Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 556: Devil suit

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ten Layers of Earth Element Realm

Experience value: 20.335 billion / 9.99999 million 9999

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 4 million/4 million (the tenth layer of the earth element realm has 10,000 Yuanli points, the Yi Jinjing plus 20 times 200,000 points, 20 Yuan Dan 4 million points)

Spiritual root of talent:...


As soon as the "Sutra of Alchemy" was upgraded, Qin Shaofeng's vitality value increased to 4 million points.

But Qin Shaofeng was still unsatisfied with this, still frantically raising the level of Pill Fire.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that this was not enough.

Although the "Sutra of Pills" was upgraded to a saint-level three-star, in addition to the conditions of the orange pill fire, the realm of the holy yuan realm was also needed. Qin Shaofeng estimated that the so-called realm of the holy yuan required 100 million yuan power value.

In this case, as long as he can raise the pill fire now.

As long as three months later, when he completes this extreme upgrade task, his level is increased and he has a strength value of more than 100 million yuan, then the "Alchemy" can be upgraded to a saint-level three-star.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng estimated that his strength would probably improve a lot.

But the problem is that now it is only 4 million points of Yuanli value, and Qin Shaofeng still has no confidence to pass the third floor of the trial tower.

Because after all, it was to defeat a thousand beasts at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm. Judging from the current information, each of the monsters on the third floor of the Trial Tower has a minimum of 3 million points. The realm of Yuanli value.

Faced with such a thousand virtual monsters, Qin Shaofeng, who only possessed 4 million yuan strength, didn't have much confidence.

However, Qin Shaofeng is not without the slightest way, there is one last way to improve his strength.

One month after entering the Shenfu, Qin Shaofeng did not enter Geng Qiutong's extreme fire realm that night.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was holding a purple-black sphere, but emitting some faint golden light.

Geng Qiutong and the little princess were beside him, and the two women looked worried.

After thinking about it, the little princess said: "Shao Feng, I think it’s better to forget it. You still don’t know what this so-called Demon King’s suit has. You should wait until you contact the little ball and let it see it before you decide. Good use!"

Since becoming Qin Shaofeng's family members, Geng Qiutong and the little princess have also naturally seen the ball and knew the existence of the ball.

They also know that Xiaoqiuqiu seems to know a lot of things and has a wide range of knowledge.

At this moment when they heard that Qin Shaofeng was going to use that Demon King's suit, they were naturally a little worried.

Demon King's Suit: Special items, belonging to the Demon King's suit, after recognizing the master, the Demon King's costume can be obtained. Once you have recognized the Lord, you can't let it go.

(Note: The Devil’s suit can only be used by the Devil!)

This is the reward from the last extreme upgrade mission, and there are three demon props.

But out of caution, Qin Shaofeng didn't use it. He planned to let Xiao Qiqiu take a look after the evolution of the original world space in his body ended, and then deal with the demon king's suit and the three demon props based on Xiao Qiqiu's opinions.

After all, with the words Demon King and Devil, Qin Shaofeng always worried a little.

The two women are the same, so when they learned that Qin Shaofeng was planning to use the Demon King's suit now, they all persuaded them.

But in the end Qin Shaofeng's eyes were certain, and he said calmly: "No, I can't wait anymore. I can feel that it will take a lot of time before the evolution of the original world space in my body ends, but now I don't have that time! "

Hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, the two women were also silent.

Of course they knew Qin Shaofeng's plan, but because of this, they no longer knew how to persuade them in the current situation.

Seeing the embarrassment of the two women, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, pretending to be relaxed: "Okay, don't worry about it, just acknowledge the Lord, what can be the problem?"

What can be the problem?

There are more problems!

One of the most common is that because of the strong spiritual energy, the person who recognizes the Lord is not strong enough, resulting in the process of recognizing the Lord, being sucked up by the spirit weapon, and the person is dead.

This was what the two women were worried about, because according to Qin Shaofeng's words, it was not easy for him to get this thing from a powerful existence.

Therefore, they were very worried that Qin Shaofeng accidentally was sucked dry by this so-called Demon King suit.

This is the same for Qin Shaofeng!

Especially this thing, it still carries the words of the devil.

How can this be a bad phenomenon!

But now Qin Shaofeng can't take care of that much!

Sister, fight it!

In the end, his heart was ruthless, Qin Shaofeng clenched the ball in his hand, and muttered silently in his heart.

Recognize the Lord!

The next moment, to Qin Shaofeng's surprise, the system suddenly heard a prompt.

"System prompt: Will the player recognize the master of the Demon King suit?"

Is there a system prompt?

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, because in this way, basically nothing would happen.

Even if there is, the system will prompt itself in advance.


Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and directly chose to begin to recognize the Lord.

At the next moment, what Qin Shaofeng had originally thought was the powerful recognizing scene, the dazzling scene of the divine tool’s recognizing power did not appear.

He just got a beep again.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for his success in recognizing the master and obtaining the Demon King suit!"

that's it?

Seeing that purple-black sphere turned into a purple-golden light and disappeared directly into his right hand, Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng knew what to do!


With a thought, Qin Shaofeng directly summoned the system interface, and now began to check his current attributes.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng discovered that besides the mysterious iron epee in his equipment bar, he now had one more Demon King suit!

After Qin Shaofeng clicked on the attributes of the Demon King's suit, he looked at it and was shocked.

Demon King Set: One-star 0/10 thousand, special equipment of growth type, current level is one-star, possessing skill demon king's gift, demon king's power, and ultimate domain skill demon king forbidden hand.

Demon King's Gift: Passive skills, after wearing the Demon King suit, you can upgrade any of your skills by one level (the skills cannot be replaced once they are determined).

Demon King’s Power: Active skills, after casting, you can get the Demon King’s divine power bonus, which will increase the power of the skill by three times. Can be used once a day.

Demon Lord Forbidden Hand: Active skill, a taboo skill in the ultimate domain of the Demon Lord suit. After casting, you can get the demon king's forbidden hand status. Under the demon king's forbidden hand status, you can temporarily increase the power of its own attributes ten times.

(Note: The Demon Lord's Forbidden Hand in the current Demon Lord suit is temporarily a seal. If it is used forcibly, it will cost experience value. The higher the level, the greater the cost!)

This is the Demon King suit?

For the time being, the demon king's gift and power of the demon king in the front, let alone the final so-called ultimate domain skill demon king forbidden.

This reminded Qin Shaofeng for the first time, the forbidden hand of the artifact and the gods in "A High College"!

"Is this thing a god-killing tool?"

After seeing this, Qin Shaofeng whispered.

"What did you say?" Geng Qiutong asked fiercely.

Qin Shaofeng's whispered mutter immediately made the extremely nervous two women even more nervous!

"It's nothing!"

Qin Shaofeng replied fiercely, and then when he saw the two women worried, he quickly said: "It's okay, the acknowledgment is over, it's unexpectedly smooth, and there is no danger at all!"

Seeing what Qin Shaofeng said, the two women were relieved, and then the little princess asked.

"How about that? Does it improve your strength?"

"Yes!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, then after thinking about it, he replied with certainty, "Very useful!"

It's really useful!

Although the power of the demon king can only be used once a day, even if it is only once, if it is at a critical time, it can play an absolute role.

After all, a skill that will explode with all its strength can directly increase its power ten times, which is definitely an extremely terrifying ability.

As for the strongest Demon King's Forbidden Hand...

Need to be at the expense of experience?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was very painful.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that if in a crisis situation, this demon king's forbidden hand would be a super hole card to save his life!

However, these were not the most direct to Qin Shaofeng, and it was the demon king's gift that Qin Shaofeng cared most.

Being able to directly upgrade any of his own skills to a level is definitely a bunker.

Although once confirmed, it cannot be replaced, but it doesn't matter.

In Qin Shaofeng's opinion, his skills will always be improved. It would be better to be able to enjoy the power of the next level in advance.

From the point of view of power, Qin Shaofeng was actually very clear that this Demon King's gift was the best for writing round eyes.

But it wasn't appropriate now, because it was just some pupil skills of the 6th-level writing round eyes, and to the current Qin Shaofeng, it was very startled.

If you upgrade at the limit, it is definitely asking for trouble.

After all, the most important thing for me at the moment is to need the pupil power value!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate in the end, and directly used the power bestowed by the Demon King on the Yi Jin Jing.

Then Qin Shaofeng's Yi Jin Jing was upgraded to level 6.

Yi Jin Jing: 6th level 562/1 million, holy-level passive skills. Although it is not a god-level exercise method, this exercise method is quite special. It contains another exercise method created by Bodhidharma ancestors, "Marrow Sutra", so it has The powerful ability of I Ching to wash the marrow. (The actual level is 5, and it is increased to level 1 by the blessing of the demon king)

The current level is 6, which can increase the player's vitality value to fifty times the original value, and the 6 Yijinjing can restore 10% of the player's vitality value every minute.

The bonus of Level 6 Yi Jin Jing was fifty times, not the thirty times Qin Shaofeng had expected. This was an unexpected surprise.

Moreover, the recovery ability of Level 6 Yi Jin Jing reached 1% per minute, which was absolutely powerful for Qin Shaofeng, and it was also the skill he needed most.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ten Layers of Earth Element Realm

Experience value: 75,360 million / 9,999,999,999

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 10 million / 10 million (the tenth layer of the Earth Element Realm has 10,000 Yuanli points, the Yi Jinjing plus 50 times 500,000 points, 20 Yuan Dan 10 million points)

Spiritual root of talent:...


The Yuanli value has finally reached tens of millions!

Seeing his 10 million yuan strength value, Qin Shaofeng was also relieved.

The Earth Element Realm has a tens of millions of Yuan Power Value, I am afraid that he is the only one!

At least in this divine palace, even in the entire history of the Nine Clouds Continent, Qin Shaofeng estimated that no one had reached such a state.

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