"Can I get all my magic crystals back? I don't want to hatch it."

Fang Fan has a dark face, he really can't afford to hatch!

"Ding! No!"


Fang Fan took a breath, intending to give up... but suddenly thought of a wise saying...

"Perhaps you have already taken ninety-nine steps, isn't it a pity to give up at the door?"


Three thousand magic crystals...

four thousand……


Ten thousand...

"My Cao! I really don't have it anymore!"

Fang Fan rolled his eyelids, his expression dull.

In the past few days, the rake of the card shop plus the magic crystals obtained by slaughtering the zombies have all been invested...

If it doesn't hatch again... then he really can't help it.


The sound of eggshells cracking...

babble ah...


The eggshell was broken with a small hole...a puppy's head stuck out...


Another small hole was opened, and another puppy's head stuck out...


One more puppy head sticking out!

The three-headed dog of hell!

"Species: Cerberus Three-Headed Dog"

"Master: Fang Fan"

"Level: Juvenile (equivalent to three-star monster)"

"Skills: Tengu Eclipses the Moon, Samadhi True Fire"

"Three-star monster level?"

"Tsk... that's not bad, I didn't lose my 10,000 magic crystals in vain!"

Fang Fan felt a little more comfortable after seeing the level of the three-headed dog...

Three-star combat power, anyway, can help him, after all, it is not a waste...

And it's still in a juvenile state, and it will definitely grow again in the future... It can also become more powerful, the future is bright!



Sun family.

"Sun Xin is dead? This idiot! Didn't he take hundreds of people with him? What's going on?"

Sun Ting's brows suddenly wrinkled, and when he heard that his nephew died, he was not sad at first, but angry.

"There is a card shop in the northwest. Master Sun Xin also had some festivals with this card shop... His ear was cut off by the shop owner."

"Master Sun Xin was not convinced, so he brought people over to find a place, but I didn't expect... they were all killed! Few escaped..."

"Oh yes, I heard that Zhao Yaxin from the Zhao family also went in the end..."

Sun Shi, the housekeeper of the Sun family, lowered his head and reported that he had never concealed anything.

When people die, things get bigger.

"Is it still involved with the Zhao family?"

"The Zhao family has been developing very fast recently... It is said that the corpse rate and casualty rate of their team members have been greatly reduced recently. Do you know what happened?"

Sun Ting put out the cigarette, and his eyes could not help showing a defensive attitude.

Sun Xin's death...doesn't really piss him off.

He was even more annoyed at the fact that the Sun family lost hundreds of people and the Sun family's power was severely damaged.

And now the Zhao family is involved... Then he has to be serious.

The major families in Jiangcheng seem to be of the same spirit, but in fact, everyone understands the filth among them.

It will be bad before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world.

Just for all aspects, they had to choose to join forces!

If the internal friction continued, Jiangcheng would have been occupied by the zombie army long ago!

"Patriarch, I heard that the Zhao family suddenly added a batch of serum cards and healing cards... They started to distribute these two cards... and..."

Sun Shi paused here for a while, with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

"Say! Do you still want to hide from me?"

Sun Ting glared at Sun Shi with dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Patriarch, I heard that the Zhao family's batch of serum cards and healing cards were purchased from that card shop... Maybe there is any connection between them, not necessarily..."

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