Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 602: Siege

My goodness!

this is?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was completely dumbfounded.

It was just a shock of spiritual energy that broke out, but could it actually kill a master of the Saint Yuan Realm tenfold peak realm with a Yuan power value of more than 5 billion points?

Is this too exaggerated?

Although his heart was shocked by the strength of this super-grade spirit beast, Qin Shaofeng was not afraid of his actions.

When the wave of spiritual energy swept in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he directly used the rapid ability of the dance air technique.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

With the help of the rapid ability of the air dance technique, Qin Shaofeng dodges several times before flashing out of the attack range of the aura wave.

But this wave of attacks was evaded by Qin Shaofeng.

But when he thought of this terrifying power, Qin Shaofeng's face didn't look good.

What are you kidding?

Just a wave of spiritual energy shocks, it is so terrible, such a super-grade spirit beast, can they deal with it?

For a while, Qin Shaofeng felt that Lin Yihan's mind hadn't turned the corner before he said something that could solve this super-grade spirit beast.

Just when Qin Shaofeng wanted to question Lin Yihan, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

its not right!

As if finally aware of something, Qin Shaofeng raised his head and looked at the super-grade spirit beast in the distance.

Don't know if it was an illusion, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that the huge super-grade spirit beast seemed to be slightly smaller.

"No, that big guy's body really got smaller!"

After taking a closer look, Qin Shaofeng quickly discovered that the super-grade spirit beast's size had really become smaller.

Not only that, but the breath has also been reduced.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng didn't notice it for a while because the aura possessed by this super-grade spirit beast was too strong.

At this time, the crowd that had already retreated surrounded the super-grade spirit beast again, and they did not simply start attacking again.

Is it?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, as if he understood something.


With a flash, Qin Shaofeng came directly in front of the super-grade spirit beast, and then with a shake of his right hand, a silver blade of Xiao Li's flying knife flew out.

call out!

The silver blade light flashed, and the next moment, the super-grade spirit beast exploded, directly exploding a pit several meters in size.

Because it was only the condensed spiritual energy, the damage Qin Shaofeng's attack caused to the super-grade spirit beast did not shed any blood.

Even weirdly, the pit wound that exploded was quickly distorted, and the spiritual energy surged, and it quickly recovered.

Knew it!

After seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why Lin Yihan would say that he could kill this super-grade spirit beast.

After all, this so-called super-grade spirit beast is just a huge collection of auras, and if you want to solve it, it is nothing more than exhausting the auras it possesses.

The attacks of everyone present are extremely powerful, and every attack can consume the aura of that super-grade spirit beast.

When the consumed aura drops to a certain level, this super-grade spirit beast can't maintain its current size, and can only emit excess aura, shrinking its size.

This is the reason for the shock of the aura just now!

After understanding it, Qin Shaofeng also knew. According to this situation, this super-grade spirit beast could really be consumed slowly by himself and others.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this super-grade spirit beast does not seem to have much intelligence. Although it also attacked himself and others, its attack method was very single, just like a wild beast, only with a huge body. attack.

Qin Shaofeng also knew that this was mostly because this super-grade spirit beast condensed into shape, and did not consolidate its current body shape.

It's like a newborn baby who doesn't understand anything at all.

However, it is precisely because of this that this gives people like them a chance.

Just like this, under the siege of everyone's combined efforts, the size of this super-grade spirit beast became smaller and smaller, and its aura became lower and lower.

But even if it is low, it is also very powerful. If you don't pay attention to the aura waves that burst out from each shock, you will definitely not be able to stop it and you will definitely die.

Finally, after besieging for an hour, the size of this super-grade spirit beast dropped to seventy or eighty meters. Although its aura was still powerful, it was no longer invincible.

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng is confident now, and within a quarter of an hour, this super-grade spirit beast will be dealt with.

But it was precisely because of this that the surrounding people began to move a bit.

Qin Shaofeng was confident to deal with this super-grade spirit beast, but the other gods were the same.

But there is only one super-grade spirit beast, and there is only one super-grade spirit crystal!

More monks and less porridge!

Because of the strength of the super-grade spirit beast before, everyone has not shown anything to besiege together, but now that the strength of this super-grade spirit beast has dropped to this point, there is no more concerted effort like the first one.

At this moment, an obvious situation emerged.

The teams of their respective alliances have faintly begun to gather together.

Qin Shaofeng also approached him, Song Yunlong and Hong Kun under Lin Yihan's hint.

"Attention everyone, be careful, ready to take action!"

Lin Yihan reminded him in a low voice when the team got closer.

But as soon as Lin Yihan's voice fell, someone took the lead not far away.

Huh! Huh!

In the distance, two voices with agitated aura suddenly soared into the sky, directly above the super-grade spirit beast's head, and violently shot.



When the two of them took action, they broke out a very strong attack.

The surging vitality surging out, as if two great great rods suddenly appeared in the air, it slammed on the super-grade spirit beast.

The two suddenly violent shots were the two brothers of the Jun family.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng came here before, Qin Shaofeng probed the people present, and the result of the information feedback from the fiery eyes showed that, as he guessed, the strongest people among the gods present were the two brothers of the Jun family.

All of them are the tenth peak realm of the Saint Yuan Realm, and they all have a value of more than 20 billion yuan, and even the value of the two of them has exceeded 260 points.

In the previous killing attack, although the two brothers were also powerful, Qin Shaofeng knew that the two still had great reservations.

At this moment, once a violent shot, there was no reservation.

That powerful attack directly penetrated the super-grade spirit beast, and the combined force of the two brothers actually blocked the super-grade spirit beast.


The super-grade spirit beast that was smashed by the waist screamed, and then the lower part of the body banged directly into a mist of spiritual energy, rising and drifting away.

Although the remaining upper body quickly condensed a complete body again, the breath of this super-grade spirit beast plunged more than half.

Under such circumstances, the two brothers of the Jun family were happy, and their whole body vitality surged, ready to make another move.

The two knew that with their strength, if they made another move, they would definitely be able to completely eliminate this super-grade spirit beast, and then obtain the super-grade spirit crystal.

But other people are not stupid, everyone knows.

"Everyone, don't let Jun Yunxuan and Jun Yunchen succeed!"

Suddenly, Song Yun gave a fierce shout, and then flew to the two brothers of the Jun family to stop them from continuing to attack the super-grade spirit beast.

At this time, the other gods did not react slowly, knowing that if this continues, this super-grade spirit crystal will be handed over to others, how can you bear it?

If it was just a Song Yunlong, the two Jun family brothers would naturally not care.

Even if Lin Yihan was added, the two of them didn't take it seriously.

But now it was the presence of several gods who shot together to stop them, even if the two brothers were very confident of their own strength, facing the obstacles of the several gods at this moment, they had no choice but to stop.

"Damn it, almost!"

Seeing that the super-grade Lingjing was about to succeed, but now it was blocked, the two brothers of the Jun family were depressed.

Although it was a blockade, Lin Yihan and others did not really do anything with the Jun family brothers.

Because no one knows, once this fights, who will take advantage of it.

Seeing that a few people didn't take action, just blocking his two brothers, the eldest Jun Yunxuan sneered coldly and said, "What? What are you going to do now?"

When Jun Yunxuan said this, the faces of the gods present changed slightly, and did not answer for a while.

If Qin Shaofeng was present, there were seven **** sons.

Among the seven gods, Jun Yunxuan and Jun Yunchen are the same, and Ye Yiming and Lin Yihan are the same as Song Yunlong.

The remaining two gods were also the geniuses of the powerful family in the palace, Zhang Cheng from the Zhang family, and Yue Haishan from the Yue family, the two were also a group of alliances.

In the three groups of strength, the two brothers of the Jun family are the strongest, while the other two groups are comparable.

As for the **** Qin Shaofeng, it seems to have been ignored, even if Lin Yihan saw Qin Shaofeng again and felt that Qin Shaofeng was at least in the seventh stage of the Saint Yuan realm, he did not count on Qin Shaofeng much.

However, although the two brothers of the Jun family are the strongest, at the moment these other two groups are putting pressure on them together, and the two brothers of the Jun family have not done anything.

For a while, everyone was in a stalemate.

And at this moment when everyone was in a stalemate, suddenly there was a bright light outside the valley in the distance, and then a sky-shaking sword slashed.

This sudden sword aura, like a shocking slash, with a slightly curved sword aura, raging and exploding with an astonishing edge.


Unbiased, this sword energy hit the super-grade spirit beast.

Then, with a bang, the super-grade spirit beast that had just condensed completely just before, after receiving this sword energy, it was directly cut.

Like a smashed air mass, that super-grade spirit beast turned into a mass of spiritual energy and dissipated directly.

this is?

The sudden scene made the gods and all the masters present dumbfounded.

But soon, someone suddenly thought of something.

Since the body of this super-grade spirit beast was slashed, of course, the super-grade spirit crystal in its body was naturally revealed.

At this moment, in the dissipated spiritual energy, there was a piece of pure white spar the size of a baby's palm floating on it.

At the moment of seeing this fast spar, many people present moved.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The person who reacted first instantly turned into streamers and flew towards the spar.

Those gods were the first to react, and at this moment they all ran towards the place where the spar was.

Qin Shaofeng also planned to flash past for the first time, and Qin Shaofeng was confident that with the rapid ability of his air dance, he would definitely get the super-grade spirit beast before the others.

But at the moment Qin Shaofeng left, he seemed to have sensed something suddenly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he stopped and didn't rush over.

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