Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 97 Among humans, sing the good news of your conquest of disease (more updates)

"As for me... I have personally accepted 33 apprentices in this life.

There are quite a few wolf cubs among them.

I taught them everything I knew, but in the end, seven or eight of them ran away! They slipped away to foreign countries!

They took their teacher's hard work of half a lifetime to foreign countries!

However, even if a few of the most talented ones ran away,

I am not exaggerating to say that 80% of the doctors in the country who are engaged in hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases are my students, or the students of my students!

In this life, my energy is almost exhausted. I have two or three research projects under my hands, but I am sure that I will not see the results...

I know you may not be interested in conquering the unmanned area in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases,

and I don't expect you to follow me back to do scientific research and practice medical skills!


I hope you can stay in our country!

Be a good doctor for our people!"

Academician Chen was passionate and generous, and he looked at Xu Qiu.

For some reason, he seemed to see his own shadow in Xu Qiu.

This is so strange!

He, an old man who has been fighting for human medicine all his life, actually saw the same temperament and spirit in a young man in his twenties?

How is this possible?

This kind of eyes that have experienced so many things but still carry sincere love, it is impossible to have it unless you return to the state of returning to nature in your seventies or eighties, right?

Academician Chen shook his head and denied this idea.

He patted Xu Qiu on the shoulder and said earnestly:

"I hope -

You can seek good news for more than one billion patients suffering from digestive diseases.

Bring hope to tens of millions of patients who are waiting to die and have no medicine or treatment!"

These words were deafening, and the barbecue restaurant was silent all of a sudden.

The people who were drinking at several tables around were quiet at this moment, silently looking at Academician Chen.

"Who is he?"

Someone quickly took out his mobile phone.

Someone quickly searched "He is the teacher of hepatobiliary and pancreatic doctors\

,"and Academician Chen's information immediately popped up on the mobile phone.

At this moment, everyone in the barbecue restaurant was shocked, with ecstatic expressions!

A Daxia hepatobiliary and pancreatic academician was eating barbecue in the same restaurant with them!

"But who is that handsome guy?"

"Yes! Academician Chen actually gave him such a high evaluation!"

"Oh my God, he must be a future academician!"

"The academician actually said that he can treat terminally ill patients in the future, who is this person!!"

People kept looking at Xu Qiu, their eyes were full of doubts, but more of them were deeply shocked!


After Academician Chen said this, he sat down again.

Lin Xie was a little embarrassed.

Damn, you are so awesome and have such a high level!

I just said "wasted the talent of brain surgery".

I am so embarrassed!

"This bone is good, this is cartilage, there are nutrient blood vessels inside - little sister, bring a straw!" Lin Xie laughed, skillfully knocked open the weakest part of the bone, and prepared to suck the bone marrow.

"Every profession has its own specialty..." The people around him smiled with ambiguous meanings.

Lin Xie sucked a mouthful of bone marrow, returned to the key question, and asked: "Xu Qiu, will you come with me to do bone reconstruction?"

Xu Qiu smiled and said: "If I am not mistaken, the current dilemma of bone reconstruction should be technology."

Lin Xie was stunned, and felt a little happy.

It seems that Xu Qiu is still concerned about the bone reconstruction industry?

He smiled and said: "Yes, what we are mainly doing now is to find a more perfect bone reconstruction prosthesis. Moreover, the core technology of prosthesis reconstruction, 3D printing, is still under development. Both at home and abroad are pursuing more advanced technology and materials that are closer to human bones."

Xu Qiu looked calm and said: "In other words, bone reconstruction is a field limited by technology and the times."

Lin Xie's expression stagnated, he was silent for a moment, and said: "You are right, technology must develop first, and then slowly drive our field."

After hearing Xu Qiu's words, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, after Lin Xie finished speaking, Xu Qiu continued: "So, it doesn't make much sense for me to study bone reconstruction with you. The upper limit of this technology is there, and no matter how high it is, it can't transcend the current technological constraints."

"Yes..." Lin Xie felt a little disappointed.

It seems that Xu Qiu is not going to do bone reconstruction.

Missing a top talent like this is a huge loss for the entire industry!

At this time, Xu Qiu spoke again. He said lightly: "However, Professor Lin, I will not give up the field of bone reconstruction. If I have time, I will study new reconstruction prostheses - compared with surgery, this is the key to promote the development of bone reconstruction."

Lin Xie suddenly raised his head, with a look of surprise, and said: "Okay! As long as you are willing to study reconstruction! What help do you need from me?"

Xu Qiu: "I haven't started yet, but I promise that within five years, I will give you a valuable prosthesis reconstruction plan - if there are any difficulties, I will come to you for help."

Lin Xie took a sip of wine and said excitedly: "No problem! As long as you ask, even if it is a national-level prosthesis research and development center laboratory, I will open all licenses to you!"

Xu Qiu didn't have time to respond.

The old voice of Academician Chen came from the side, and he said faintly: "As for me, I may not have five years to wait..."

Hearing this, everyone's mood suddenly dropped for a moment.

Yes, Academician Chen is old.

When he was young, he flew domestically and abroad every day. In the craziest ten years, he basically spent his birthday on the plane every year.

At that time, he was full of energy, as if he would never get tired or old.

But now, just flying from Tiandu to Linhai is very strenuous for him.

However, in order to see Xu Qiu, he still came in person...

Just to say "Don't let patients be hopeless and have no treatment" and "Be a good doctor for the people of Daxia"!

A trace of sadness flashed through Xu Qiu's heart.

He used yogurt instead of wine and promised: "Academician Chen, I will let you see that Daxia doctors have pushed the diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases to a new height."

This sentence is very important!

So much so that all the doctors present were shocked, with incredible expressions on their faces.

The development of hepatobiliary and pancreatic is already very mature. In recent years, there is only one Academician Chen who has created the Chen's kissing method!

Xu Qiu's dream is even bigger than Academician Chen's!

Everyone found it unbelievable.

But Academician Chen's old face suddenly broke into a smile.

He poured a small glass of white wine, clinked it with Xu Qiu, looked at Xu Qiu trustfully with a wise look, and said: "I believe you, I...wait for you!"


A night of hearty eating and drinking.

Everyone was full of food and wine, and the mood was particularly relaxed.

Being able to perform such a difficult operation and save a family is one aspect, and Linhai First Hospital will also be on the news because of this operation, and it will be popular!

Director Lin said mysteriously:

"Do you know why I am so happy that this operation was successful?"

Everyone's attention was attracted.

Director Lin is usually a stingy person, and this is the first time he has invited the department to dinner!

"No wonder you are willing to treat us, old Lin, it turns out there is an inside story!" Wang Ping scolded with a smile.

Director Lin nodded with a smile: "You guessed right, I know some inside information."

Zhong Wen and others finally reacted.

No wonder Director Lin plucked his hair!

Something big is going on!

"Tell me quickly!"

"Director Lin, don't keep us in suspense!"

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