Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 52 Scolding and Around the Spring Festival

Ningyuan Houfu

fuyao courtyard

This is the name given by Gu Tingyu himself.

Before he was just a sick bird, now he thinks he is a roc.

In the study, Gu Tingye was watching his eldest brother write with admiration.

"Brother, your calligraphy is so beautiful. If you write Yang Wudu's poems with this calligraphy, it will be even more beautiful, the pinnacle of beauty. It's a pity that this Yang Wu."

"Presumptuous!" Gu Tingyu scolded with a pause.

Gu Tingye looked dumbfounded and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what's wrong? Yang Wuduan's poems are excellent, so sentimental."

"Xiao Er, are you complaining to Yang Wudu?"

"Brother, I just said that his poetry is good, no."

"Your Majesty is benevolent and righteous today, but Yang Wuzuan's official career can be ended with just one sentence. However, Yang Wuzuan's literary talent is known to the world. Do you know that this may be a thorn in your Majesty's heart?"

"Brother, it's just us two brothers talking. Besides, His Majesty is kind and righteous, and has a broad mind, so naturally he won't care about this."

Feeling his eldest brother's torch-like gaze, Gu Tingye shut his mouth.

"Xiao Er, you must know that trouble comes from your mouth."

"yes, Sir."

"It is not the behavior of a gentleman to feel sorry for himself when he encounters setbacks."


Gu Tingye lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

Looking at his unhappy brother, Gu Tingyu couldn't bear the flash in his eyes.

"I heard that the steward bought a lot of fireworks and firecrackers, so he will have a good time at night." Gu Tingyu said with a smile.

Gu Tingye raised his head when he heard this, smiled, and nodded hard several times.

New Year's Eve


Quyuan Street

In the morning, under the leadership of Xu Minghua, the Xu family posted couplets and replaced peach charms and lanterns, creating a lively atmosphere.

After being busy until noon, Xu Minghua took his three sons and their respective servants to the racecourse, and the four father and son played with pills.

Mrs. Sun took her two daughters and directed the maids in the mansion to prepare all kinds of food for the evening, such as fried, boiled, steamed, etc.

Xu Anmei, who had not participated before, was also brought over by her mother. She also had to learn to manage housework.

After lunch, Xu Minghua took his three sons to a restaurant near Quyuan Street for some ‘afternoon tea’

I watched a tea fight between several tea shops.

After that, Xu Minghua rode a horse and took his three sons to visit the families he had good relations with in Bianjing, including Ningyuan Marquis Mansion, Zhongjing Marquis Mansion, Qi Guogong Mansion, etc.

When the sky darkened, Xu Minghua dressed neatly and entered the palace to attend the royal banquet hosted by the current emperor.

After listening to the court rituals and music, the emperor gave him a lot of food, and Xu Minghua returned to Quyuan Street.

Xu Minghua asked the housekeeper at home to buy a lot of fireworks.

After dinner, the Xu family was in the yard together.

Watching the fireworks rising into the sky and exploding in the yard, Xu Zaijing's eyes flashed with an unknown look.

But it only flashed a few times and then disappeared.

I am still too young. In a few years, I will be able to create good things with the help of the golden ratio.

But if you create something that you can't control, and it ends up being used against you, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Many of the maids who have just entered the Hou Mansion this year are celebrating the New Year in Bianjing for the first time.

Listening to the sound of firecrackers and gorgeous fireworks all around, Qingcao's eyes were full of memories.

At the racecourse, the groom took out a firework and set one over the racecourse.

Soothed the restless horses.

"If you get used to this kind of noise, you won't panic when you encounter it on the battlefield in the future."

The table in Sun's house is filled with sugar, sand balls and other sweets.

Pingmei and her younger sister were playing leaf cards with several maids.

Xu Zaijing was playing hut with his brothers.

Several servants also participated and received many rewards.

When the sky was dark, Xu Zaijing came to Quyuan Street with a sense of shame and shouted loudly

"I'll sell you idiots. I'll sell you a thousand coins to fool you. I'll sell you idiots with ten thousand coins. When you see them all sold, give them away. If you want, come with me on credit."

After shouting, he covered his face and ran back to Xu Mansion.

When the rooster crowed in the backyard, the servants of the mansion prepared more than a dozen bamboo poles with long strings of copper coins tied to them. The owners of the Xu family used these bamboo poles to beat the debris of firecrackers that had been set off last night.

Praying while beating.

Afterwards, these bamboo poles were handed over to the servants, and the servants and maids also prayed for themselves or their families in the same way.

As the personal maid of the third son of the Xu family, although Qingcao is young, she can stand in front of him and pray for blessings.

While beating the green grass, he read: "Pray to God for mercy, let my brother recover from his injury and my brother recover from his illness."

At dawn, Xu Minghua put on his official uniform and went to the court hall to pay New Year's greetings to his fellow officials and the emperor.

The rest of the Xu family are preparing to go to the palace city to enter the palace.

All the officials bowed down in the palace to pay homage to the new year. The emperor said a few words and then returned to the palace. The civil and military officials also went back to their homes.

The nobles with official status or family members in the palace followed the emperor back to the palace together.

This time the nobles went to the palace to pay New Year's greetings.

Unlike previous years,

Next to the emperor after going down to court, Queen Cao is holding the prince in her arms, and there is no one else around.

The other concubines were far apart.

Including the most favored concubine Rong.

Sitting below the queen were the British duchess and other dignitaries, and opposite the British duchess sat Princess Pingning.

When Ningyuan Houfu went in to pay New Year's greetings, Gu Tingyu, who was originally behind Gu Yankai, deliberately walked to the back.

In this way, he would be the farthest away from the emperor and his wife, and his somewhat sickly appearance would not dampen the interest of the nobles and cause unnecessary trouble.

"Gu Hou, is your eldest son in good health?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, he has gotten much better, so I brought him here to wish Your Majesty the New Year."

"Good boy, I heard that you are going to take the exam?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Okay, I'll reward you."

The transparent internal officer held a small box and placed it in Gu Yankai's hand.

Xu Minghua waited for the people in front to finish their New Year greetings, and then walked in with his son.

"Hou Xu, you have worked hard these years guarding the country's borders."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. This is my duty."

"I heard that your eldest daughter has decided to marry Gu Jiayu?" Queen Cao asked at the side.

"Yes, empress. We just made the decision a year ago."

"Okay! Okay! Brother Xiao Jing, I haven't seen you for a long time. Come over here and let me take a look." said the queen who was holding the prince.

Xu Zaijing glanced at his parents and the emperor, and stepped forward when he saw no one objected.

When he came to the queen's side, the queen stretched out a hand, and Xu Zaijing put his paw on it sensibly.

The queen swayed Xu Zaijing's palm and asked with emotion: "Brother Jing, why are you practicing calligraphy with these calluses on your hands?"

When the emperor heard this, he immediately looked at Xu Zaijing. If he was good at reading, he would be a versatile scholar in both civil and military affairs.

"Yes, my dear."

The queen naturally takes good care of herself. A woman in her thirties or almost forty has fingers that are more delicate than those of a young girl.

Xu Zaijing looked up and realized that the little prince was wearing expensive silk and satin on the outside, but there were some familiar clothes on the inside.

The cotton coat Xu Zaijing exchanged with the queen.

Xu Zaijing, the little prince, felt something and jumped a few times from the queen's arms toward Xu Zaijing. In the stunned eyes of the queen's female officer, the queen handed the little prince into Xu Zaijing's arms.

This action surprised the British princess.

Princess Pingning was still smiling, and looking at Xu Zaijing, her smile became even brighter.

But Sun and Xu Minghua's hearts were in their throats, fearing that Xu Zaijing would make the prince cry.

The little prince's legs were quite strong, and he was about to climb up by kicking, but despite all his strength, he remained motionless in Xu Zaijing's arms.

Xu was used to the smell of his own clothes, but suddenly he smelled Xu Zaijing's scent, and he actually moved closer to Xu Zaijing's neck.

"Oh, my son, your saliva."

Seeing Xu Zaijing's embarrassed look, the queen smiled and tore the prince off Xu Zaijing's body.

The prince was quite unhappy and waved his hand towards Xu Zaijing.

"Brother Jing, go ahead. You can come and sit in the palace more often."

"Thank you, Queen, for your grace."

"If you don't announce the call, I won't dare to come more," Xu Zaijing thought to himself.

Thank you all for your support.

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