Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 23 On the eve of the birthday [Thank you for your support, thank you for your rewards! 】

In the racecourse, the groom looked at Xu Zaijing who was a little worried. He walked to Xu Zaijing and said, "Don't be too upset. Your archery skills at the target are already very good."

"Master, I want to shoot those little birds with perfect accuracy."

The groom shook his head and said: "Your strength is still growing, and this bow will always be replaced by a more powerful one. It is not a good thing if you are too accustomed to this bow."

Xu Zaijing looked at his master. In modern times, he had little opportunity to go to the archery hall to practice bows and arrows. His knowledge of bows and arrows was not even as good as that of ancient archers or bowsmiths.

Hearing what Master said, he felt a lot more comfortable.

"You need to understand how fast the bow and arrow in your hand will go after being shot, anticipate the movements of the prey, and then shoot another arrow on the path of the prey's leap."

"Yes, Master."

"I've done the tricks you mentioned before. You can practice more."

As he spoke, the groom pulled out an archery target from the stable and placed it far away. The groom waved to Xu Zaijing.



The feather arrow flew out and nailed the target. The target fell backward due to the force. When it fell, the mechanism was triggered, and a grass ball was thrown into the air.


Xu Zaijing's arrow missed.

Qingyun ran over quickly, put up the target, and reset the mechanism.

When Xu Zaijing was practicing archery at the racecourse, Mrs. Sun was also talking to her two daughters.

"Pingmei, Anmei, your brother is thinking about preparing gifts for His Majesty's birthday. I'm thinking that I can really go to the palace to perform for His Majesty, and I must wear something nice. In the past few days, you have been imitating costumes. Can you make some armor for your brother?"

The Xu Pingmei sisters looked at each other and thought of something as if they had a tacit understanding. They looked at each other and smiled, and said to their mother: "Yes, mother."

Naturally, Xu Zaijing didn't know that his mother was also preparing for his future performance. He was cheering for his first shot of flying grass balls.

The pony under him also seemed to be aware of his emotions and neighed along with it.

Time goes by,

On this day in the palace, the pregnant queen was drinking nourishing soup on the couch, and sitting next to her was her natal sister-in-law.

"Mother, a few days ago, Yongyi Hou's sister from the Xu family asked her family to tell her something."

The queen stopped what she was doing and said with a smile: "Oh? What happened to the Xu family?"

"It is said that the Xu family of Yongyi Hou prepared a birthday gift for His Majesty and asked our brother to give it to him."

"We, the Cao family, are all descendants of the military. Why should the Xu family come over to see us? Are we arty?" the queen said rather self-deprecatingly.

"Mother, the Xu family didn't prepare any poems. It was Sanlang of the Xu family who prepared a bow and arrow performance."

"Ah! What kind of performance is this little monkey preparing for?"

"I may not believe it when I tell you. This San Lang was thirty steps away, riding a pony, and shot fifteen arrows. His arrows were always missed. Your little brother was stunned to see him."

"It can make him stunned. It seems that this Saburo is indeed powerful. We are also from a family of military commanders. At such an age, it is considered auspicious to be able to draw a bow and shoot thirty steps."

The queen listened and continued: "Ask the imperial physician from the palace to go to the Xu family. Don't let Sanlang get hurt because of this birthday celebration. How old is he? Also, let our embroiderer go to the Xu family." Take a look, don’t let Brother Jing fall out of the limelight during his performance.”

"Your Majesty, you still care about me."

"What birthday gifts has our Cao family prepared?"

"I found a strange stone in the south. I heard it is extremely auspicious. Everyone in my family has seen it and they are very satisfied."

"That's good."

"Mother, I heard that there are some of them too?"

There was no sadness or joy on the queen's face, she just nodded, then turned to look at her sister-in-law without knowing what she thought of: "I thought that girl Pingning was talking nonsense, but I didn't expect that Brother Jing was really so lucky. . We shouldn’t have let those people get contaminated in the first place.”

"The one who is so favored is just a mason, so you can relax. Brother Jing is so lucky, and he is a good friend of our Cao family. Maybe he can often call the eldest daughter of the Xu family to the palace. "

The queen said nothing.

As the master of the harem, the queen's instructions were quickly implemented. The imperial physician who came to the Xu family carefully examined Xu Zaijing's body and found that Xu Zaijing was in good health and had no hidden injuries or strains.

The embroiderer sent by the Cao family was left at home by the Sun family. Naturally, the embroiderer of the uncle's family was not accessible to ordinary people.

Therefore, the sisters Pingmei and Anmei were kept by the embroiderer's side by Sun. They could always learn some skills by following the masters. Moreover, the embroiderer sent here did not hide her secrets and would give guidance on the sisters' embroidery from time to time. work.

It was the emperor's birthday. Naturally, the programs performed on that day were not something you could just take part in. They had to be screened by the palace etiquette department.

On this day, two officials from the Ministry of Rites came to Yongyihou's mansion to inspect Xu Zaijing's performance.

In the racecourse, Xu Zaijing was wearing a silver robe and gold armor carefully embroidered by the embroiderer. He was riding on a horse and shooting arrows. You are not too old, and you are quite good."

"This archery target is hit by an arrow and falls down. It makes me happy to see it."

As the two of them talked, the last arrow target fell to the ground, but an hydrangea was thrown high.

The two officials looked surprised.

Seeing the Hydrangea being shot by Xu Zaijing's arrow, several officials looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Before leaving Yongyi Hou's Mansion, the two officials said to Sun: "Madam, please practice more, I will report the matter to you later."

"Thank you both very much."

"Madam, there are two more small matters.

First, the young man may find two pheasant feathers, have them dyed, and wear them on his crown, which will add a touch of elegance.

The second is the feathered arrows used by Xiao Langjun, or you can add a whistle to the arrow shaft to make a whistling sound, which is more eye-catching. "

"Yes, yes, thank you sir for reminding me, I will definitely have it prepared at home."

"Then we'll take our leave."

"Sir, walk slowly."

At night, Xu Zaijing was at home looking curiously at the two pheasant feathers fixed by craftsmen on the crown.

It looks like the two feathers that Sun Dasheng wore on his head when he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace in his previous life.

In the room next to the stable, Xu Zaijing's master was carving on the arrow shaft with a carving knife under the candlelight.

There were only three days left before the birthday of Emperor Zhou, and the entire Bianjing began to be immersed in joy.

The favorite thing for the residents of Bianjing these days is to go to the gates of major cities to watch the birthday gifts of the current emperor.

Not only clan officials from various places congratulated birthdays,

The vassal states in the east,

The tribes of the southwest,

Southern sea country,

The Li family of Baigao Kingdom in the northwest,

The Jin family of Yan State in the north

All the congratulatory gifts were delivered.

The residents of Bianjing also saw many things that they could not see on ordinary days.

For example, the elephants in the south, the huge rhinos, and the giant tortoises.

Western golden lion, golden leopard.

Huge tigers, brown giant bears, white elk, etc. were brought from the north.

Every day in the Zhengdian restaurant in Bianjingzhong, there are waiters at the door talking about the wonders and animals of the major city gates.

The envoys from various countries dressed in different clothes have also become a topic of conversation among people.

In the Imperial City of Bianjing, the envoys from various countries recorded by the Ministry of Rites will also be summoned into the palace to meet with the current Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty.

Thanks to Tingfeng Juanyu for the 200 reward

Thanks to Du Lian Prosperous Dream 100 for the reward

Thank you Liegou Xunshu for the 1500 reward

Thank you so hard. 600 reward

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