Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 79 The cold women are only gentle to Xu Qiu

It was a bunch of Porsche car keys.

The 25-year-old young security guard, who was 30 years ahead of his peers, took it tremblingly and said woodenly: "Auntie... No, baby, this, this, this...!"

At this time, the woman had already walked away.

The security guard was wondering.

Suddenly, a group of women with delicate makeup and graceful temperament threw car keys in through the window and walked towards the hospital.

At this time, he finally reacted and said: "Hey, hey, hey! This is a public hospital, there is no parking service!"


For these ladies, the public tertiary hospital is a strange place.

It is crowded, the staff is messy, and the attitudes of doctors and nurses are terrible.

In high-end medical centers such as Jiade Medical, they can drink tea and talk to the doctor about their condition slowly.

But here, after a few words, the doctor will say "next".

"Tsk, if Dr. Xu Qiu wasn't here, I wouldn't have come."

"Yeah, the smell here is too bad, it's all disinfectant, it's really stinky!"

"The system in Meiguo is better!"

"There's not even a parking attendant, it's so troublesome."

After parking the car, the ladies complained and came to the emergency hall.

They were not very familiar with it, so they found the nurse's desk and said directly: "I want to see Xu Qiu."

Liu Susu raised her head, took a look and said: "What disease do you want to see?"

The lady pointed to the bandaged part of her face and said: "Face stitches."

Liu Susu pointed to the side and said: "Go over there to register. The emergency department is very busy now. There is no designated doctor. Once you enter the treatment room, whoever is free will do it."

Of course, this is just an excuse from the hospital.

If someone really wants to do it, the patient has the right to refuse other doctors to intervene.

The lady understood and went over there to queue up to register.

Liu Susu was about to say "What's the next person who needs help?", but found that the people in front of her were empty all of a sudden.

She stood up and looked, and then she found that the large group of women with outstanding temperaments behind her had left and lined up at the registration window.

Liu Susu quickly called Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu's voice was still calm, and said: "I know about this. Sister Susu, please let them go directly to the No. 7 treatment room. I will be here in the afternoon."


After hanging up the phone, Liu Susu's heart was still restless for a long time.

What happened? So many beautiful young women came all of a sudden...


"Ah, it hurts!"

In the No. 7 treatment room, Bai Xi kept screaming when Xu Qiu removed the stitches.

However, when she saw the egg-white face in the mirror, Bai Xi felt that everything was worth it.

"Brother, sister loves you so much!" Bai Xi was happy from the bottom of her heart.

On the side, Tu Yanyan hugged her arms and was a little surprised.

But she still bumped Bai Xi's back and said: "Be reserved and don't disturb Dr. Xu at work."

"Okay, then we will stand by and watch you sew!" Bai Xi said.

In fact, this was Tu Yanyan's idea.

Bai Xi was just an internet-addicted teenager who had no interest in boring things like suturing.

Tu Yanyan was a doctor herself, and naturally admired the strong, especially the big guys in the medical field.

But Tu Yanyan was very arrogant.

Even if she wanted to stay and admire, she would not say a word.

Bai Xi also knew this, so she took the initiative to make this request.

Xu Qiu didn't care and said, "Just don't bother me."

Bai Xi nodded with a smile, turned around and put on headphones to play games.

Tu Yanyan stared at Xu Qiu's hand intently.

"Next..." Chen Qiao said.


Soon, a long line formed outside the No. 7 treatment room.

And the people in the line were all women, all of them had a pampered temperament.

The other treatment rooms were empty, and the doctors inside were stunned.

I ran out to check and found that everyone was queuing in No. 7.

"Hey, it's the same, come to our place to process faster!" A doctor shouted.

However, the beautiful young women in line just looked at him coldly and didn't bother to pay attention.

"Fuck, so arrogant!"

"Any doctor who encounters this kind of patient will be unlucky. I guess he looks down on doctors from the bottom of his heart!"

Many people slandered in their hearts.

At this moment, Chen Qiao walked out of the No. 7 treatment room with her head down.

She looked around and noticed Wang Fan in the No. 4 treatment room, and hurried over.

"Hey, why did you come out? Isn't your teacher still busy?" Wang Fan asked curiously.

Chen Qiao was in a low mood: "The teacher said I was too slow and asked me to ask Doctor Wang to help..."

Wang Fan stood up immediately, thinking to himself that he finally remembered that there was an assistant to the attending physician?

"Don't think too much, this is how we got here."

Wang Fan comforted her and followed Chen Qiao into the clinic.

Along the way, these beautiful women had cold faces and looked like strangers.


the moment Wang Fan entered the door of the No. 7 treatment room, the scene seemed to be overturned.

The originally indifferent woman was now looking at Xu Qiu with a smile on her face.

"Brother is only 24 years old? That's amazing. Let's have a meal when we have time!"

"It's a great job. I'll go get my breasts augmented in a few days and come back to you for more stitches, okay?"

"How much is your monthly salary? I'll hire you as my private doctor!"

Wang Fan was so surprised that he could stuff an egg into his mouth. He said in his heart, "Wow, I've learned a lot."


This afternoon, the surgery ended with 37 cosmetic sutures and more than 20 ordinary patients.

Xu Qiu also received the reward as he wished.

"Got it! Master-level Chen's longitudinal 'U'-shaped pancreaticojejunostomy!"

This is a longitudinal "U"-shaped pancreaticojejunostomy created by Academician Chen of Daxia on the basis of in-depth theoretical and clinical research.

Its efficacy and clinical application value are beyond doubt.

A large number of clinical surgical analyses show that the average pancreaticojejunostomy time of Chen's pancreaticojejunostomy is 10 minutes, and the intraoperative bleeding volume is 280 mL; the overall incidence of postoperative complications Clavien-Dindo I~IV is 40.41%; the overall incidence of key indicators of postoperative pancreatic fistula B and C is 6.04%;

The data of the classic pancreaticojejunostomy are 15 minutes, 320 mL; 58.72% and 9.54% respectively!

Of course, there is an even more amazing advantage——

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