Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 85 I am blind, you are a rubbish hospital

Under the shadowless light, the patient's abdominal cavity was simply miserable!

A large amount of gray-yellow, brown-green and pale red substances are intertwined,

Mixed with gastric contents, pancreatic dissolved tissue, various necrotic products, and even regurgitated feces...

At this moment, it is constantly rolling and stirring with the peristalsis of the patient's intestines.

"It's over. It's worse than the patient last week!"

Director Xiao's expression changed slightly.

His hands were shaking.

The family members of the deceased patient still vividly remember the scene of them kneeling at the door of the operating room and crying.

Now he encountered a more difficult patient!

However, the next moment his expression was replaced by shock.

In the surgeon's position, Xu Qiu was still immersed in the world of surgery.

He quietly held the oval forceps and used blunt dissection to remove the pancreatic necrotic tissue, while the other hand quickly ligated and cut off the strong fibrous connections...

Neat and clean!

As if silky art!

Director Xiao finally understood what Wang Ping said before the operation.

He quickly shouted to the circulating nurse: "Quick, tell the doctors in our department to stop being nagging and get on the operating table immediately!"

Wang Ping glanced at Director Xiao with contempt.

If I had known this, why bother in the first place!

The operating room was bustling with activity.

And at this time,

Outside Linhai No. 1 Hospital, a hospital car parked at the entrance of the emergency department.

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, Gao Pei'an got out of the car with Ma Pingchuan's medical records in his hand.

He was greeted by He Hai.

"We're all waiting for you over there, Professor Gao."

"Has the operation started?" Gao Pei'an asked as he rushed to the operating room.

He Hai nodded: "It started more than half an hour ago."

Gao Pei'an shook his head and said regretfully: "It should be an elective surgery, but there is nothing we can do. The patient can't delay it... By the way, what is the patient's surgical plan?"

He Hai thought for a while and replied: "Routine pancreatitis debridement and drainage."

Gao Pei'an's footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes widened, and there was a trace of anger on his expression: "Routine surgery? Who asked you to do this?"

He Hai explained the reason.

Gao Pei'an sighed: "Patients can't take risks if they don't have money... If something goes wrong, if we start a lawsuit and find out that you didn't use the escalation plan, the hospital must be at least partially responsible!"

But he couldn't be too harsh on anything.

A penny stumps a heroic man.

Routine surgery is risky, but if it fails, there is no need to spend money on the ICU in the future.

At least ten thousand or twenty thousand patients died suddenly.

Many operations were successful, and a month's stay in the ICU cost four to five million.

As for the escalation plan, the patient will not die easily.

Each minimally invasive surgery cleans up a little bit.

Can't die.

But the recovery process is also very slow.

On the lower side, the cost of monitoring is 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, and the patient will die after more than a month of treatment.

If the patient can tolerate multiple endoscopic debridements, the final cost can even reach one million!

The family can't afford it and they want to save their lives. Apart from routine surgery, what other options are there?

"Your hospital is very good." Thinking of this, Gao Pei'an couldn't help but praise.

His impression of Linhai No.1 Hospital was much better.

Think about the patient and dare to take responsibility for yourself.

This hospital—not to say it will be famous all over the country in the future, but at least it is a hospital worthy of the words “saving lives and healing the wounded”!

"After the operation, I will give a free lecture to the gastroenterology department of your hospital. The content is Chen's anastomosis created by my teacher." Gao Pei'an decided to give this kind of conscientious hospital some help as much as possible.

"I would like to thank Professor Gao on behalf of Director Xiao!"

"Well, how long has it been since Director Xiao's surgery? Is the cleaning halfway through?"

He Hai was stunned: "Director Xiao? He is not the surgeon."

"Huh? Is there anyone else in your hospital who can perform this surgery?" Gao Pei'an was a little surprised.

"The chief surgeon is Xu Qiu."

"Xu Qiu? Never heard of it. Newly promoted director?"

"No, he's a resident in our emergency department."


Gao Pei'an slammed the medical record in his hand to the ground and cursed: "What the hell!"

"Does the resident perform this surgery?"

"Thankfully I thought your court had a conscience, but this is a waste of human life! I guess I was mistaken!"

After that, he turned around and left.

He Hai hurriedly stopped him, "Professor Gao, this resident doctor is not an ordinary resident doctor..."

"Can a resident doctor make a difference?"

"Professor Gao, the three thousand yuan..."

Gao Pei'an's steps stagnated. He turned and walked to the operating room. He felt disgusted with Linhai No. 1 Hospital and said angrily: "I'm blind. After this operation, your hospital will be blacklisted."

at this time,

A large group of people had gathered in the operating room.

The doctors from the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary and Pancreatology all stretched their necks and stared intently at the surgical site.

From time to time, someone made a sound of admiration.


Under the shadowless lamp.

The abscess tissue is wrapping the pancreas everywhere, and there is high-grade adhesion edema around it...

This makes every exposure of necrotic tissue difficult.

Every time a stinking fluid is aspirated, a tricky approach must be found.


Xu Qiu can always find an incredible way to solve problems quickly!

Finally, all necrotic areas have been debrided!

He placed a silicone flat drainage tube along the entire long axis of the pancreatic bed, passing behind the hepatic flexure and splenic flexure of the colon and out of the lateral abdominal wall.

After completing all this, he reached for the suture needle.

Director Xiao paused and said, "It seems... it seems that someone was called to do Chen's anastomosis."

Xu Qiu looked up: "That Professor Gao?"


Xu Qiu asked, "Wait for him?"

If it was before, Director Xiao would definitely say that he had to wait for Gao Pei'an to come.

But at this moment, he couldn't get hard in front of Xu Qiu, he hesitated and said, "It's all right, Doctor Xu, if you can sew, try to sew it?"


Is the reaction so flat?

Director Xiao was a little confused. Are the young doctors nowadays too strong in psychological quality?


In the abdominal cavity

The curved needle in Xu Qiu's hand did not move at all, and then suddenly shook--

The next moment, the first suture was sewn in from the outside of the intestinal wall, then it was spun in an S shape, and then penetrated the surface of the remaining pancreas, and then penetrated the pancreas and sewed out...

Director Xiao's eyes widened, he opened his mouth wide, and blurted out: "This is... Chen's pancreaticojejunostomy?!"

He subconsciously said: "This is too difficult, no one in our hospital can do it, you just use the conventional procedure..."

But his words were interrupted by Xu Qiu's coherent movements, one needle after another that almost left an afterimage.

This... How can this technique be so skillful!

Wang Ping tilted his head: "Huh? What do you mean by using the conventional procedure?"

Director Xiao's face was full of shock, and he said in astonishment: "Using... using the conventional procedure is not worthy of Dr. Xu, Dr. Xu should use the most difficult Chen's pancreaticojejunostomy... How, how can it be done so well!"

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from the passage outside the operating room.

The voice stopped at the door of the operating room, and Gao Pei'an, who had completed the aseptic preparation, walked in with anger.

Seeing the doctors in the operating room, but the main surgeon was a young face, he was even more furious.

It's really a resident doctor!

I thought Linhai First Hospital had a conscience, but it turned out that they found a resident doctor to take the blame for the hospital!

He suppressed his anger, quickly shook out the surgical gown, and put on the clothes with the help of the circulating nurse.

His voice was shaking with anger: "Mad man, everyone in your hospital is crazy!"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Pei'an suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck...

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