Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 295: Sudden bad news

"So that's the case, that even Cheng Jiang really went for that spot!"

In a room in Beiyang City, after Qin Shaofeng listened to Zhao Yun'er, he nodded with a look of enlightenment.

"Isn't it? I think Lian Chengjiang is scared, because once you get one hundred thousand military merit points, he will have no hope of scruples!" Zhao Yuner said, still with a trace of anger in her tone.

Regarding the actions of Lian Chengjiang and Lian Wenyu, she obviously made Yu's angry.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng comforted: "Okay, don't be angry! It's not worth it for such a person!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Yuner nodded then.

"Oh, by the way, you just said that someone has confirmed the quota, who is this? And who else has the qualifications to fight for the quota?" Thinking of what Zhao Yuner said just now, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but ask.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng finally asking about this, Zhao Yuner's face flashed with pride, and she said proudly: "There are five people who have been identified, and I am one of them, and the elder sister and Tang Qijian are also, plus the prince and him. Yan Churui, his fiancée, is the five of us!"

The person who can be so kind as a senior sister by Zhao Yuner is naturally just like Yun Qingrou alone.

But because of this, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

He didn't expect that Yun Qingrou was so powerful, he was actually someone who had already been determined to enter the great luck array.

Qin Shaofeng knew that if she weren't an absolutely outstanding genius, even if she was a disciple of the deputy dean of Lianyang Academy, she wouldn't have the right to enter the great luck array directly.

As for Tang Qijian having a place, this did not surprise Qin Shaofeng.

Tang Qijian is an absolute swordsman genius, as long as the Lianyang Academy is not blind, he will definitely focus on training.

Qin Shaofeng had also heard of the prince and his fiancee.

Especially for the current prince of Lianyang State, Qin Shaofeng got his deeds in Lianyang Academy.

Cultivating at the age of three, tempering the body at the age of five, cultivating the inner qi at the age of seven, and entering the innate realm at the age of ten, an absolute genius.

At the age of ten, he enters the congenital state, and at the age of thirteen he cultivates to the spiritual vein state.

Now the prince seems to have just turned twenty, but no one knows how far the prince's cultivation level is.

At this moment, when Zhao Yun'er mentioned the other party, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help asking: "Yun'er, what is that prince now?"

Sure enough, as the daughter of the vice-president, a super genius at the Lianyang Academy, Zhao Yuner still knew something about the prince.

However, Zhao Yun'er frowned on this, and after thinking about it, she said with some uncertainty: "I don't know this too well, but even Yulong has cultivated to the peak of spiritual veins at the age of fifteen, so I am afraid of early It is the legendary realm, and according to my scruples, I am afraid he is at least the legendary triple realm now."

Legendary triple?

Qin Shaofeng said it hurts.

Although he had guessed that the opponent might have entered the legendary realm, he had never thought that the opponent was already in the legendary triple realm.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

Legendary triple?

Is it strong?

After this mission is over, he can also enter the legendary realm!

Legendary Triple is just like playing, there is no difficulty.

Thinking about this, Qin Shaofeng didn't care, and then started chatting with Zhao Yun'er.

Qin Shaofeng received a lot of information from Zhao Yuner.

Five places are indeed not counted, and the remaining seven places are more than doubled to compete.

Like Gao Lianyang and Du Meng, and the four generals under the prince.

Qin Shaofeng also knew at this time that Lian Chengjiang was one of the four prince generals, with the highest strength reaching the tenth peak of the spiritual veins. It was precisely for this reason that even Chengjiang had a faint and confirmed his place.

It is a pity that in the end, being so disturbed by myself, I can only compete.

But the one thing Qin Shaofeng cares most about is what Zhao Yuner said to him.

Lian Chengjiang and Lian Chenghao are brothers!

To be precise, they are half-brothers.

The father of the two was a prince of the Lianyang Kingdom, but this so-called prince was not the prince of Qiuhuo, but just the title of the clan of Lianyang.

But unlike Lian Chengjiang, Lian Chenghao's mother was just a servant girl of his father.

Although he gave birth to him, his status in the family has improved, but he is also higher than the next generation.

Moreover, he was always angry with Lian Chengjiang's mother, who was also his father's wife.

As a result, Lian Chenghao's mother died in depression at a young age.

Because of this, even Cheng Hao didn't have a good impression of his father in his family, especially when something happened that made him extremely heartbroken, and he was completely disappointed with his father.

That was the year Lian Chenghao was twelve years old. He had a dispute with Lian Chengjiang because of some trivial matters.

Finally Lian Chengjiang insulted Lian Chenghao's dead mother, saying that she was a lowly maid, and then Lian Chenghao went crazy.

But at that time, Lian Chengjiang was fourteen years old, and his cultivation was close to the congenital peak state, but the innate triple Lian Chenghao was not the opponent's opponent at all, and naturally suffered a disastrous defeat.

But that Lian Chengjiang had a vicious mind, and he secretly abolished one of Lian Chenghao's meridians, and forcibly knocked Lian Chenghao's cultivation base off the innate realm.

But for this kind of encounter, even Cheng Hao's father didn't even look at him, which made Lian Cheng Hao discouraged.

In the end, he left his so-called home directly, and by chance, met his golden feather eagle, and got the golden feather eagle's identification with him and recognized it as the master.

And it was precisely because of this that Zhao Yixin, who was passing by accidentally, found out that he felt that Lian Chenghao had a good temperament and accepted him as his fifth disciple.

Although Zhao Yixin's cultivation level is extremely high, it is also very difficult to face the situation that Lian Chenghao's meridian is abolished.

In the end, he was barely healed a little, which made Lian Chenghao return to the Xiantian realm again.

This is also because Lian Chenghao is still innate after so many years.

"So! We especially hate that Lian Chengjiang!" After telling Qin Shaofeng about this, Zhao Yun'er did not forget to express his dislike for that Lian Chengjiang again.

There are such twists and turns?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised, very surprised, and then he also understood something.

Let me just say, that Senior Sister Yun and Senior Brother Gao are both spiritual realm masters, why, as Senior Brother Yun'er, Senior Brother Lian Chenghao's cultivation is so poor, it turns out that this is the problem!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, thinking of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill he had refined.

I don't know if the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill I refined can restore Senior Brother Lian Chenghao?

After telling Zhao Yuner about this issue, Zhao Yuner was also extremely moved.

If Brother Five can restore the original foundation, then it will naturally be a happy thing.

But the question is, is this nine-tiered spirit pill work?

In the end, the ball gave the answer.


But it needs a special version of the First Grade Nine Layers Spirit Pill.

Even so, Qin Shaofeng not only did not have the slightest reluctance, but was even very happy.

For Lian Chenghao, Qin Shaofeng had a good impression.

Especially when the other party took him to Lianyang Academy, not only did he not underestimate him, but he even told himself a lot about Lianyang Academy.

Besides, the other party is Yun'er's fifth senior brother, Qin Shaofeng should help if he said anything!

Isn't it just a special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill!


With this in mind, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner planned to return to Lianyang Academy first to help Lian Chenghao heal the meridians, and call Tang Qijian and Du Meng casually.

Qin Shaofeng planned to call Tang Qijian and Du Meng, it was purely a pull.

There is no way to get one hundred thousand military merit points. Although there are already 16,000 points, there are 84,000 points left, which is not so easy to get.

There are two great coolies, er, not right, because there are two big brothers to help, then I will definitely be a lot easier.

Well, it was so happy decision!


After bidding farewell to King Qiuhuo, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner sat down with Lord Tiger and hurried back to Lianyang Academy.

Today's Tiger Lord seems to be completely reduced to a ride on the road.

For this small ball ball, but the tiger is not less teasing, but the tiger is completely indifferent, on the contrary, the attitude of hard work, it can be called the best mount!


Call you the boss, you really treat yourself as the boss!

What do you know?

As long as I barely have a good impression of the future hostess, with the feminine power of the future hostess, my tiger master will be happy in the future.

What does the master call this?

Well, it's a hard time, sitting on the future full of gold!


Since I talked to the master, my tiger master has become smarter and smarter!

In this way, under the circumstances of Master Tiger's enthusiasm, the speed of the journey was quite fast.

But just when they were about to arrive at Lianyang Academy, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er suddenly learned of an extremely shocking news.

As one of the four major cities of Lianyang Kingdom, Dongyang City has fallen!

Yesterday, the Zihong screamed, and Yinyue State officially declared war on Lianyang State.

Lian Yang was naturally not afraid and directly challenged.

But I don't want to, this is only a day, and Dongyang City, one of the four main cities of Lianyang Kingdom, has actually fallen.

This is an extremely huge blow to the entire Lianyang Country!

As soon as the war started, one of the four major cities fell. Could this not affect the morale of Lianyang?

Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er were also shocked when they heard it, and only after inquiring about the reason for the fall of Dongyang City.

In fact, it is no different from Beiyang City. This time the city lord of Dongyang City betrayed Lianyang State, and then the entire Dongyang City was packaged and sent to Yinyue State.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng, I am afraid Beiyang City would end up like this.

And compared to Beiyang City, Dongyang City was more thorough, because Qin Shaofeng had heard that the city owner of Dongyang City seemed to be from the Yinyue Kingdom, and he was also from the Zi Family.

Only since the third generation of their ancestors, they have lived in Dongyangcheng.

I have to say that this Zi family's plan is truly sinister.

Three generations of ancestors?

Doesn't this mean that a hundred years ago, the Zi family prepared for today?

The city lord rebelled, and some masters in Dongyang City were naturally unwilling.

Unfortunately, the Zi family has an assassination hall!

This time the battle of Dongyang City was simply a river of blood.

Those who resist will not only be unable to protect themselves, but will even involve their family members.

The Zi family has thoroughly run through the iron and blood methods, and all the rebels who refuse to submit will be eliminated.

Under such a **** massacre, even if some masters were capable, they finally surrendered to Yinyue Nation because of his family.

So Dongyang City is over!

When Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er heard the news, they also received a piece of news from Lian Yangguo.

Who can go to win the leader of Dongyang City City Lord, Lianyang royal family will grant him the king and reward the king's territory.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under the reward, and for a while, many masters rushed to Dongyang City.

Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er also changed their destinations, instead of connecting to Yang College, they went straight to Dong Yang City.

The reason is simple. At this moment, Dongyang City is definitely the best place to complete the mission and earn military merit. How did Qin Shaofeng miss it?

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