Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 31 The uncle’s inheritance and the garden construction

"Girl, I often hear other people talk about this kind of thing. I'm afraid of dirtying your ears, so I rarely hear it."

"Sister, what do you mean, why is the Qin family? How can I say, they are close relatives of flesh and blood!"

"You came to Bianjing late, but you didn't know that Miss Qin and the eldest man of the Qin family were not the same mother in the early years.

Because the Dongchang Hou Mansion has been in decline in those years, but the eldest girl was fell in love with Gu Hou at first sight.

In order to maintain their appearance, the Qin family gave the eldest daughter of the Qin family a lot of dowry. "

Bai: "No wonder, when attending the gathering in Beijing, some Qin family members were seeking rumors about not wanting to marry someone else."

"If your eldest brother is gone, based on the friendship between the eldest son of the Qin family and the Marquis of the Qin family, I think most of the dowry will be returned to the Qin family."

"The current lady of Dongchanghou's residence was famous for being stingy when she was a boudoir. Now that Dongchanghou has his own daughter, he has already started to prepare the dowry."

Bai's face looked ugly, and she stood up anxiously and said, "No, I have to go home and take a look."

Sun Shi glanced at Aunt Chang, who nodded, knowing that this was Sun Shi reminding her to look at her girl and not to be too anxious.

"Mother Chang, take my post and invite some famous medical experts in Beijing to come to the Hou Mansion."

"Sister, I know your father is very capable, so you should go and discuss it with him."

Bai's eyes lit up,

"Yeah, daddy is in Beijing, look at me here"

"If you care, you will become confused."

"Speaking of my father, yesterday he came to me and told me that there will be cargo from Yangzhou in the next few days. Hearing that my sister and I are so close, he said that when the ship docks, he will invite your brothers and sisters to play on the ship. Where is my son?"

"Oh? Thank you for me."

"Sister, I will go back then."

Coming out of the Bai family's house in Bianjing,

The Bai family sent a boy to the house of Hou Dongchang.

When Gu Yankai came out of Qin's house, his personal steward walked up to him and said

"Master Marquis, the eldest lady said that we have important matters to discuss. Please go to Fan Tower."

In the afternoon, there is a courtyard with few people in Fanlou.

In the courtyard, the herbs sent by the Qin family were spread out in front of the four doctors from Bian Jingzhong.

Bai and Gu Yankai watched from behind a translucent screen.

Ningyuan Hou Gu Yan opened his face and said in a low voice: "What do you mean? Invite me to come to Fanlou! And that is the precious tonic that Uncle Yu'er just asked me to bring back to the Hou Mansion! You can open it directly What does it mean to be seen by a doctor?”

Bai didn't say a word.

Looking at Mr. Bai who was silent, Gu Yankai whispered: "Okay, okay, let me see what you want to do."

Soon, the expressions of the four doctors began to change.

"How many of you are optimistic?"

Grandma Chang asked standing outside wearing a bamboo hat.

A younger doctor said with doubts on his face

"This grandma is very polite. I don't know which pharmacy you got the prescription from. This, this, is correct for the symptoms of physical weakness and weak blood!"

The other three elderly doctors remained silent, with little emotion on their faces.

Chang's mother took one look at it and knew it well.

"Everyone, please speak frankly. This is a tonic given to our eldest lady by my concubine. The family is not at ease, so I would like to ask some of you to identify it. I will not let you waste your words."

As she spoke, Chang's mother took out four purses from her hands and placed them in front of the four doctors.

The younger doctor looked puzzled and said hesitantly: "I don't see anything wrong. I deserve it."

The other three looked at each other and knew something in their minds. The oldest among them raised his hand and said

"Back to this mother, this medicine is very good. It is right and peaceful. It is suitable for the physical weakness and blood weakness caused by the fetus. However, there is something wrong in the medicine that I grabbed."

The old doctor stopped talking, and another one continued:

"It must be that the medicine boy at a certain drug store was not good at studying and confused the blood dry grass and raw blood grass."


The young doctor looked stunned, and then looked at the other three doctors with admiration on his face.

He handed over to the other three doctors, but his three seniors didn't say anything. The young doctor said:

"This raw blood grass has been replaced with blood dry grass. When combined with the prescription, it will only make the human body weak and weak. After the medicinal properties change, it will also damage the lungs and make people have dry cough all year round! Over time, it will be detrimental to the heirs! This can kill people. !”

With that said, the young pharmacist bowed and said, "Thank you, seniors, for your advice."

"My little friend, if you have seen it a lot, you will naturally understand it. There is no need for this."

Gu Yankai, who heard such a conclusion behind the screen, looked a little ugly.

"Master Marquis, you also know that Miss Qin and Marquis Dongchang did not come out of the same belly. In the Qin family, Miss Qin was said by the doctor to have no heirs. If not"

Bai didn't say anything else.

If you, Gu Yankai, had not risked your life to go to the northern battlefield, it would be equivalent to threatening old Ningyuan Hou and his wife with your own life.

How could the older generation let him, Gu Yankai, marry this Miss Qin?

After marrying such a sick man, it's hard to say whether Gu Yankai will have any children.

There is a possibility that Ningyuan Hou Gu Yankai will die!

Also, the old Marquis has other four or five-bedroom sons, but they are just trash.

When the eldest girl entered the Gu family, how come she had Gu Tingyu ten years later?

Naturally, Gu Yankai didn't want to believe that the Qin family's elder brother, who he was close to, could be such a vicious person.

He looked ugly, and when the four of them were sent out of the courtyard by Aunt Chang, Gu Yankai did not wait for Bai, and mingled with the guests in Fanlou, and went straight back to the Hou Mansion.

The four doctors only stayed in Fanlou for a while.

After looking at the medicinal materials, I got a lot of income.

Physician from Bianjing,

In fact, they know that sometimes it is not so clever the method of harming people, but that it is difficult to reveal the mastermind behind the harm.

As a doctor, if you have no one to back you up and stubbornly want to expose the plans of other marquises, princes, and family heads, do you think you can tell them, or will they try to silence you?

If you are a servant and have the ability to see that the prescription is wrong, how do you know if the person in power did it intentionally?

Ningyuan Marquis Mansion, ancestral hall.

The memorial tablet of the deceased Miss Qin still stands in the Gu family ancestral hall.

Although Miss Qin and Gu Yan separated, she gave birth to the eldest son of the Gu family, and after her death, she naturally entered the Gu family's ancestral hall.

Gu Yankai's anger gradually dissipated along the way.

When he walked into the ancestral hall and saw the ranking of the Da Qin clan, Gu Yankai felt as if his whole body had been ripped out.

There is no more high-spiritedness outside.

Miss Qin is the Bai Yueguang in his heart,

The only love of his life.

He walked to the tablet and gently took Da Qin's tablet into his hand.

"Qing'er, is it really what you said when you were in the Dongchang Hou Mansion? Did your bones really fall from your mother's womb?"

Gu Yan was very attentive and careful in matters concerning the military formation. He had neglected many things in the Marquis Mansion.

After all, people would go crazy if they were tight at home.

Now that he thought about it carefully, Gu Yankai did not expect that Da Qin had spoken in detail about her life in Dongchang Hou Mansion.

No praise, no complaints.

That time when Gu Yankai and the Da Qin clan met for the first time, what was the Da Qin clan like?

The white clothes seemed a little old.

There is no hairpin on the head, only a cyan belt.

Holding the book in his hand, the gentle way he lowers his head is like a shy lotus that cannot stand the cool breeze.

The appearance is also different from those bright and dazzling noble ladies in Bianjing, like weak willows supporting the wind.

The different dress, coupled with her beautiful face, immediately made Gu Yankai stunned and saw in his heart.

After getting married, Da Qin would always be extremely happy every time she got jewelry from him.

She is not tired of gold, silver, and hairpin jewelry.

"Qing'er, didn't you like that outfit at first, but you really didn't have any jewelry or clothes?"

And when Qin Dalang was friends with him back then, was it because he was his brother-in-law, or because Gu Yankai was the future Gu Hou?

The wooden tablet in his hand naturally cannot speak.

"Could it be that Mr. Bai is instigating discord???"

Gu Yankai was momentarily suspicious.

He put the tablet back, lit three sticks of incense and inserted them into the incense burner in the ancestral hall.

Green smoke curls up.

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The editor said that he was testing the waters,

Let me shout twice.

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