Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 89 Gu Er and Gu San from the previous generation [Thank you readers for your support! Goodby

He was trained by the Dongchang Hou Mansion. He was not necessarily prepared for Gu Yankai at first, but I don't know why he finally appeared in front of Gu Yankai.

Gu Tingyu took a deep breath, nodded, and agreed with Xu Zaijing's statement.

Xu Zaijing sat aside and was thinking. In the original work, this woman's name was You Lian, which means I feel pity when I see her.

It was Xiao Qin who bought a personal maid who came to the Gu family and gave it to Gu Yankai.

Later, he was insulted by Gu Tingbing, the fourth roommate of the Gu family, and then Xiao Qin pushed him onto Gu Tingye.

This act allowed Xiao Qin to take advantage of Si Fang, making Si Fang always stand on her side, and also alienated the relationship between Gu Yankai and Gu Tingye's father and son.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Wait, this little Qin is now married to Duke Anguo.

No, at this time in my memory, Gu Yankai's body had begun to be secretly damaged and he started to cough!

He is just a distinguished nobleman without any real power!

Gu Tingyu saw Xu Zaijing's clear eyes, but he didn't ask, just waited quietly.

"Brother Yu, didn't the second girl of the Qin family become the step-in-law of Duke An Guo?! Apart from Lord Marquis, is there anyone in the Gu family who can command the Gu family army? If not, can Duke An Guo take the place of Duke Gu?"

Gu Tingyu slowly shook his head and said:

"Except for dad, there is no one left. I am a scholar, and Xiao Er is good at both civil and martial arts, but he is still young. You know what he has to offer with four or five bedrooms. In the branch, the Marquis of Xiangyang is far away from our family, and the other branches are not outstanding either. children."

Gu Tingyu stopped talking and sighed after figuring out the relationship between the various armies of the Great Zhou Dynasty in his mind.

"This is to make my father step back and make way for others. They had a good plan."

"So the Marquis chose beauty between military power and beauty?" Xu Zaijing asked.

Gu Tingyu nodded. Seeing that Xu Zaijing still didn't understand the inside story, he continued:

“The sergeants under my father’s command are paid in full.

Moreover, four or five generations of the Gu family are in the military, and many of them are on the battlefield.

Several of the direct ancestors of the Gu family knew they would die, but still had no regrets! Either because the army is cut off, or because the general's flag is caught in the battle and he dies.

All the men under his command know that for the sake of victory, the Gu family under the banner will not pity their sons. "

Xu Zaijing felt a little emotional. These few words were not just talk. Asking his nephew to die, thinking from his perspective, was like letting his Zhu Qinghu, Sun family cousins ​​and others get into trouble, or even asking his eldest brother Zai Duan and Xu Zaijing to die in the future.

The purpose is to kill the enemy and win.

If you don't have such a decisive mind, then you will be suppressed by others, and the rest will be harvested by others!

"With such a general, the sons of the Gu family army will definitely be willing to die, because they know that this is for victory, so that Pao Ze can stand instead of lying down."

Gu Tingyu looked at Xu Zaijing with a smile, but his eyes were filled with mist, and he nodded.

"My second uncle, Gu Zhongkai, and my third uncle, Gu Chuankai, both died like this, so my father protects my uncles who have four rooms and five rooms in our house. But now, my father..."

"Maybe Gu Hou didn't think so much, and he didn't know there would be such a big trouble later."

Gu Tingyu shook his head and said: "Wu Lang, do you know how much the tens of thousands of troops under the Gu family get in terms of food and salary alone?"

Xu Zaijing frowned and said, "No! What they want is money? The hard-earned money of the men in the army?"

"Isn't it this? Do you want my father to give up the throne and they lead the troops to defeat Bai Gao in Bei Liao? Humph! If they have this ambition, then I would rather go to the front and become a military clerk!"

Xu Zaijing laughed angrily: "Damn it"

"Brother Yu, what are your plans? If you leave such a scourge behind, something will happen sooner or later."

"We already have some plans."

"Can't you tell me?"

"Not at the moment."

"Then please, Brother Yu, please don't cause my sister any trouble or pain, otherwise I won't go to your house like this next time to make trouble."

Gu Tingyu patted Xu Zaijing's shoulder and said:

"I know, even the maids and servants brought to Ping'er as brides will not lose their hair. Stop the car!"

Got out of the carriage.

Xu Zaijing had a straight face again and looked very unhappy, then he got on the horse that followed him and returned to Xu's house.

Arriving at Quyuan Street,

Looking at the smiling female palace guard at the door, Xu Zaijing knew that there was another happy event.

After dismounting, Xu Zaijing came to the door of the courtyard where Sun was.

In the yard, the second brother who had returned early was standing aside with a smile.

Mrs. Sun was taking Mrs. Xie and Anmei to say goodbye to the palace officials.

"Mother, what's going on?"

Holding a hand warmer in her hand, Mrs. Sun ignored Xu Zaijing and said goodbye to the palace official with a smile. Although she was an internal official, she was also a person from the palace and represented the emperor.

Xu Zaijing bowed slightly and saluted.

"Hey, what a good Wulang, I don't dare to be a slave, I don't dare to be a servant."

As he spoke, the internal officer quickly bowed deeply in return, twice.

After that, he hurriedly left the courtyard where the Sun family was, saying: "Madam, don't send me away, I'll leave first."

The internal officer walked away.


Mrs. Sun put away the smile on her face, glared at Xu Zaizhang, and returned to the main hall.

Daughters-in-law Xie and Anmei followed behind.

Xu Zaijing also followed.

He took the hand warmer from Xiao Dan.

Mrs. Sun looked at her youngest son and said:

"What the Gu family did was wrong, but why did you still smash pots and bowls? I heard from your brother that you even broke a chair?"

Hearing this, Anmei shook the handle of her chair and looked at her fifth brother in disbelief.

Xu Zaijing said:

"Mother, we are not civil servants or noble military generals. People think we are easy to bully if we are so unreasonable! Previously, the Qi family and the Marquis Gu family of Xiangyang showed their methods, and those people in Bianjing City became more respectful.

If there is anything that Aunt Bai cannot do without, I will still be polite and treat her as a concubine."

"You, you!" Sun nodded Xu Zaijing in the air.

Mrs. Sun then said: "Let your sister go home and let me see her!"

"Yes, mother, I will send someone to deliver the message right now! Also, mother, what happy event is happening in the palace?"

Looking at her mother-in-law drinking tea at home, Mrs. Xie smiled and said:

"Wu Lang, the Queen is happy."

Xu Zaijing was stunned for a moment and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty takes good care of her. You can't tell her age. Mother, do you know?"

Mrs. Sun rolled her eyes at her son and said, "No comment."

After saying that, he got up and took Xiaozhu to the warehouse to count the queen's rewards. The purpose was to send those that could not be stored to the kitchen or various courtyards for use, and to put those that could be stored for a long time in the warehouse.

Mr. Xie shook his head, wondering why his uncle couldn't say nice things? No matter what age you are!

Xie was helped by the female envoy to stand up and said: "Wu Lang, my mother said that the Queen is younger than the British princess."

"Thank you, sister-in-law, for clearing up the confusion."

Mr. Xie nodded and said:

"Sister An, let's go and see the clothes the maid made for the slave."

"Yes, sister-in-law."

Before Xie had gone far, Xu Zaijing heard his mother's voice:

"My dear, you have a body, don't always go to the raccoon slaves! Come here! The eldest daughter of the Sheng family has made a reservation for the Yuan family. Accompany me to pick out some good materials and prepare them for delivery to the eldest daughter of the Sheng family."

"Yes! Mother-in-law, Sister An, go on your own."

Xu Zaizhang greeted his younger brother and went to the study to continue studying.

Walking down the corridor of Xu's house, Xu Zaijing smiled and muttered: "Yuan's house? Tsk~~"

After exiting the corridor, the two came to the side courtyard of the mansion.

In the yard, Uncle Deng was tending green vegetables that were rare in winter in the greenhouse.

An earth wall more than half a foot thick surrounded a large room, and Xu Zaijing's master was also here.

Because the earthen walls are thick enough, a stove is lit in the house and the temperature is not low. The steaming kettle on the stove also makes the air moist. The groom master also likes to come here to play after he is done with his work.

When Xu Zaijing's master saw his appearance, he walked towards the inside of the warm room. Xu Zaijing walked to his master's side, while Deng Bo got as close as possible to the door of the warm room.


The master looked at me,

Xu Zaijing understood the meaning.

He talked to his master about the affairs of the Ningyuan Marquis Mansion in general. Because it involved the Qin family of the Dongchang Marquis Mansion, Xu Zaijing knew that his master and the Qin family would not deal with it.

After listening to Xu Zaijing's words, Du Mu's eyes moved, obviously thinking about something.

Then he said in a hoarse voice: "You two only think about An Guogong and the Qin family making money, so who is standing behind you?"

Xu Zaijing asked doubtfully: "The prince has been in good health these past few years, and His Majesty also has a successor. Do they need someone to stand by? Isn't it good to make money for fun and buy land?"

If there are any typos, readers are asked to point them out! grateful!

Promise again, no confusion!

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