Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 564: Passed again!

When talking with Lin Tieshan before, Qin Shaofeng got the official disciple certificate of Shenfu from the other party.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng can be considered complete at this moment, this time the ultimate upgrade task.

This is to be able to smoothly ascend to the Heavenly Origin Realm now!

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for consuming 9,999,999,999 experience points and successfully promoted to the Heavenly Origin Realm, and his current level is the first level of the Heavenly Origin Realm!"

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: First Layer of Tianyuan Realm

Experience value: 286.750 billion / 10 billion

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 50 million / 50 million (the first layer of the Tianyuan realm has 50,000 yuan strength, the Yi Jinjing bonus is 50 times 2.5 million points, and 20 yuan pill 50 million points)


After he was promoted to the Heavenly Origin Realm, Qin Shaofeng's Yuan Power increased five times in the first stage of the Tianyuan Realm.

Although the Tianyuan realm possesses the standard of Yuan Power, the first layer of the Tian Yuan realm has one hundred thousand Yuan Power.

But that is not purely a standard for the value of Yuanli, but a standard for the value of Yuanli that is usually improved after practicing the exercises.

After all, general exercises can increase one's own vitality value when practicing.

And Qin Shaofeng is not considered as Yi Jin Jing and other bonuses, he originally had 50,000 yuan strength, which is already very good.

Because under normal circumstances, it is not considered as a bonus for cultivation techniques. Ordinary people at the first level of the Tianyuan realm can have at most 20,000 or 30,000 yuan. After practicing the exercises, they will have such a hundred thousand yuan. It's worth it.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's ninth-rank dark thunder body is a good spiritual root.

Of course, this is only a situation within the scope of ordinary people, in front of geniuses, Qin Shaofeng is still a lot worse.

But these differences, under the influence of the Yi Jin Jing and the "Alchemy", made Qin Shaofeng surpass most geniuses.

It was only the first level of the Heavenly Origin Realm, but it had 50 million yuan power.

This was definitely not achieved by a few people, even if it was a genius who could have 50 million yuan in the first layer of the Heavenly Origin Realm within the Divine Mansion, it would probably be rare.

Qin Shaofeng did not continue to increase his level after he was upgraded to the first level of the Tianyuan realm.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's mental power came out and he directly contacted the light group above his head, and then entered the Heavenly Heaven Realm again.

After successfully passing the Mighty Heaven Realm, you can have a challenge to the Mighty Heaven Realm at any time.

Qin Shaofeng used this opportunity now to return to the Heavenly Realm again.

"Formal disciple Qin Shaofeng, welcome to come again to the Heavenly Boundary Realm again, do you want to start the challenge? If you do not start the challenge, you will exit the Heavenly Boundary Realm after ten breaths!"

"Yes, I want to challenge!"

"The answer is yes, official member Qin Shaofeng begins to challenge! This challenge is not limited in time, until one party is killed!"

Following Qin Shaofeng's answer to the mechanical sound, the virtual clone that was defeated by Qin Shaofeng before appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng again.

It's just that compared with the previous time, the virtual clone that appeared this time is stronger.

Character: Qin Shaofeng (virtual clone)

Level: First Layer of Tianyuan Realm

Yuanli value: 65 million / 65 million

Talented Spiritual Root: Body of Thunder (Nine-Rank Spiritual Root)


65 million yuan power value, which is 15 million yuan more than Qin Shaofeng.


This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate to show the Xu Zuo Nenghu immediately.

Moreover, the Suzuonenghu that Qin Shaofeng displayed this time consumed a full 10 million yuan of energy, and the size of the Suzuonenghu has reached a height of 70 meters.

With such a powerful Xu Zuo Nenghu, Qin Shaofeng confidently faced the fourth floor of the trial tower again, so that the attack of a thousand holy yuan realm one-layer monster beasts, his own Xu Zuo Nenghu could last at least half an hour.

After the Heavenly Origin Realm, Suzuonenhu, who spent 10 million yuan in strength to display it, might have more than ten times its defense.

But he also improved, and the virtual clone on the opposite side also improved.

Seeing that Suzuonenghu who was more than ninety meters away, Qin Shaofeng made a tangled complaint in his heart.

"I've circled a cross. You have improved by 30% by 30%. Is it necessary to increase the height by 30%?"

Without giving Qin Shaofeng much opportunity to complain, the virtual clone rushed towards Qin Shaofeng as soon as he used Suzuonenghu.


That huge size was rushing to make the ground roar.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dodge, but directly controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu and directly greeted him.

He chose to head to head with that virtual clone!


The huge figure collided with each other, producing a huge impact, and the terrifying vigor that erupted from the impact swept the entire battlefield.

At a time, two huge figures began to fight hand-to-hand.

This was deliberate by Qin Shaofeng, he wanted to try, how powerful the Suzuo Nenghu he was displaying at the moment.

It turns out that Suzuo is very strong now!

But compared with the giant Yuanli displayed by the virtual clone, it is still slightly worse.

"It seems to be a little worse!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly in his heart when he felt the situation where Xu Zuo could be.

If it weren't for the virtual clone to display Suzuo Nohu, facing Suzuo Nohu who is 30% better than himself, I'm afraid I can't hold on for long!

Ah, fortunately, this Heavenly Realm can't fully replicate one's own skills!


For a time, Qin Shaofeng and his virtual clone fought inextricably.

And Qin Shaofeng also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly adapt to the strength that had just been promoted to the first level of the Tianyuan realm.

At the end of the battle, Qin Shaofeng's vitality value had already consumed a lot, but he barely had a vitality value of 10 million points.

And when Qin Shaofeng deliberately used Lei Dun, the remaining elemental power value of that virtual clone at the moment was about 10 million points.

Under such circumstances, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng could hardly defeat the virtual clone in front of him.

Because whether it was the power of the demon king or the illusion of his body, Qin Shaofeng had also displayed it before.

This is the same for the virtual avatar.

But under such circumstances, the virtual clone seemed to have the upper hand because it had 30% more strength than Qin Shaofeng.

But there is one situation, but it is different.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes had already shown a six-pointed star pattern.

Eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes!

In fact, for Qin Shaofeng, there is no difficulty at all to pass through the Heavenly Sky Realm.

Because as early as after passing through the Heavenly Boundary Realm for the first time, when discussing the countermeasures for the Heavenly Boundary Realm with the little princess, Qin Shaofeng's words from the little princess made Qin Shaofeng thoroughly understand that the Heavenly Boundary Realm seemed to be nothing to him. what.

Especially after the previous battle, after this battle, Qin Shaofeng confirmed that the virtual clone copied in the Heavenly Realm was actually not threatening to him.

That's right, the Mitian Realm can replicate everyone's techniques and skills, even if it can't be replicated completely, it can still use other means to achieve the power of the original skill after 30%.

Realm, strength, technique, etc., are all 30% of the body!

At this point, the mental power is the same.

But it was precisely because of this that a strategy the little princess said made Qin Shaofeng feel that he could ignore the virtual clone of the Heavenly Realm.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng intends to use this method!

The six-pointed star pattern on his eyes flashed slightly, Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth slightly and shouted two words gently.

"Monthly reading!"

That's right, Qin Shaofeng's most confident skill in deciphering his own virtual clone of the Mighty Heaven Realm is the monthly reading of the pupils of the awakening of the eyes.

Different from general skills, not to mention more than 30%, is a mental power opponent three times more than himself, Qin Shaofeng can also use monthly reading to draw the opponent into his own monthly reading space.

Of course, if it is an opponent with more than three times the mental power, Qin Shaofeng's monthly reading may not be successful.

But in the face of a virtual clone that only had 30% more mental power, Qin Shaofeng would basically not fail if he used the monthly reading.

In fact, it is true!

As soon as the month read out, the virtual clone stopped.

Even speaking, this virtual clone originally existed as a copy of mental power, and Qin Shaofeng easily defeated it with monthly reading.

When the virtual clone was collapsed by Qin Shaofeng, a mechanical sound echoed in this space, and a sound that made Qin Shaofeng familiar.

"Qin Shaofeng, the official disciple of Shenfu, successfully defeated the clone clone whose current realm exceeded 30% of his own strength, and successfully passed the Heavenly Realm!"


Beyond the sky, at the stele.

The 211th place, Qin Shaofeng, passed twice.

Looking at the ranking on the stone tablet, everyone was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Lin Tieshan was so shocked that he could not speak.

Passed again?

If this were other places, Lin Tieshan wouldn't be too strange.

Even for Qin Shaofeng to cross the Heavenly Realm again, he is not too surprised.

But the question is, what kind of passage should it be.

In the leaderboard on this stone tablet of the Mute Heaven Realm, within the same realm, no matter how many times you pass the Mute Heaven Realm, how many times you defeat the virtual clone whose current realm is more than 30% of your own strength, it can only be regarded as passing once.

Under what circumstances will the number of passes increase?

In fact, it is very simple, that is, after your realm has been improved, once you enter the Mighty Heaven Realm and defeat the virtual clone again, then you will increase once through the Mighty Heaven Realm.

And for this level of improvement, at least one level of strength must be improved, and the most is that there is no upper limit. As long as you can improve on the level, and then defeat the virtual clone with the same level of improvement, you can increase the number of times you can pass through the world.

At this moment, the number of times Qin Shaofeng passed through the Heavenly Primordial Realm directly increased once, and then Qin Shaofeng would be able to be in the first realm of the Heavenly Primal Realm at least.

He passed the Heavenly Primal Stage once again with the strength of the Heavenly Origin Stage.

Passing through the Mitian realm twice in a row, this situation is also considered a rare thing in the gods.

The faces of He Shaocheng and He Shaojie who witnessed this scene were even more ugly.

But not only did He Shaocheng's decision remain unchanged, he was even more certain to kill Qin Shaofeng.

And what is Qin Shaofeng doing at this time?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't do anything, but his mental power once again exited the Heavenly Primordial Realm, and then opened the system interface to face his own attribute interface, consuming 10 billion experience points again, and once again raised the first level to reach the second level of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Heavenly Yuan Realm Double

Experience value: 276.75 billion / 20 billion

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 100 million / 100 million (the second layer of the Tianyuan realm has 100,000 Yuanli points, the Yi Jinjing is 50 times plus 5 million points, and 20 Yuan Dan 100 million points)

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (ninth rank spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world


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