Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 374: Last ten peaks

Liu Yongyuan attaches great importance to the improvement of his own strength, so he pays attention to everything.

Among them, Liu Yongyuan paid attention to the reward offered by Qin Shaofeng and others.

But even if he was extremely enthusiastic about Ningyuan Pill, Liu Yongyuan did not have the first time to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng.

In Liu Yongyuan's view, this person who can use the Ning Yuan Pill as a reward, wants to take the lives of Qin Shaofeng several people, his identity must be not simple.

But it was such a person who did not personally kill Qin Shaofeng. In such a situation, Liu Yongyuan only thought of two reasons.

One is what kind of identity Qin Shaofeng and others have, so that those who secretly offer rewards dare not do it themselves.

Liu Yongyuan is very smart, he knows who can't offend.

This person who even offered three Ning Yuan Pills to reward Qin Shaofeng and the others did not dare to deal with Qin Shaofeng and others personally, so he would naturally not dare to deal with Qin Shaofeng and the others.

In addition to this reason, there is another reason, that is, the strength of Qin Shaofeng's people is not simple, and the person offering the reward is unable to do it himself.

Regardless of these two reasons, Liu Yongyuan knew that in his own situation, it was best not to contact them.

Facts also proved Liu Yongyuan's guess. The legendary trio that has been discovered during this period of time has already seen countless masters being killed by Qin Shaofeng. Liu Yongyuan is very thankful for his wisdom.

Especially when it was learned that Zhang Zhentao, Xu Yang, and Zhu Zichen had lost track of Qin Shaofeng inexplicably after chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng, Liu Yongyuan made up his mind that he must not provoke Qin Shaofeng.

Liu Yongyuan still knows Zhang Zhentao.

And he also knew that excluding those big family disciples, Zhang Zhentao was one of the most powerful legendary top ten masters.

It was such a person who was not capable of killing Qin Shaofeng. Liu Yongyuan asked himself if he was not as good as Zhang Zhentao, so naturally he didn't dare to think about the three Ning Yuan Dan anymore.

And even if he had that aspect of his mind now, the reward was cancelled.

However, Liu Yongyuan pays more attention to one thing now.

A month ago, Liu Yongyuan killed the first legendary ten-fold monster beast in his life. This made him extremely happy. He planned to make this legendary ten-fold monster beast into a collection and become his personal collection.

This is Liu Yongyuan's hobby, and not only that, he has collected all the monster beasts of every level that he killed first.

Even human beings!

This hobby is quite perverted, but Liu Yongyuan is not happy with each other.

However, Liu Yongyuan also put a lot of thought into dealing with the legendary ten-fold monster beast, because that monster beast was somewhat special.

But under such circumstances, Liu Yongyuan accidentally discovered that the legendary ten-fold monster beast he had killed had this tiny fragment in its body.

At first Liu Yongyuan didn't care, but when he found this small fragment, it seemed extremely solid, and it faintly revealed an extraordinary breath.

This made Liu Yongyuan noticed, and he suspected that it was some kind of heavenly weapon, or a fragment of a more advanced spirit weapon.

With such thoughts in mind, he ordered only his subordinates to secretly explore the news of the fragment.

However, after investigating for several days, no information about this fragment was found.

But in an accidental situation, one of Liu Yongyuan's subordinates accidentally found such a fragment in another monster's body.

For a moment, Liu Yongyuan was surprised, and then moved in his heart. He personally checked all the monsters he had collected so far by killing them.

In this inspection, Liu Yongyuan found a problem.

Because after inspection, he had more than a hundred such small pieces in his hand.

Although he doesn't know what the meaning of these fragments is, Liu Yongyuan is sure that these fragments are absolutely unusual, maybe it is an unknown test of the Qianshan Sect, or an alternative test.

With such thoughts in mind, Liu Yongyuan secretly purchased the corpses of the monster beasts, collecting such fragments in this way.

Because Liu Yongyuan has a hunch in his heart, that is, the more such fragments he gets, the more benefits he is afraid of.

Liu Yongyuan wanted to be more confident about his hunch.

It is precisely because of this reason that Qin Shaofeng did not collect many Thousand Mountain Order fragments at the shop on the 90th peak.

Liu Yongyuan's mind is very close. While collecting such fragments, he also wants to figure out what these fragments are, what kind of abilities they have, or what benefits can be gained from Qianshan Sect.

Therefore, Liu Yongyuan sent some of his subordinates to wander around the 90th peak to see if anyone was buying the bodies of monsters.

Because Liu Yongyuan believed that he was definitely not the only one who collected the debris. There must be other people collecting such debris and then buying the corpses of the monster beast everywhere.

Such a person may know the purpose of these fragments.

In the end, such a person was waited for by him.

Listening to the reports of his subordinates in the cultivation cave, Liu Yongyuan's eyes flashed with surprise, and he hurriedly asked: "Are you sure someone is buying the bodies of monsters in various shops?"


Liu Yongyuan’s subordinate replied, “Boss, I’m sure that the man is also collecting debris like that, and then he walked through most of the shops on this mountain, and I also secretly inquired about a few shop owners, that man just Speaking of acquiring special monsters, but among the monsters finally acquired, there are some more common monsters!"


Listening to what his subordinates said, Liu Yongyuan's heart moved.

Does the other party have a special means to detect the existence of that fragment?

How to say it, the other party must know the origin and purpose of this fragment.

Although this kind of speculation made Liu Yongyuan's heart very excited, he still held back his excitement, and said to himself, "What is the cultivation base of the other party? How many people are there?"

"Legendary Nine, and the aura is average, it is estimated that the strength is not stronger than that. As for the number of people, based on the strength we secretly observed, the other party seems to be alone and has no companions!"

Legend Kou?

And still alone?

Hearing a sharp burst of light in these Liu Yongyuan's eyes, he said in a deep voice: "Order to go down and pay close attention to this person's movements. Once the other party leaves the 90th peak, come and report as soon as possible!"



After sweeping all the shops on the 90th peak, Qin Shaofeng finally got few pieces, which made Qin Shaofeng no longer have the idea of ​​staying on the 90th peak.

After returning to the Geng’s shop again, he processed all the corpses of the monsters on his body, and refined the purchased medicinal materials into hundreds of ordinary first-grade nine-layered spirit pills, and after some special versions of nine-layered spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng Going to enter the last ten peaks.

And then, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that this was the real assessment.

This is because according to some gossip, there have been rumors that the exposure of the three-month period of assessment this time led to a sharp increase in the number of people entering the last ten peaks.

As a result, the battle for the one hundred places has become more intense.

Therefore, there has been a lot of news that the last ten peaks have begun to fight in large numbers.

After all, the fewer competitors, the more opportunities you have.

People who have such thoughts are no longer in the minority.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng understood that these last ten peaks were the real assessment and the real battlefield.

The reason why Qianshanzong did not deliberately pay attention to this side is to let all examiners play freely.

Was it killed or murdered?

Everything depends on strength to speak!

Perhaps from the standpoint of the Thousand Mountain Sect, if you don't even have the strength to reach the 100th peak through such a kill, then such a disciple is not worth focusing on training.

It would be better to just give up and let him become an ordinary outer disciple.

"This is probably the first assessment!"

Qin Shaofeng, who heard a lot of such news, shook his head and smiled, and then formally stepped out of the 90th peak area.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that a team had already gathered behind him and was chasing him.

These last ten peaks, due to the situation of the nine-star holding the moon, caused the ten peaks to not be arranged in accordance with the serial number. The most obvious point is that the last peak, the hundredth peak, is the most central peak.

However, the area connected to the 90th peak is still the 91st peak area.

From the map of Senior Brother Zhao Kun, Qin Shaofeng already knew that the last nine-star holding the moon and ten peaks were a bit different from ordinary peaks.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw it with his own eyes, his heart was still shocked!

Too majestic!

The ninety peaks in front of this, although the height of the peaks are quite high, each of them is at most more than a kilometer, and even the highest peaks are three kilometers.

But the mountain in front of you can be even higher!

Four kilometers!

The 91st peak in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes was over 4,000 meters.

Not only that, the area covered by Peak 91 is also wider.

According to the introduction on the map of Senior Brother Zhao Kun, each of the last ten peaks is not less than four kilometers in height, and many of them are even five kilometers in height.

As for the last No. 100 peak, it reached the level of seven kilometers.

Moreover, the area covered by each of these ten peaks, the last of which is the area of ​​the 91st peak where Qin Shaofeng is located at the moment, is also equivalent to one-third of the area of ​​Lianyang State.

In other words, as long as three such peaks are equivalent to the area of ​​a continuous country.

But there are many mountains like Qianshanzong.

In other words, the area of ​​the entire Qianshan Sect was far beyond Qin Shaofeng's imagination.

This is not to mention the entire Nine Clouds Continent!

But it was just such a, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the extremely huge continent was called a small island by the little thing like Xiaoqiuqiu.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng's mood at the moment is extremely complicated.

When Qin Shaofeng's mood became more complicated, when he saw the towering cloud peaks far away, Qin Shaofeng just sighed with emotion, and was ridiculed by Xiaoqiuqiu.

"Just a handful of small soil slopes are considered high? Humph, when you see the peaks over 100,000 meters on the Origin Continent, you may be scared to pee!"

Little soil slope?

Qin Shaofeng was very speechless, but when he heard the words behind the ball, he felt painful.

My sister, compared with 100,000 meters, the height of these few kilometers is really a small amount of soil.

However, what is the concept of the 100,000-meter peak?

This world is really unusual!

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