itself, just like when An Chengdao fought a group of monsters alone in the butcher shop?

A sense of frustration surged in his heart.

He had been in the mountains for more than half a month, and he was finally able to leave here, but in the blink of an eye he returned to the starting point.

If all this cannot be changed, then what is the point of all he has done?

""Yiyi, what's wrong with you?" When his mother stood up, Lin Yi saw the knife on the table.

He grabbed the knife and looked at his parents in front of him warily.

"Don't come over here!" Lin Yida yelled

"One by one, you......Are you okay?" Mom seemed worried.

"Yiyi, are you okay?"Dad was the same.

They kept looking at Lin Yi, but there was no greed in their eyes as before, but a kind of tension and worry.

"Stop pretending." Lin Yi quickly calmed himself down.

After more than half a month of training, although Lin Yi was not confident that he could defeat two adult monsters, he thought he could try to escape from them.

"I know you are monsters."Lin Yi said it without hesitation.

Today is June 10th, Lin Yi's birthday, and the day he was eaten.

So, instead of hiding it, it's better to say it directly.

However, Lin Yi was a little surprised by his parents' reaction.

"Monster?"Mom was stunned for a moment, and looked at Dad beside her blankly,"What monster?"

"I don’t know." Dad shook his head and said,"Could Yi Yi be talking about the computer game he played?"

"One by one, you���"Dad continued with a puzzled look,"Could it be that the pressure from the exams these days was too great, and after the exams I suddenly relaxed and something went wrong with my brain?"

"Hospital!" Dad thought for a while and said,"Yiyi, come on, Dad will take you to the hospital for a check-up."

""Yes, yes, the hospital!" Mom echoed,"Yiyi, it's okay, mom and dad are here, you will be fine."

Lin Yi was stunned. Why was the scene in front of him different from what he had experienced before?

Lin Yi had already revealed that he had discovered the monster, but why did they tear off their disguise? Why didn't they pounce on Lin Yi and eat him?

"Car keys, where did I put my car keys?"Dad looked a little anxious.

"On the shoe cabinet, where you put it every time you come back." Mom reminded

"Yes, on the shoe cabinet. Dad walked to the entrance, grabbed the car keys, opened the door and prepared to go out.

"I'll drive first, and we'll go to the hospital as soon as you get off."

""Yiyi, mom will take you to see a doctor right now." Mom walked towards Lin Yi.

"Don't come over here!" Lin Yi raised the knife in his hand and looked at the person in front of him vigilantly.

""Yiyi, don't scare mom." Mom's eyes gradually moistened, and the worry in her eyes didn't seem fake.

For a moment, Lin Yi was a little at a loss.

"What happened?" Lin Yi couldn't figure it out.

"Yiyi, don't be afraid, mom is here."Mom walked closer slowly, even though Lin Yi was holding a knife in his hand, she still came to Lin Yi without hesitation.

"Mom is here. No matter what happens, Mom will be by your side."Mom took the knife from Lin Yi's hand, hugged Lin Yi, and patted Lin Yi's back gently.

""Yiyi, mom will take you to see a doctor." Mom took Lin Yi's hand and said,"Don't worry, you will be fine."

No, no, no!

Lin Yi felt his mind was in a mess.

What happened? Why did things become different after he went back to the past this time?

Why didn't these two monsters kill him?

Could it be that the past experiences were all hallucinations, and everything happening in front of him at this moment was real?

Or did something happen during this time of time travel that Lin Yi didn't notice?

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