Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 352: Encounter tracking

"Well, yes, everyone did a good job!"

Collect all the corpses of the black clouded leopard and shout, Qin Shaofeng smiled and said with a few people.

"Hey, that's of course, the boss, in my opinion, with our current strength, we can definitely face a more powerful group of monsters. These monsters with the most legendary six levels are no longer our opponents, and they are too Not challenging anymore!"

Those who can say such a thing and whose voice is still buzzing are naturally only Du Meng.

When this kid said this to Qin Shaofeng, his face was actually disdainful, as if he didn't pay much attention to the hundreds of black clouded leopards he had just faced.

Indeed, after the kid Du Meng entered the fifth level of the legend, the defensive power of the Nine Ranks Indestructible Body was even more amazing.

With his perverted defensive power, even if he was standing still, the attacks of those legendary five-layer black clouded leopards were completely tickling him.

And I am afraid that it is the legendary Sixth Black Clouded Leopard, which can't break his defense.

At this moment, Tang Qijian nodded in agreement, and spit out a few words.

"Low strength, no pressure, not suitable for actual combat!"

As for Yun'er, let alone, the whole process was the easiest for her.

In the previous battle, Yun'er had been standing on the back of Lord Tiger, facing the black clouded leopards, she just waved her pair of white jade hands, shooting out the stars.

Such an attitude is completely used by the strength.

It was only now that Qin Shaofeng realized that it seemed to be the case.

Because of the presence of Lord Tiger, its legendary nine-fold monster beast's aura also caused some coercion on the Black Cloud Leopard, causing it to reduce its strength once again when there was no threat to Qin Shaofeng.

Just as Tang Qijian said, in the whole process, although a few of them defeated the entire group of black clouded leopards, they didn't help much to their strength.

Perhaps, it is time for a leapfrog challenge!

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng made a decision.

But at this moment, the little ball that had been staying in Qin Shaofeng's original world space suddenly made a noise.

"Big Devil, those people have appeared again!"


Xiaoqiuqiu's sudden reminder made Qin Shaofeng frown slightly.

This made Zhao Yun'er next to him notice it for the first time.

"What's wrong? Those people again?" Zhao Yuner asked softly.

Now Zhao Yun'er is more and more concerned about Qin Shaofeng, and because she is Qin Shaofeng's family member, and because of Qin Shaofeng, she has only awakened the light of the stars, causing Zhao Yun'er to have some understanding with Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng had something in his heart, Zhao Yuner could most likely notice it instantly.

"Huh!" Qin Shaofeng nodded softly when Zhao Yuner asked.

However, at the same time Qin Shaofeng nodded his head, a sharp light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. Three Gouyu had already disappeared, and it appeared again.

From the second day after leaving Peak 50, Qin Shaofeng noticed that a group of people were following him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care at first, thinking that the other party was going along.

But after a day, Qin Shaofeng realized that something was wrong.

Because that group of people seemed to be coming for them, and the number of those people has increased again today.

It seems that there are several teams at the same time, all tracking their own people.

Qin Shaofeng and several people got rid of the other party before, but they did not expect that after hunting down a group of black clouded leopards, the other party would catch up again.

This situation made Qin Shaofeng a little angry.

What's so special, labor and management don't provoke you, and you have chosen to avoid it. How dare you continue to follow?

Humph, this is what you asked for!

A murderous aura suddenly surged in his heart, and Qin Shaofeng asked violently: "Small Ball, how many people are there on the other side, and what are their strengths?"

"Hey, it should have happened! You are the devil!"

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng seemed to be preparing to deal with those people, Xiaoqiuqiu was happy.

Take it for granted, when it follows its master alchemist old man, who dares to provoke them?

Now that he followed Qin Shaofeng, some legendary ants actually caught their attention, so how could the entire former Everbright person swallow this breath?

Now that Qin Shaofeng intends to speak out, it is the first to agree.

"The opponent's team is not strong, it is a five-person team, but at least all of them are Legend Sixth Level, and the leader of the team is even more in the realm of Legend Seventh Level!"

Xiaoqiuqiu replied, and it had already clearly sensed the situation of the people behind Qin Shaofeng and the others.

But after speaking, the ball ball quickly added another sentence.

"However, in addition to this five-person team, I also feel that there are at least three teams besides the kilometer. This five-person team is only the weakest."

Are there four teams in total?

There are so many people hitting their attention, isn't it?

A cold glow flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he faintly guessed something in his heart.

Then, Qin Shaofeng turned around and smiled at the three Zhao Yun'er and said: "Since you think killing the black clouded leopard is too easy, then I will find some opponents for you!"


Hundreds of meters away, a team of five was approaching Qin Shaofeng.

A young man in the squad who was in his twenties, from the legendary seven-layered aura he radiated, was obviously the captain of the five-man squad.

At this moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at a young man with a mouse-like monster sitting on his shoulder, and asked, "Fifth, is this the direction?"

The old five nodded and said, "It's definitely right here. Although I'm looking for the mouse, although it's in the spirit vein realm now, it can still smell Qin Shaofeng's question even if it's more than a dozen miles away. It can't be wrong, then Qin Shaofeng should be not far ahead."

Speaking of his own taste-seeking mouse, a trace of pride flashed across his face.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the team also nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Very well, as long as you find those Qin Shaofeng people and complete this mission, then our brothers can post it!"

"The boss is right. I didn't expect this kid named Qin Shaofeng to be worth 20 yuan ascending pill. If we kill him, all of us can be promoted to the small yuan pill stage and then become the outer door of the Zhengqian Mountain Sect. Disciple!"

This time, the second child of the five who spoke, this second child looked weak and weak, but it was the pinnacle of the legendary sixth stage, and it was not far from the legendary seventh stage.

After listening to the second child's words, the other four were also excited.

They didn't expect that this time their luck would be so good that they would really meet Qin Shaofeng.

This is God's love for them!

Twenty Shengyuan Pills!

This is a great temptation to an influential person like them, a huge fortune.

They have no reason to miss it!

"Haha, that's right. As long as we successfully kill Qin Shaofeng this time, we will definitely be the outer disciple of Qianshan Sect. After entering the Qianshan Sect, we will have the opportunity to become inner disciple again. This Qin Shaofeng is really delicious. Brothers' good fortune!"

The boss laughed loudly, and all five brothers looked happy and excited.

At this moment, they were interrupted by a sudden sneer.

"Oh, is it? You guys are thinking something too beautiful!"


Suddenly there was such a sneer, all five of them were taken aback and hurriedly looked around.

In fact, there is no need for them to look for it, because at this moment, they walked out of the bushes not far in front of them after a rustle.

"Is it you? Qin Shaofeng?"

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in front of his brothers, the old fifth exclaimed suddenly.

Although the fifth child had never seen Qin Shaofeng himself, the five brothers actually had a portrait of Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, after seeing the appearance of a young man who suddenly appeared, he immediately recognized the other person, Qin Shaofeng whom they were looking for.

"Hahaha, it's no effort to get through the iron shoes, Qin Shaofeng, you are really stupid!" The boss laughed, his face flushed with excitement.

The four people around him also looked excited at the moment.

"Haha, really this kid!"

"Haha, I'm afraid this kid doesn't know yet, what is his own situation now, he is so stupid to appear in front of our brothers."

"Hey, second brother can't say that! Isn't the other party ignorant? This is justified!"

"That is, if this Qin Shaofeng knows the current situation, can he still let our brothers meet?"

Several people laughed, including the boss who didn't pay attention to Qin Shaofeng's four at the moment.

The four of them were a little different from what the intelligence expected, but all five of them could feel the aura of Qin Shaofeng and the others at this moment.

A legend has six layers, and the remaining three are all legendary five layers.

Plus a few war beasts, how could such a team be their opponent?

This Sheng Yuan Dan has earned it too!

This Qin Shaofeng is really a lucky star for his own people!

Thinking of the Shengyuan Pill that was about to be obtained, the boss suddenly smiled at Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, let's catch it with your hands. In this case, I can still see that you are a few lucky stars of our brother. Leave a whole body!"

"Yes, Qin Shaofeng is grateful! If you hadn't met us, you wouldn't even have left a corpse."

"Even if you say it, hurry up and kneel down for me, so that your fifth grandfather can give you another quarter of an hour!"

"Oh, there really is a Peugeot chick! Well, you can play!"

"Wow, it's really good, this time, it's my turn to start the shot!"

The four people on the side also immediately started booing, and even after a few people discovered Zhao Yun'er, the language began to become a little dirty.

This situation made Qin Shaofeng a little bit astonished.

Who are these people!

Feel too good about yourself, right?

Don't they think that the five of them are completely eaten up, and the four of them themselves?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a trace of pity in his heart, so pitiful these five horrible people, he had no brains at all!

But this trace of pity in Qin Shaofeng's heart disappeared instantly after the other people's filthy language on Yun'er.

What replaced Qin Shaofeng's heart was incomparable anger and cold killing intent.


The angry Qin Shaofeng flashed away, stepping on Lingbo's microstep and instantly shot.


After the Xuan Tie heavy sword came out, Qin Shaofeng slammed the old fifth who was going to start a shot after a flash.

This smash completely exceeded the expectations of the five brothers, and the old fifth did not react at all, but suddenly felt a dark shadow, suddenly appeared, and then he knew nothing.

He really didn't know anything, because after Qin Shaofeng's hit, he had become a pool of flesh.

Even the mouse on his shoulder, like its owner, turned into sludge.

You can't die anymore!

With Qin Shaofeng's action, the other five lost one.

At the same level as the sixth level of the legend, the old fifth was only able to be killed in seconds in front of Qin Shaofeng.

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