Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 367: Battle legend ten

Zhang Zhentao did not expect that Qin Shaofeng was so arrogant.

Qin Shaofeng didn't hide his aura at this moment, Zhang Zhentao immediately noticed that Qin Shaofeng had been promoted to the eighth level of legend.

A legendary eight-fold kid, who wanted to kill himself?

This is really funny!

"Hahaha, funny, so funny!"

Zhang Zhentao suddenly laughed out loud, his appearance was extremely exaggerated, and he clutched his stomach for a long time. Then he patted the shoulder of Zhu Zichen next to him, and asked amusedly: "Hey, did Zhu Zichen have heard me wrong? A legendary eight-fold kid who is going to kill me! Tsk tsk, I'm so scared!"

Zhu Zichen's eyes were cold, and he said blankly: "You heard that right, but in my opinion, this Qin Shaofeng is afraid that his brain is abnormal!"

Obviously, in the eyes of Zhu Zichen, what Qin Shaofeng said can only be said by people with abnormal brains.

Forget about him, for Zhang Zhentao next to him, Zhu Zichen knows the strength of the opponent very well.

Outsiders don't know, even Xu Yang doesn't know at all. This Zhentao is a dual-system spirit root, and its strength is so strong that it can easily kill against ordinary legendary ten pinnacle masters.

Zhu Zichen once witnessed Zhang Zhentao confronting three legendary ten-fold monster beasts and other legendary eight-fold nine-fold monster beasts, but the battle ended in less than half an hour.

The result was Zhang Zhentao's victory!

In Zhu Zichen's view, apart from the disciples of those big families, few people in the Yuan Dan realm were Zhang Zhentao's opponents.

At this moment, when I heard that Qin Shaofeng, a kid in the eighth realm of the legend, said that he was going to kill the two of him, Zhu Zichen didn't take it seriously.

Not to mention Zhang Zhentao, he alone, with full confidence, will kill Qin Shaofeng in a few ways.

Zhu Zichen still had some confidence in his own strength.

What's more, the opponent is only in the realm of the legendary eighth layer, completely vulnerable!

"Hey, did Qin Shaofeng hear that, even my companion is that your brain is abnormal, so you are really overwhelmed!"

With a cold smile, Zhang Zhentao glanced at Qin Shaofeng with a mocking expression on his face.

But Qin Shaofeng looked indifferent, and just said coldly: "Most nonsense is useless. Since you plan to take my head in exchange for the Ning Yuan Dan, then come and get it. Of course, if you have that ability!"

"Hmph, what a direct one! If that's the case, then I won't talk nonsense with you, Qin Shaofeng will die!"

With a cold snort, Zhang Zhentao's eyes were cold, and he didn't intend to talk nonsense with Qin Shaofeng.


With a flash of body shape, Zhang Zhentao suddenly disappeared.

Perhaps it was really irritated by Qin Shaofeng, Zhang Zhentao decided to kill Qin Shaofeng with a single blow, so the moment he started his hand, he brought out the power of his wind system spirit root.

As the owner of the spirit root of the wind system, Zhang Zhentao's speed is much faster than that of others. Zhang Zhentao is confident that he can take off the opponent's head without Qin Shaofeng seeing clearly.

But the next moment, Zhang Zhentao was surprised.

Because just when he flashed and came to Qin Shaofeng in an instant, he stretched out his right hand, and the palm of his right hand flashed with blue light, and the entire palm was cut to Qin Shaofeng's neck like a wind blade. An accident happened.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was about to have his head cut off in Zhang Zhentao's eyes, seemed to have noticed his movements a long time ago, and gently backed away, avoiding his palm, making his attack missed.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng actually made a counterattack at this moment.


As soon as the blue light flashed, Zhang Zhentao soon discovered that Qin Shaofeng's right hand was covered with blue thunder and lightning, and his right hand was like a sharp blade of thunder, and wanted him to attack.

The power of thunder and lightning?

Does Qin Shaofeng actually possess the spirit root of the Thunder System?

With a slight shock in his heart, Zhang Zhentao's right hand wind blade flashed down, and he faced Qin Shaofeng's lightning blade attack.


The blue light flashed and the blue light swayed. Zhang Zhentao smashed Qin Shaofeng's attack, but at this time, Qin Shaofeng took the opportunity to violently retreat and distanced himself from him.

What happened at this moment surprised Zhang Zhentao twice.

First, he was surprised at Qin Shaofeng's reaction speed, he could see through his movements, and even be able to counterattack in time.

The second is Qin Shaofeng's attack power.

Looking down, Zhang Zhentao suddenly found that the cyan light on his right hand had also disappeared at this moment.

This power of thunder and lightning is worthy of the most violent attacking attribute power. This Qin Shaofeng is only a legendary eight-fold realm person, who can actually break my condensed windblade.

Oh, interesting!

When he raised his head slightly and looked at Qin Shaofeng again, Zhang Zhentao smiled.

"Hehe, interesting, no wonder your Qin Shaofeng is so arrogant, you originally have a rare thunder system spirit root!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and replied without losing the slightest: "Heh, you Zhang Zhentao is not bad, you are actually a dual-system spirit root. Well, it is a bit challenging at last!"

When Qin Shaofeng said that he has dual spiritual roots, not only Zhang Zhentao himself, but also Zhu Zichen not far behind was slightly surprised.

Did you discover it this way?

This Qin Shaofeng's insight is really terrifying!

Zhang Zhentao's expression was dazed, then smiled again, and said: "Very good observation ability, I can actually find a trace of fire aura in my wind blade, Qin Shaofeng, you are not easy!"

After speaking, Zhang Zhentao turned his head to Zhu Zichen behind him, then pointed to Zhao Yuner behind Qin Shaofeng and said: "Zhu Zichen, go and play for this little girl. Finally, I plan to have fun. I am going to have fun. !"

Zhu Zichen nodded, and then he didn't greet him very much. As soon as his figure flashed, he attacked Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yuner naturally wouldn't be afraid of that Zhu Zichen, and hurriedly glanced at Qin Shaofeng, and did not hesitate to fly together and fight with Zhu Zichen.

Qin Shaofeng didn't look at Zhao Yun'er from beginning to end. It was not that he was not worried about Zhao Yun'er, but Qin Shaofeng's absolute confidence in Zhao Yun'er.

Ten legends?

Aura value more than seven million?

Oh, what about this?

That's Yuner!

After Zhu Zichen and Zhao Yuner met, he also subconsciously moved away from here.

At this moment, the corner of Zhang Zhentao's mouth turned slightly, and he looked at Qin Shaofeng playfully, how to say: "Okay, there are no other people waiting, now there are only two of us, Qin Shaofeng, you have to stand up and let me be Play for a while!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Zhentao didn't give Qin Shaofeng time to react. He flashed blue light on both hands, and his palms attacked Qin Shaofeng like wind blades.

Qin Shaofeng's three-hook jade flashed with red light, instantly seeing through Zhang Zhentao's movements.

Not dare to neglect the slightest, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hands and snorted secretly.

Lei Dun Lei cut with both hands!

The blue light flashed, and Qin Shaofeng's hands were instantly covered with thunder, which looked almost the same as Zhang Zhentao's.

However, the difference is that Zhang Zhentao's is the wind blade, and Qin Shaofeng's is the thunder blade of thunder.


The moment the two touched, the two palms collided, and the wind blade and thunder blade blasted each other, unexpectedly shooting out a few sparks.

"Haha, interesting!"

Seeing that his attack was blocked by Qin Shaofeng again, Zhang Zhentao laughed funny again, and then began to wave the wind blades with both palms, and attacked Qin Shaofeng madly.

It is a pity that even if Zhang Zhentao possesses the spirit roots of the wind system, his speed is much faster than those of the same realm, and he is two levels higher than Qin Shaofeng.

However, with the help of Shao Lun Yan, Qin Shaofeng could see through Zhang Zhentao's dazzling rapid attack.

Every time Zhang Zhentao attacked, Qin Shaofeng was able to take it accurately.

But after all, this Zhentao was the tenth level of the legend, which made Qin Shaofeng reluctantly, relying on Shalanyan to resist the opponent's attack, there was no room for counterattack.

Damn it, after all, there is a gap in the realm!

Feeling Zhang Zhentao's attack, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless.

Especially Qin Shaofeng still fully sensed that this Zhentao didn't use all his strength at all. Just as the other party said, he was playing now!


After another collision, Zhang Zhentao flashed slightly and retreated.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, you are very good, you can actually keep up with my speed, and you can also resolve all my attacks, which makes me feel very much. But..."

With a flash of gaze, Zhang Zhentao raised his right hand suddenly.

"Facing my trick, how do you face Qin Shaofeng?"

After finishing talking, Zhang Zhentao's right hand burst out a violent aura, and that aura condensed crazily.

Soon, a light blue, three-meter-long huge wind blade condensed on top of Zhang Zhentao's head.

The wind blade exudes a strong edge, and the constantly flowing light cyan brilliance stirs out a small strong wind.

Under the wind blade, Zhang Zhentao's clothes all danced with those vigor, making Zhang Zhentao's whole person look very mad.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, the power of my wind blade is not low, and the frontal resistance is the person who is the pinnacle of the legendary Nineth Layer, and I can't bear it. I hope you can give me a little surprise."

As he spoke, Zhang Zhentao flicked his right hand gently, slashing to Qin Shaofeng with a vague wave.


With this cut, Zhang Zhentao slid the top of his head to the huge wind blade, and instantly slashed out towards Qin Shaofeng with the sound of a tiger roar.

As early as Zhang Zhentao condensed that huge wind blade, Qin Shaofeng felt a pressure.

When the huge wind blade blasted towards him, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to neglect, and directly summoned the profound iron heavy sword.


Qin Shaofeng immediately aroused the mysterious iron epee, and the built-in sword skill of the mysterious iron epee was powerful, and then slashed without any hesitation, inspiring another sword skill of the mysterious iron epee.

Epee without front!


The violent sword aura rushed out, confronting the violent giant wind blade, hit in midair, and a loud noise erupted, setting off a huge storm and knocking down some of the surrounding boulders one by one.

After the wind and waves cleared, Qin Shaofeng heard Zhang Zhentao's big laugh for the first time.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you are really surprising! This sword is not bad! But how many times can you perform the same move?"

Zhang Zhentao's words made Qin Shaofeng's heart tense, but when he saw Zhang Zhentao at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's pupils shrank sharply, and the three-hook jade on his pupils seemed to tremble.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng noticed that Zhang Zhentao's head was floating with a huge wind blade of three meters as before.

"Come on, Qin Shaofeng let me see how much you are capable of!"

With a loud shout, Zhang Zhentao flicked his hands fiercely, and then the seven or eight huge wind blades immediately blasted towards Qin Shaofeng.

The strong wind that drove it actually smashed some boulders that were slightly in contact with it.

Such an attack, I am afraid that the average legendary ten-fold master, dare not resist directly.

Under the tenth level of the legend, I am afraid it is dead.

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