Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 583: The challenge begins

More than two months later, in the Pagoda of Fantasy.


After killing the last virtual monster in front of him, Qin Shaofeng opened his attribute interface to check his current experience value.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenth Heaven Realm

Experience value: 1,482 billion / 99,999,999,999

Occupation: Devil

Yuan force value: 500 million / 500 million (the tenth layer of the Tianyuan realm has 500,000 Yuan force points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 50 times 25 million points, 20 Yuan Dan 500 million points)

Spiritual root of talent:...


In the past two months, Qin Shaofeng, in addition to brushing virtual monsters in Huanchen Tower, went to the divine power space to temper the pill fire.

This led to Qin Shaofeng's experience value of more than two trillion points in just over two months.

However, the original negative 500 billion experience points have returned to normal, and even now more than 14 billion experience points have been accumulated.

Even if it weren't for tempering the pill fire, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng could still gain more experience points.

However, this also has other advantages, that is, Qin Shaofeng has not only tempered the pill fire to orange, but even burned some yellowish winks in the orange.

This distinction is about to reach the level of the Holy Grade Four-Star Pill Fire.

Under this circumstance, as soon as Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm, the level of the "Sutra of Pills" could be directly promoted to the Saint Level three-star.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng's Yuanli value could rise another step.

This day is also the last three days before the limit upgrade task, the three-month period.

Qin Shaofeng was finally ready, and began to carry out the special challenge of becoming a **** child.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng made such an application on purpose a few days ago.

If you want to carry out the challenge of becoming a child of God, naturally you don't want to challenge if you want to challenge, even if you have that strength, you even passed.

But once there are no witnesses from Tianjiao Sect, everything will be useless.

A few days ago, Qin Shaofeng deliberately went to meet the master of Tianjiao Sect, in order to carry out the challenge of becoming a son of God.

After learning that Qin Shaofeng was going to carry out the special challenge of becoming a **** child in the Heavenly Realm, the sect master was also a little surprised, but in the end he agreed to Qin Shaofeng's request.

This actually made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised. He thought that if he wanted to carry out that kind of special challenge, he would have to go through some other tests.

Unexpectedly, the sect master of Tianjiao Sect actually agreed.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that when he heard that Qin Shaofeng was about to carry out a special challenge, the sect master wanted to refuse.

But when he was about to refuse, he suddenly received an instruction to challenge Qin Shaofeng.

This can instruct this sect master, and let this sect master execute without hesitation, there is only one in the entire Nine Clouds Continent.

The palace lord of the Shenfu is also the lord of the Nine Clouds Continent-Jiuyunzi!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that this time he challenged him and actually shocked that existence.

If he knew it, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng would never challenge him.

Because Xiaoqiuqiu reminded him before, to pay attention to the Lord Palace Lord.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know it at all. This Palace Master was more than he expected, and he was also concerned about him, a small Tianyuan Realm disciple.

In any case, the special challenge this time has been determined.

And because it is related to the position of the **** of the gods, it is of course that this challenge was immediately announced by the sect master of the Tianjiao Sect.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised at this point, after all, this was a normal procedure.

It was learned that Qin Shaofeng was about to carry out the special challenge of becoming a **** son, but it shocked the entire gods.

If the sect master can have such a special challenge, it shows that the sect master of Tianjiao Sect has already recognized Qin Shaofeng's strength.

Although not directly recognized, Qin Shaofeng can definitely pass special challenges to the point where he became the son of God.

But at least that is hopeful!

It is precisely because of this that many people in Shenfu are not calm anymore.

"Hey, have you heard that? Then Qin Shaofeng actually has a special challenge to become a son of God!"

"No! Really?"

"This is true, but I think that Qin Shaofeng is too self-conscious. It is not so easy to become a son of God!"

"Hey, this is not necessarily true. After all, Qin Shaofeng seems to be at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm now. In this way, even if the opponent challenged in the Heavenly Origin Realm is ten times stronger, this is probably at most the 4th or 5th Level of the Saint Origin Realm. Power?"

"Well, this is also the case. After all, the master of the sect has agreed, and it is estimated that Qin Shaofeng has some hope!"


No matter who it is, even if he is optimistic about Qin Shaofeng, it is only because Qin Shaofeng's current realm is the peak of the Tianyuan realm, and the special opponent he challenges is not very strong, so he is so optimistic.

But even so, I think Qin Shaofeng just has a glimmer of hope!

But they didn't know that even though Qin Shaofeng was only at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm, in fact Qin Shaofeng possessed the strength that was an ordinary Saint Origin Realm ten-level master, and it would be difficult to be his opponent.

Just 500 million yuan power value is enough to shock most Saint Yuan realm masters dumbfounded.

In just a few days, there was a lot of trouble in the entire Shenfu about Qin Shaofeng's special challenge this time.

And this time has finally arrived!

Because it was a special challenge to become a **** child, all Qin Shaofeng did not enter the Mitian realm in his own practice room, but went directly to the entrance of the Mitian realm.

This is also necessary!

After Qin Shaofeng arrived at the entrance of the Mute Heaven Realm, there was already a crowd of people around the entrance of the Mute Heaven Realm.

"Qin Shaofeng, I didn't expect you to have come this far!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng arrived, he heard a familiar voice.

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng found that the speaker was Hong Kun who had not seen him for two or three months.

At this moment, Hong Kun, Qin Shaofeng only glanced at it for a moment, and found that the opponent had already been promoted to the Saint Yuan realm, and now it was in the Saint Yuan realm triple realm.

Although it was only the triple realm of the Saint Yuan Realm, the aura of Hong Kun did not belong to the original He Feng.

Even if Hong Kun's strength at the moment is not as strong as the peak, it is not much worse.

And the most important point is that Hong Kun's real combat power is against his beasts!

With the special nature of Hong Kun's spiritual roots, I am afraid that most of his natal beasts are far superior to him.

Qin Shaofeng even estimated that among Hong Kun's natal beasts, there were no less than three beasts with the strength of He Feng.

After all, Hong Kun's spiritual roots were already doomed, the higher his realm, the better and better the strength of his life beast.

"Ha, also said me, you are not bad now!" Qin Shaofeng responded with a smile.

Regarding this, Hong Kun could only shook his head helplessly, as if I knew I couldn't hide it from you.

In fact, more than two months ago, Qin Shaofeng mentioned Xiaoqiuqiu, Hong Kun's special nature of Linggen, and Hong Kun talked about it.

Although I am not talking about guiding Hong Kun to practice, after what Qin Shaofeng said, Hong Kun was able to understand a lot, and it was only after taking a few detours that he was quickly promoted to his current state.

For Qin Shaofeng, Hong Kun can only be grateful.

And this time I heard of Qin Shaofeng's challenge, I am afraid that only Hong Kun has absolute confidence in Qin Shaofeng.

After this time of getting along, Hong Kun has become increasingly unable to see Qin Shaofeng.

And he had already understood that if Qin Shaofeng had no absolute certainty, he would probably not undertake such a challenge at all.

I am afraid that among everyone, apart from Geng Qiutong, the little princess, and Du Meng, the three of them believe that Qin Shaofeng's challenge today can be successful, and only Hong Kun believes that Qin Shaofeng can succeed.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this either, just chatted with Hong Kun.

As for the two women who are still cultivating in Qin Shaofeng's divine power space, it has been this time that the two women's cultivation has reached a critical moment, and Qin Shaofeng has not let them out.

This is the same with Dumont.

Not long after, the master of Tianjiao Sect finally came.

After arriving at the entrance of the Heavenly Heaven Realm, the sect master didn't talk nonsense, and directly said to Qin Shaofeng: "Okay, now you can start directly!"

Not surprisingly, Qin Shaofeng nodded and walked directly into the connection point of the Heavenly Realm.


There was a slight flash in front of him, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng's mental power directly entered the Heavenly Heaven Realm.

If you want to challenge an opponent ten times stronger than your own in the Heavenly Realm, you must get the approval of the sect master of Tianjiao Sect. Otherwise, even if Qin Shaofeng thinks, he will probably not be able to undertake such a special challenge!

"Senior disciple Qin Shaofeng, welcome to the Heavenly Realm. Because of the challenge that needs to be carried out this time, the goal of the challenge is the virtual clone of senior disciple Qin Shaofeng's current strength ten times!"

"Is the senior disciple Qin Shaofeng starting to challenge? If you don't start the challenge, you will exit the Heavenly Realm after ten breaths!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly after two successive mechanical voices, and said without hesitation: "Yes, I want to challenge!"

"The answer is yes, senior disciple Qin Shaofeng began to challenge! This is a special challenge, and there is no time limit until one party is killed!"


After the mechanical sound, a figure appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Character: Qin Shaofeng (virtual clone)

Level: Peak of Heavenly Origin Realm (Special Challenge Body)

Yuan force value: 5 billion/5 billion

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Saint Thunder (Holy Grade 1 Spirit Root)


Special challenge body?

After seeing the attributes of his virtual clone in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

A virtual clone of ten times his strength, Qin Shaofeng hadn't practiced without pairing.

In Huan Chen Tower, because he could set opponents at will, Qin Shaofeng had never set up a virtual clone of ten times his strength.

But the virtual clones of the Magic Tower are not any special challenge bodies, and the more difficult spiritual root is the body of the holy thunder, such a holy grade first-order spiritual root.

It seems that this special challenge of the Heavenly Heaven Realm should be stronger than the virtual clones of the Magic Tower that are ten times more powerful!

Qin Shaofeng came to a conclusion with a slight look at himself.

But even with such an opponent, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest fear, and even the corners of his mouth still showed a hint of disdain.


The virtual clone moved, and immediately killed Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng stood so straight without dodge or hide.

But the moment the virtual clone attack came, Qin Shaofeng's whole body swayed slightly, becoming a little illusory.

Divine power is blurred!

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