Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 586: Trial of the Spirit?

"System reminder: Super lottery failed. The designated items to be drawn this time are worth more than 400 billion points. Player Qin Shaofeng currently has insufficient points and the lottery failed!"

Lost... failed?

Qin Shaofeng was also shocked when he heard this system prompt.

These are all 400 billion points, why are you not enough?

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded!

Qin Shaofeng reacted right away, then opened the system store and looked through it.

When Qin Shaofeng finally found the item he chose to draw this time, the first time he saw the points it was worth, Qin Shaofeng exploded.

"Fuck, Nima, 500 billion points? What's special is the upgraded version, which has gained some enhancements. It actually went from 180 billion points to 500 billion points?"

Seeing the series of terrifying numbers, Qin Shaofeng was completely in pain.

But there is no other way. It can only be said that this is the black heart of the system!

The current situation made Qin Shaofeng a little tangled.

"Should I choose the 180 billion original version? Or the 500 billion after upgrading?"

Faced with such a choice, Qin Shaofeng just struggled for a while, and made a decision in his mind.

"Sister, if you want to choose, you can choose the best one, and this is so easy to have. A rare super-sweet lottery card can't be used up to 80 billion points! This five hundred billion is five hundred billion. Alright, anyway, now I just missed a chance for a super draw!"

As soon as he thought of the last stage of his first-person mission in Qianshan, that is, the reward of the ninth stage, there was a chance for a super draw, and Qin Shaofeng made up his mind directly.

Choose the most expensive, no, the best!

However, Qin Shaofeng frowned when he thought of the ninth phase of the first person in Qianshan.

"How can I complete this ninth stage task? There are no hints at all, so I don't have much eyebrows now."

Qin Shaofeng murmured softly. It's best if Qin Shaofeng sighed and said, "Oh, no matter, there is still some time anyway. I hope it can be completed within this period of time. If it is really impossible to complete, and if there are not enough chances for the four super draws, Then you can only choose the original version of 180 billion!"

After all, this thing must be obtained by oneself!


In the next period of time, Qin Shaofeng used the guise of retreat and began to give himself a fake in the knowing training room.

He didn't go to Huanchen Tower to brush virtual monsters, and he was completely relaxed.

Of course, although it was placed, Qin Shaofeng still did not delay his cultivation.

Well, it's just the progress of practicing pill fire!

As for the cultivation method, it was naturally the same as Geng Qiutong and the little princess.

And just in these few days, Geng Qiutong and the little princess have made a breakthrough!

The breakthrough of the two women this time directly reached the sixth stage of the Saint Yuan Realm.

After being promoted to the sixth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, the strength of the two women is extremely powerful, although they are not as good as the sons of gods, but even if they are proud of that day in the palace, there are not many people who can compare to the two women.

Family: Geng Qiutong

Level: Early Stage of the Sixth Layer of Saint Yuan Realm

Occupation: Castle

Yuanli value: 3 billion / 3 billion (the sixth layer of the holy yuan realm has 300 million yuan power, and the extreme fire realm is 10 times)

Talent Spirit Root: The Fire of Origin

Talent Skill: Realm of Extreme Fire

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Skill 2: Beiming Shen Gong

Skill 3: World King Boxing

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None

Familiar: None


Family: Lian Yufeng

Level: Early Stage of the Sixth Layer of Saint Yuan Realm

Occupation: Soldier

Yuan Power Value: 2.7 billion / 2.7 billion (Sixth Layer of the Saint Yuan Realm has 300 million Yuan Yuan value, and the extremely profound fire is increased by nine times)

Innate Spirit Root: Nine Profound Fire Spirit

Talent skills: Extremely mysterious fire

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Familiar: None


Perhaps because of the practice together and the spiritual roots of the two women's talents, they have a strong connection, which makes the cultivation of Geng Qiutong and the little princess basically come from the same realm.

Even every time when Geng Qiutong was promoted, the little princess would be affected by Geng Qiutong's Extreme Fire Realm and quickly promoted.

This time too, after Geng Qiutong was promoted to the sixth level of the Saint Yuan realm, only half an hour later, the little princess was also promoted to the sixth level of the Saint Yuan realm.

After being promoted to the sixth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, the two women both have 300 million yuan power points, and then under their respective extreme fire realm and extreme profound fire bonuses, they have 3 billion and 2.7 billion yuan power respectively. .

This is also an extremely powerful existence.

At the very least, the strength of the two women now, if they returned to the Qianshan Sect, they would be able to become the top-ranked powerhouse among the three sects and seven sects in an instant.

Especially Geng Qiutong, Qin Shaofeng also shared the Realm King Fist with her, which made her current strength, once it broke out, there would be few opponents in the Saint Yuan Realm.

And the most important thing is that now the two women's writing wheel eyes have also been upgraded, and they can condense the level of Suzuo.

Although not as powerful as Qin Shaofeng's condensed Xu Zuo, it should not be underestimated.

And it seems that probably because of having a powerful fire system spiritual root, the two women both awakened at the same time, writing round eye pupil technique Amaterasu.

It's just that they showed the Amaterasu, one of the flames was a crimson flame, and the other was a purple flame. The power they possessed was not lower than that of the same level Qin Shaofeng Shulunyan.

Qin Shaofeng also said to the two women that after they had reached the seventh level of the Saint Yuan Realm with their pupil skills, they would then take the special version of the sixth-rank nine-fold spirit pill. In this way, they would be directly promoted to the tenth level of the Saint Yuan realm. Realm.

At that time, the strength of the two women is probably the same as possessing the gods of the gods.

However, now it will take some time before the two women are promoted to the seventh level of the Saint Yuan Realm.

But having said that, with Qin Shaofeng's divine mighty space now, the time for the two women to rise to the seventh level of the Saint Yuan Realm, I'm afraid it won't take long.

However, just when Qin Shaofeng led the two girls to relax and practice, it only took a few days, and it seemed that God was not pleasing to the eye.

Here comes the thing!

Trial of the Spirit!

The special trial unique to God's Palace, but speaking of trials, it is better to say that it is a rare opportunity.

The location of the Shenfu is the most central place in the Nine Clouds Continent. This is also the center of the Nine Cloud Continent where the spiritual veins gather, and the place with the most spiritual power.

When this divine mansion was established, the first generation of Jiuyunzi also established a special secret realm—the spiritual world!

As the name suggests, this spiritual realm is a secret realm composed of spiritual power.

Moreover, the existence of this spiritual world is still a secret realm opened up by the spiritual power gathered from the entire Nine Cloud Continent's spiritual veins.

There is absolutely pure spiritual power in this mysterious realm. It is said that the spiritual power that exists in the spiritual world can condense the spiritual liquid by collecting a little.

It can be said that the existence of the spiritual world is equivalent to a super spiritual liquid treasure house!

However, the most precious item in the spirit world is not spirit liquid, but an item called spirit crystal.

The introduction of Shenfu and Lingjing is a kind of spar that condenses after a long time after a large amount of spiritual liquid is collected.

Needless to say, such a spar definitely possesses extremely rich spiritual power.

In fact, the degree of preciousness is probably a hundred times or even more than a thousand times that of Lingye.

Because a piece of spirit crystal can make a person within the triple realm of the holy origin realm directly rise to two to three levels. And even below the sixth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, the cultivation base can also be upgraded by at least one level.

If there is a large number, it is not impossible to increase the cultivation base of the sixth layer or more of the Saint Yuan Realm.

However, these are secondary.

What people care most about is that if they have enough spirit crystals, they can be directly promoted to the holy realm.

This is not ordinary!

Holy Land!

This spirit crystal is something that can be promoted to the holy realm, and its value is definitely a treasure for people in the peak realm of the holy yuan realm.

Especially for the few gods in Shenfu now.

However, it is precisely because the spirit crystal is so precious that it takes a lot of time to condense the spirit crystal.

So basically, it takes a lot of years for the spiritual world to open once.

And this time is not short, the spiritual world is only opened once every thousand years.

It happened that it was exactly a thousand years since the last time the spirit world was opened.

Now Shenfu intends to open the spiritual world again!

But this spiritual world is not without danger, on the contrary, the spiritual world is an absolutely dangerous place.

The Earth Spirit Vessel possesses a large amount of spiritual power, but it can give birth to spiritual intelligence and transform it into a Dragon Vein.

The dragon vein level spirit vein not only possesses its own spiritual intelligence, but can even move by itself.

Although the spirit veins on the Nine Clouds Continent are of very low level, a dragon vein can still be born by gathering the spirit veins of the entire continent.

But because of the behavior of the first generation of Jiuyunzi, the dragon vein level spirit vein could not be born in the Nine Cloud Continent.

There is even a saying that in fact, the dragon veins already existed in the Nine Clouds Continent, but they were broken up by the first generation of Nine Clouds and transformed them into the spirit world.

But although the dragon veins were broken up, the spiritual wisdom born from the dragon veins entered the spirit world when they were scattered, and then some strange monsters were formed because of resentment.

Such monsters are unique monsters in the spirit world and are called spirit beasts.

The spirit beasts of the spirit world seem to have inherited the resentment of the dragon veins and hate humans very much. Once they meet, it will be a life-and-death situation.

The spirit beasts in the spirit world are very powerful, but if you want to obtain the spirit crystal, you must enter the spirit world, so the spirit world is a dangerous place.

Qin Shaofeng believed in such a statement.

Because from the memory of his old alchemy master, his inheritance, there really is such a situation.

In fact, in the Origin Continent, many forces will grab dragon veins, sacrifice them into the spirit world, generate spirit beasts, and train their power genius.

And the spirit crystals are not unique to the Nine Clouds Continent. On the Origin Continent, the spirit crystals are the mainstream currency, and the source of the spirit crystals is mostly the product of the spirit world formed by the dragon veins.

Of course, there are some secret realm spirit realms, which are formed naturally, but they are relatively rare.

Most of the spirit crystals were born from the spirit world of dragon vein sacrifices.

Xiaoqiuqiu once told Qin Shaofeng that his senior alchemist's master had also done such a thing.

What only surprised Qin Shaofeng was that on this small Nine Cloud Continent, there actually existed this mysterious spiritual world!

Although it was only opened once in a thousand years, this was enough to make the Nine Cloud Continent much stronger than many continents.

And now Qin Shaofeng finally understood one thing, why in this Nine Cloud Continent, there is not enough aura, but there are many good things.

This is probably because of the construction of this spiritual world, which made the aura of the Nine Clouds Continent become thinner.

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