Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 205: Officiating Ceremony and Officiating Ceremony [Thank you all for your support! 】

Chapter 205: Officiating Ceremony and Officiating Ceremony [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

(For the soundtrack, the author recommends Liu Qingyao’s favorite songs by readers: "The King of Qin Breaks the Formation Music" for female voice at 6 minutes and 20 seconds, "Mulan Ci" (the sound of horse hoofbeats at 4 minutes and 32 seconds), and "The Song of King Lanling Entering the Formation")

Wei Fang held her pipa in her arms and sat on the stage in the middle of the wooden building with her head lowered.

As a close disciple of Tang Family, she is not very old, but her attainments in pipa are not low. After a previous pipa skills competition, she and Yang Luoyou became one of the leading pipa players in this concert. one.

Inside the building,

The show is about to begin,

The noisy voice gradually became quieter, Wei Fangzhi raised his head slightly, and looked around at the nobles wearing brocade and emerald green.

She could see that the noble family members behind several tables nearby were holding pieces of origami paper and looking at them. In addition to the repertoire of this concert, there were also outlines of each section of the performance repertoire such as "Entrapment Song". Explanation post,

It’s what a piece of music says from beginning to end, and what a certain instrument represents.

In Wei Fang's direct line of sight, there was a rather special compartment in which several people had their legs, arms, or arms and legs wrapped in white cloth, and they were obviously injured.

The concert begins.

Because it was approaching New Year's Eve, the concert started with festive songs such as "Dance of the Golden Snake" and "Prosperous Wealth".

Although it is a piece that is often heard, the performance by a group of high-level musicians really makes people feel a different festive atmosphere.

Moreover, the high-ranking officials and princes of their respective families listened to these concerts with many musical instruments the most, but as the female relatives of each family, they listened most to Nanqu, Zaju, etc.

After playing a few songs, there was a break.

When the nobles from each family were changing clothes in the well-equipped Shanhaiyuan,

The building became lively and noisy again.

The musicians on the stage began to adjust their seats. Yang Luoyou and Wei Fangzhi moved from the second row to the front. There were several musicians holding pipa behind them, but it was obvious that they Headed by two people.


On the stage, there is an announcer holding a colorful bamboo pole who announces that the performance is about to begin.

Wei Fang listened to the various sounds in the building gradually getting quieter. She loosened the pipa in her hand and let her slightly sweaty palms dry out.

Amidst the sound of drums, "The Song of Congratulations to the Father and Son in the Battle", played for the first time in front of everyone, officially began.

All the family members present looked at the release notes in their hands.

Amidst the solemn and solemn beating of drums,

The first paragraph: leaving camp.

The overall atmosphere of the music is relaxed and high-spirited. Although the two countries are on the front line of the confrontation, they are still within the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

From time to time, among the various musical instruments, the neighing sound of the erhu sounds could be heard, as if they were messenger knights running back and forth among the soldiers.

Second paragraph: March.

Amidst the sound of the pipa as the main instrument, several of Jun Rongzhi’s favorite military tunes played from time to time.

Most of this tune was passed down among different armies during the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, and it has some local characteristics.

In a cubicle on the second floor,

Hai Chaoyun's maid Zhu Jian listened to the music downstairs and looked at the post in her girl's hand, which said, "March, some soldiers are singing"

Zhu Jian nodded and continued to listen.


Zhu Qinghu looked at the injured numbers around him, and there were some memories on their faces. When he heard those tunes, he seemed to think of a certain Pao Ze who sang out of tune, and smiled.

Paragraph 3: Strange.

In a few faint military tunes, several guzhengs and drums began to participate in the low-pitched playing.

Yang Luoyou and Wei Fangzhi continued to play steadily, but the sound of the pipa behind them began to rise rhythmically, like a horse running.

But then a guzheng came along, and the pipa quickly lost its sound, and then continued to blend into the music.

The pipa and guzheng sounded like this several times in succession,

Mo Lan had some talent for music. She took the release note in her hand and looked at the words on it. She already knew that the Great Zhou scouts had been intercepted and killed by Bai Gaoguo after noticing something was wrong.

Paragraph 4: Surprise.

The sound of the guzheng suddenly became louder, and it was also mixed with short and sharp suona sounds.

It seemed that the scout sounded a warning call before he died.

The numerous pipa sounds were almost silenced,

The pipa in Yang Luoyou's hand suddenly rose up among the musical instruments, and the tone of the sound was chaotic. It was like the father of Zhu Qinghu, who was the commander of the first battalion. When facing the army of Bai Gao Kingdom, he was frightened, shocked and confused.

But soon, Yang Luoyou played the piano a few times, as if he had made some determination.

Paragraph 5: Trapped

The sound of the pipa became louder, and the sound was uniform, like a military spirit.

Then, Yang Luoyou and Wei Fangzhi started a duet with the pipa in their hands.

The sound of Bai Gaoguo’s guzheng also slowly dissipated,

At first, the two pipa players played the pipa very fiercely, as if two people were arguing loudly!

However, Yang Luoyou stopped first, followed by Wei Fangzhi.

The wooden building fell into a brief silence,

Yang Luoyou played the pipa, and it seemed like a father spoke earnestly to his son about the dangers of death and no life. If he escaped, his relatives and family members would be affected by the cruel situation in the army.

Quiet again, after a few breaths,

Wei Fang replied with a crisp pipa sound.

Just like a son answering a military order.

After hearing this pipa sound, all the instruments sounded again.

The sixth paragraph: rush to kill

This is the climax of the song. Each of the pipa players is playing the pipa with all their strength.

Sometimes the sound of the pipa is divided into two to play different rhythms, and sometimes they are played together, but in the end, the sound of the pipa in Yang Luoyou's hand gradually becomes smaller and smaller.

The sounds of all the musical instruments slowly dropped again,

Yang Luoyou's soft female voice sang,

Just as they were lamenting that Pao Ze and his father had disappeared from Zhu's sight, the British duchess, Mrs. Yong Yi and Mrs. Bai, who understood the meaning, were all wiping their tears with handkerchiefs.

The instruments played in unison again,

But the focus fell on Wei Fangzhi.

Led by the pipa in Wei Fangzhi's hand, all the pipas have the same rhythm, with a fast rhythm imitating the rapid running of a war horse, and an accent from time to time, just like celebrating tigers and robes who turn around to shoot arrows and turn around from time to time when they break through. A desperate counterattack.

Everyone who understands the meaning of this paragraph,

Listening to the rapid rhythm on the stage and watching the fingers flying on the pipa, everyone felt nervous.

Suddenly, a rapid suona sounded,

The sharp sound caused the Pipa's voice to pause, but then it started ringing again.

This happened five times.

This is to celebrate the tiger being hit by five feather arrows.


The pipa and drums, which were playing in perfect harmony just now, began to sound out of place.

The pipa is in front and the drums are behind. They all have a rhythm like a galloping horse. The chaotic rhythm makes people feel confused and hesitant.

After the rhythm accelerated, the audience could tell that it was the sound of drums chasing the sound of pipa, just like the scouts of Bai Gaoguo chasing the scouts of Dazhou.

End of paragraph six

Among the decorations of various musical instruments, the military horns began to be blown in a low voice.

In the pursuit of pipa and drum sounds,

Suddenly another sound of suona pierced the sky, and the sound of drums and pipa were stagnant.

But unlike before, this time it was Ming Dy, a scout of the Zhou army!


A gong sounded,

"Boom, boom!"

The drum sound suddenly became louder,

But this time the drum sound represents Zhou’s army.

In the neat, grand and rhythmic sound of drums and continuous horns,



The musicians exhaled and sang,

Just like the might of the Great Zhou Army.

The crisp sound of the pipa is like big and small beads falling on a jade plate,

Telling about riding alone into the Chinese army's tent, he reported the situation of the enemy ahead.

The sound of drums and horns representing the majestic power of the Zhou army gradually disappeared, just like the army marching away to fight against the enemy.

Then a tactful pipa solo began,

He is a child who is missing his father,

A sergeant who misses his brother Paoze,

"Boom, boom!"

The man cried silently.

Yang Luoyou's pipa played again. Maybe it was his father's heroic spirit, maybe it was the father in Zhu Jiazi's memory saying something.

The two-faced pipa played again,

The tone of the pipa in Wei Fangzhi's hand began to become rhythmic, blending into the ensemble of all the instruments.

It was Zhu Jiazi who calmed down and regained his fighting spirit.

All the sounds disappeared in a continuous blast of horns.

There was silence in the wooden building,

Wei Fang hugged Pipa while panting.

Yang Luoyou's eyes on the side were filled with great admiration for Wei Fangzhi.

The silence in the field also made Wei Fangzhi, like the other musicians, feel anxious.




The building instantly became noisy.

Congratulations to the Tigers,

After looking at each other with tears in their eyes, they took off the valuables they were wearing on their waists or heads.

The servants who took care of them were sent to the stage.

The twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month,

Three days have passed since the concert at Fengle Building.

Except for the fact that the Marquis of Xiangyang invited musicians to perform at home due to the large courtyard, all performances were held in the Landscape Garden of Fengle Building.

After listening to "The Song of Entrapment" once, it became a talking point among the wealthy people in Bianjing.

If you haven't heard of it, you won't have any disdain, but it is always a bit out of step with the trend.

This made Fengle Building's business much better than in previous years. The chef, tea wine doctor, and waiters were all very tired, but they all received a lot of rewards.

Zhu Qinghu and the others were brought to his own medical clinic by Yu Huguang a few years ago. When Zhu Qinghu looked surprised at Yu Huguang's identity, Yu Huguang and a famous orthopedic doctor in Bianjing began to conduct 'cruel' treatment on them.

early morning,

Yelu Falcon is riding on the horse,

Surrounded by seven or eight Zhaye (noble young men from Northern Liao),

There was a lot of noise behind him, a group of livestock breathing, and from time to time there was the sound of horse slaves shouting.

He looked at the river in front of him. Across the river was the border of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

There were also several extremely powerful Zhou cavalry there, and behind them were a group of horsemen dressed as horsemen.

A cavalryman came from far away in Dazhou. He grabbed the horse, dismounted, and handed over the urgent message in his hand.

Soon, the horses on both sides, who were sympathetic to their masters, came to the frozen river surface.

In the light of the torch, Yelv Falcon looked at the knight on the opposite side, who only had a pair of eyes exposed under his hood, and a mask covered with frost, and touched his frozen cheek.

Later, Yelv Falcon took the urgent letter from the Zhou cavalry, unfolded it, looked at it and nodded.

Da Zhou also waved his hand, and a horse with two boxes on its back was led over.

"Let's take a look!"

Yelu Falcon shook his head and said: "These golds from the Imperial City of Zhou Dynasty, if you give them to the Yongyi Marquis Mansion in Bianjing, they will be treated as a complimentary gift from our Yelu family."

Seeing the surprised look in the eyes of the Great Zhou Knight opposite him, Yelv Falcon continued:

"Aren't you brother-in-law with the eldest son of the Xu family, Marquis Yongyi?"

Hearing Yelu Xun's harsh words, the Great Zhou knight behind the mask narrowed his eyes slightly.

"How do you know!!!? Tsk! You really know how to do business. You can use our Da Zhou's gold as your thank you gift."

The young Yelv Falcon across from him also sneered disdainfully.

Then he waved his hand,

"This is an additional condition proposed by your Imperial City Division. Take a look."

Behind him, hundreds of upright and mature horses were driven to one side of the Great Zhou territory by horse slaves.

The horse officials in Dazhou were busy checking the condition of the horses. Among them, a father and son were the fastest.

He also identified several sick horses and pulled them aside.

This made some of the Zhaye people behind Yelv Falcon look at each other and raise their eyebrows.

Wait until the horseman comes to report that the handover is completed.

When the Great Zhou Knight was about to leave,

Yelv Falcon then said: "Wait a moment."

Then he turned around and said a few words in Bei Liao dialect.


Two young horses were led over, followed by two fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys wearing dirty and worn sheepskin coats.

"This is the officiant."

Listening to Yelu Xuan's words, looking at these two horses with eyes as lively as children's and unusually handsome figures, as well as the children and teenagers from Beiliao beside them, the knight of the Great Zhou swallowed his saliva under his mask.

He knows very well what it is,

Just when he was about to raise his head and say something, Yelv Falcon had already turned his horse and climbed onto the river bank, running westward with the Zha Ye people holding the Bei Liao flag.

Looking at the frightened young man from Beiliao who was left behind,

The horseman next to the knights of the Great Zhou Dynasty asked in horror: "Is this the legendary Dragon Horse and Horse Attendant of Northern Liao?"

The knight of the Great Zhou Dynasty nodded: "What Master Yuan said is true. It is the legend of the Northern Liao dragon horse and horse attendant who lost their fingers due to horse disease and died of horse disease. Unexpectedly, the legend is actually true."

Yelv Falcon crossed a mountain. In the valley sheltered from the wind under the mountain, the yellow-faced Yelu Eagle stood up.

He took the letter from Yelu Xuan, looked at it, got on his horse, and said in Beiliao dialect:

"Let's go and avenge uncle. Drink!"

On the way to Baigao Kingdom in the west,

A convoy of white flags was particularly conspicuous on the road transporting military supplies.

The two gluttonous and evil brothers of the Li family looked around constantly on horseback. They were escorting the prince's body back to Bai Gao Kingdom. There were many carriages following behind them, and from time to time there were sounds of pain and wailing.

Because it is manned, it is obviously faster than a convoy transporting heavy military supplies.

Li Jinmei said in Bai Gao Mandarin beside a carriage: "This team is transporting grain and grass, which is enough for a battalion of soldiers to chew for a month."

In the carriage, someone hurriedly took notes with a pen.


The convoy passed by the big city built after Bai Gao and Bei Liao jointly besieged Zhou Dynasty a few years ago, but Zhou Dynasty invaded Bai Gao Kingdom.

Looking at the towering city walls, everyone in Bai Gao Kingdom sighed helplessly.

After walking around the towering city wall for another two hours, Li Taotie on horseback said:

"There is a fortress behind the mountain in front of us. It is still in the hands of our Bai Gao Kingdom. You can go there to keep warm and rest today."

Hearing Li Taotie's words, there was a burst of low cheers in the motorcade, and the speed of the car accelerated slightly.

But Liang Yiren, the former envoy of the Bai Gao Kingdom, said nothing and just sat in the carriage with a gloomy expression.

After rounding a mountain, in the eyes of everyone in the Baigao Kingdom, there were three flags, one large, two small, flying above the fortress.

The big one is the military flag of Zhou Dynasty, the smaller one says 'Cao' and the other says 'Zhe'.

Everyone in the Baigao Kingdom, who had been happy just now, looked at this scene with surprise. It turned out that this was no longer the border of the Baigao Kingdom.

The convoy could only continue to drive forward. After passing several inquiries from Bai Gao Kingdom's scouts along the way, the convoy entered a military stronghold at the front of Bai Gao Kingdom at night.

Liang Yiren got off the carriage and went straight to the house where the general in the army camp was.

While everyone in the convoy from Bianjing was still busy carrying sick patients, the generals in the military camp led their soldiers to surround everyone.

"Brothers Li Taotie and Li Jinmei colluded with Zhou Gou to murder the prince. Come and tie them up!"

Hearing the words of the general of Bai Gao Kingdom, the two Li brothers looked in disbelief. When their trusted servants wanted to resist, they were surrounded by soldiers in the stronghold, and their life and death were in their hands.

When this happens in Bai Gao Kingdom,

Xu Zaijing was lying on his bed feeling 'uncomfortable', looking at Qingcao who heard his words and ran to report to his mother that he was 'unwell'. Xu Zaijing had a look of wisdom on his face.

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