Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 88 Doctors nowadays have no medical ethics! They are all obsessed with money

In the hall of the emergency department, seven or eight people surrounded a doctor.

Xu Qiu took a look and saw that the unlucky one was Wang Fan.

Wang Fan spread his hands and said, "Auntie, the diagnosis is very clear now, it is aortic dissection, and surgery must be performed quickly!"

The patient's wife wore a headscarf and had rough skin. At first glance, she was someone who often did farm work.

After listening to Wang Fan's words, she asked with tears in her eyes: "Doctor, can we not have the surgery... We don't have that much money."

Wang Fan felt a little sympathetic, he slowed down his tone and explained: "Aortic dissection is a very dangerous disease.

The most important large blood vessel in the human body is the aorta, and now your husband's aorta is torn!

This disease must be operated on, and it must be done as soon as possible. If not, he will die at any time!"

The patient's wife was terrified. She asked carefully with tears in her eyes: "Doctor, how much does the operation cost... We have rural medical insurance, can it be reimbursed?"

Wang Fan: "For rural medical insurance, you have to pay for it yourself first, and then go back to you for reimbursement.

Your husband has a more dangerous type A aortic dissection, and the cost of the operation is estimated to be between 200,000 and 300,000.

You pay 100,000 first to cover the cost of the operation. We can save his life first, and then consider hospitalization later."

The patient's wife's legs softened and she was about to fall to the ground.

It was Wang Fan who acted quickly and supported the family members.

The patient's wife cried loudly. She searched her pockets for a long time and finally took out the change.

All of them were wrinkled one-yuan and five-yuan notes, and the largest denomination was twenty-yuan.

Her voice was shaking, and she cried while saying, "We...we have a drought over there, all the crops have died, and the land at home has also died from drought. We only have this little money left..."

Wang Fan was stunned, looking at the money in the patient's wife's hand, not knowing what to think.

He subconsciously said, "This is too little..."

The total amount is not even a hundred yuan, how can it be enough!

Wang Fan finally softened his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "Well, Auntie, you go and raise money now, just pay 50,000, I will help you apply to the director, and find a way to do the operation first, and save your life first!"

Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

If the patient cannot make up the expenses after making this application, the doctor's bonus will be deducted later.

If the punishment is more severe, the doctor himself may even be asked to fill the gap!

Wang Fan was able to do this, which was very considerate of the patient.

However, at this moment!

A middle-aged woman rushed out from the crowd and suddenly pointed at Wang Fan's nose and cursed.

"How can you be so unethical, doctor?"

Wang Fan was stunned. He hadn't reacted to what happened yet.

The middle-aged woman squatted down, patted the patient's wife on the shoulder, and shed a few tears. Then she glared at Wang Fan fiercely and said, "You are really losing your medical ethics. If you don't have money, can't you save people first?

Doctors nowadays only have money in their eyes!

Flying knives cost money.

Seeing a doctor, various examinations cost money!

You are all obsessed with money. Do you deserve the four words "saving the dying and healing the wounded"? "

At this moment, on the other side of the corridor, another doctor, Zhou Hua, was walking over with a cold face.

There was another contractor behind him, who said in a bossy tone: "Why do you want to treat? We didn't pay you, but you treated him without permission. Now you want to blame us for not paying?"

Zhou Hua didn't have the good temper of Wang Fan, and he immediately turned his face and said: "You didn't say it a week ago, and now we have saved the patient, and you say you don't want to treat him without paying?"

The contractor also turned his face away: "Speak some reason, we didn't say to treat him, why did we spend so much money?"

Zhou Hua didn't intend to waste words with such a person.

But the other party kept blocking him and didn't let him leave.

In desperation, Zhou Hua directly called the security guard to pull the contractor away.

At this time, he saw Wang Fan again.

From a distance, he heard the middle-aged woman scolding Wang Fan for being cold-blooded and having no medical ethics.

He was already full of anger, and he was also a powder keg. He came over in two or three steps and asked, "What's going on?"

Wang Fan explained to the patient first, "It's like this. If you don't pay, the management department won't issue surgical instruments, and even anesthetics can't be approved. The pharmacy and equipment management are all paid for before they can give things... Patients are already being rescued on credit!"

After that, he briefly explained the situation to Zhou Hua.

The middle-aged woman didn't listen to Wang Fan at all. She was still nagging, saying, "You only care about money! When I was a child, the doctors in the village paid for other people's medical treatment, and they would save people even if they were hungry!

Nowadays, doctors are all bad, and they are full of money!"

Zhou Hua laughed after hearing this.

He said to Wang Fan, "Take out your phone."

Wang Fan was a little confused by the scolding, and did as he was told.

"Unlock it!" Zhou Hua said.


Wang Fan quickly unlocked it.

Zhou Hua opened Wang Fan's Alipay account and checked the balance.

Very good, it was indeed 900 yuan.

So, after he exited, he opened Jiebei again.

Zhou Hua laughed and said, "Auntie, you are right!

We should be a wise doctor.

But he is a poor doctor with little money. Jiebei has a loan limit of 10,000 yuan. I will help him borrow it all!

I also have a loan limit of 30,000 yuan!

We can show our love together, and we still need 10,000 yuan!

Well, you are so caring, and you have made up for the ten thousand, and you can use it to treat this aunt's husband!

It’s only ten thousand yuan, you can’t help but give it, right? "

After hearing this, the patient's wife felt hope emerge from her originally gloomy eyes.

She turned her head and looked at the middle-aged woman with pleading eyes.

It was this old sister just now who had been comforting her and even crying with her!

However, to her surprise——

The middle-aged woman's eyes were so angry that she suddenly pushed the patient's wife away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

He was still cursing and cursing, "having no medical ethics" and "being full of evil"...

After people go far away,

The patient's wife turned her pleading eyes to the others around her.

The onlookers who had criticized Wang Fan before said, "You should sympathize with the patients, it's just such a small amount of money."

However, everyone she looked at finally lowered their heads and left here in shame.

Zhou Hua smiled sarcastically. He returned the phone to Wang Fan and said, "What kind of medical ethics? In the eyes of these people. Medical ethics means that you don't need money, and you even pay people to treat their illnesses. We are just migrant workers." , Don’t want to support the family?”

After scolding, Zhou Hua suddenly felt very relaxed.

He looked at the patient's wife again and said: "Our hospital will try our best to coordinate with you, but the money... you still have to go back and raise it!"

The patient's wife shed tears and nodded desperately.

At this moment, she finally realized that those standing next to her who seemed to feel the same way were just making sarcastic remarks.

Those who truly care about her and her husband,

It is precisely those doctors who are said to have "no medical ethics" and "don't pay for treatment".

far away,

Xu Qiu moved her steps and prepared to leave.

If Zhou Hua resolves this matter, there will be no need for him to step forward.

There is a charity fund donated by Director Chen in the department.

Finance has already prepared for this situation.

He doesn't need to worry.


Such an incident happened, but it brought back some memories of Xu Qiu.

And that incident almost cost him his life!

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